View Full Version : Where do you paint?

08-27-2011, 06:38 PM
i was just wondering where do most people have there paint/hobby area and how do you organize it. i usually work at my desk and as yoe can see it is very cluttered. BTW if anybody wants to share pics of there setup or links to some good organizers it would be great.


08-28-2011, 02:27 AM
fuzz's painting story

started painting in the lounge:
as a painting noob i used enamel paints, shook one too hard.
parents not happy

then painted in bedroom
desk got all painty
parents not happy

parents decide that we need a new garage
old garage converted into fuzz painting room
fuzz happy

the end :) (aww)

and for pics? http://fuzzbuket.blogspot.com/2011/03/my-work-deskwips.html


08-28-2011, 02:56 AM
We have a painting room above the gaming bunker in the cellar, I paint there.

08-28-2011, 03:51 AM
fuzz's painting story

started painting in the lounge:
as a painting noob i used enamel paints, shook one too hard.
parents not happy


Ah yes, I've done the spill-paint-on-carpet-trick. I still paint in the dining room but put plastic covers over the table and floor around me. Sometimes paint in my bedroom too

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
08-28-2011, 04:20 AM
At my desk surrounded by my SoB and Arbite miniatures that are in need of a case to store them. Lots of anime and right next to my pc, quit cozy actually.

08-28-2011, 09:28 AM
I am lucky enough to have a big room upstairs that is all mine. 4 tall 5 shelf units for minis and terrain. A 7 x 4 table for gaming. Several smaller hanging shelves for works in progress etc. My painting desk, and another desk for my computer. Here is a pic of my painting area.


08-28-2011, 10:32 AM
I work 14 hours a day, On my 1 hour break I lock myself away in my office, I take my shoes off, put some music on and paint. It keeps me sane knowing I have that one hour to myself :). It's caught on and now several of my staff do the same.

08-28-2011, 01:43 PM
We have a painting room above the gaming bunker in the cellar, I paint there.

I want your life... :|.

Oh and I paint in my Bedroom... But my 40k takes over my entire bedroom :L

08-28-2011, 04:58 PM
I use my man cave,AKA my shop its got all my cool stuff ,like my drumset,and any thing eles I like to do

08-28-2011, 05:08 PM
I use my man cave,AKA my shop its got all my cool stuff ,like my drumset,and any thing eles I like to do

08-28-2011, 09:04 PM
I have the basement, garage and an upstairs bedroom for painting and modeling in and last winter I moved my painting station to the dining room table as it was too cold everywhere else.

08-28-2011, 10:01 PM
I paint in front of my computer, usually while listening to Coast to Coast AM. Something about George Noory's voice calms me, which I need, because otherwise I get in a hurry while painting and end up missing the small stuff.

The Girl
08-28-2011, 10:10 PM
There will be a series of ergonomics articles by Parcival, the first of which is going up tomorrow, that could be really helpful for some. Also, Rabscutle and I are doing a reorg of his work space that'll show up on the front page in the next few weeks with some ideas.

08-29-2011, 12:14 AM
Not sure if everyone has seen this yet... probably the best setup I've ever seen... very jealous.


08-29-2011, 10:26 AM
I have a desk set up in my living room. It has a fold-out work out area and three drawers with decent storage. The best thing about it is that it closes so my kids don't get into it.:)

08-30-2011, 02:31 PM
I use my spare house, it's just full of paints and unpainted models and etc....

or in reality wherever I can find a space not over the beige carpet with decent light...

08-30-2011, 06:06 PM
1) Couch. Laptable, TV on.

2) Mancave when I work up the energy to walk downstairs.

Emerald Rose Widow
08-31-2011, 03:16 PM
I am still in the middle of a move so no real painting for the most part, BUT, when I get setup I have these two desks, a smaller one and a bigger one, and I am going to set them up in an L shape. One one will go my computer and the subsequent parts for using that, and the other will have my tools all setup for use, I want to make a whole tool station just for modelling and painting, get 2 or 3 flexible lamps for proper lighting, and get a magnefying arm with a light as well.

09-01-2011, 01:35 PM
I stole our old kitchen table when me bought our new monster one and turned into a painting table, right now it's cover in bottles and various uncompleted projects. Strangely I have manged to keep from spilling any paint on it.

09-03-2011, 03:16 PM
Standing at our stainless steel kitchen bench. As we've renovated more of our house my wife has restricted my painting activity from more and more rooms!

09-16-2011, 06:46 PM
I have a small table space in our office that I use for my hobby painting.

The table does also serve as a catch-all for mail and my wife's work so my actual space
varies but it suffices for my needs.

I am fortunate that I have an hour lunch at work and covered parking so much of my conversion
work on models is done during my lunch break. I've not tried painting at work, however, seems like
it would be messy.
