View Full Version : "They Use Every Part of the Squiggalo"

08-29-2011, 12:24 PM
Ever since previews of the Thundertusk model leaked, I've had Squiggoths on the brain. It's so gorgeous, so cartoony, so powerfully feral...how could you not? You can just see it lumbering forth, bellowing its big honking roar, scattering foes and ramming its big, thick skull into enemy armor. Seems a dual-use creature to me - a Looted Wagon for regular games, and a Big Squiggoth for Apocalypse. Decided to think with Photoshop for a bit, and here's what I came up with:


Alternatively, with a Kill Kannon!


The Savage Orcs and that particular howdah are just there to get the idea across - I'm actually thinking something more wooden, and having the Ladz atop it dressed closer to the Native American theme from the old 2nd Edition Boar Boyz. Still, rarin' to start this project up, and will keep a log on here and over at The Dice Abide (http://thediceabide.com) for all to see my descent into madness and bankruptcy court.

08-29-2011, 12:55 PM
You know, friend. Those orcs/orks are blinging it out quite a bit.

08-29-2011, 01:08 PM
As if any proppa ork would fail to pimp out his ride. ;)

08-29-2011, 02:54 PM
now add a engine, and a grot riding the head, and another balanceing on his horn and your good :P

but seriously awsome idea :)


p.s. red onez go fasta with go fasta flamez ( GS on some fire :P)

Sukz Da Nob
08-29-2011, 04:37 PM
Yeah the first thing I thought was that these had to be added to my Ork collection as well in some capacity.

Alt. Squiggoths seems to be the logical choice...