View Full Version : Whispering Death: First foray into finecast, plus dark eldar

08-30-2011, 01:03 AM
Hey guys so with my nurgle army (Morbid angels below) wrapping up I am starting a small 750 dark eldar army.
The List is going to be based around jump packs but as a counter list to my BA one it is instead going to focus on shooting. With that in mind I am going to be running the Baron in order to unlock hellions as troops. The idea behind the army is going to be a murder of scourges (see what I did there) lead by their Harpy queen. as Such for the Hellion's I will be modeling them using Wyches with gargoyle wings in order to distinguish them from the scourges I will be running as range support.

Below is my conversion (WIP) that I will be using as the baron, since it came out I have been looking for an excuse to use the lelith model as a basse for something and I am quite pleased with the way it is turning out. I imagine this Harpy queen as a vain hunter type character and she will be graced with a color scheme consisting of bone armor, Gold bling and electric blue wings (I intend to experiment with metal powder in very light blue paints). I'm still not entirely sure about what color to do her hair and she will have various tattoo's over her body that will likely be done in red in order to contrast with the rest of the scheme.

This conversion went together like a dream and if the rest of the Finecast range proves to be of similar ease to use I am very excited over the modeling prospects. All that remains is to clean her up, re-base her on a higher piece of imperial ruin and fill in the gaps and details with greenstuff and add some small bits for character such as the hanging skulls from the reaver kit.

Here are the pictures.


08-30-2011, 02:33 AM
That is very cool :D keep it up :)

08-30-2011, 03:10 AM
holy crap that looks cool. great idea on the conversion i might have to borrow that to make a one for myself.