View Full Version : A few test models

08-27-2011, 06:20 PM
these are just a few test models for my Angels sanguine and Dark eldar comments and critique would be great.Sorry about the link didnt know how to upload more than a few pics per post and that seemed like way to much work.

08-27-2011, 08:02 PM
Those are some nice clean paintjobs there, particularly the BA stuff. The only thing I'd change is to make the red highlights on the DE a bit more subtle. I don't think the solid red stripes look quite as good as the more subtle highlights GW uses, though red on black works just fine.

08-28-2011, 02:19 AM
id agree with darklink: the BA are nice and crisp (i like the talons detail) but when giving advice about the DE i dont think i explained it well :(

the reasons the plates look 'stripey' and not like the GW ones which glow is that its not blended, it takes more time but to get the nice effect it should be
-blcak/ dark red base
-dark red ring around the edge of the armour panel ( chaos balck/ scab red 50:50)
- aline slightly lighter red, but still quite dark around the edge of the panel (scab red)
-a smaller line of red around the panel showing the previous one (scab red: blood red : 50:50)
a very thin line of blood red around the edges /

and for a similar guide in green from the painting shop


but i do like the wings on the scourge :)


p.s. Thin yo' paints :P

08-28-2011, 06:32 PM
Overall they look good, and a good place to start with your mini's. But I would recommend a little bit more attention to detail. The highlights are good, but maybe slim them up a bit (clean up is really easy to do), and highlight more stuff, more angles and what not. Unfortunately on minis there is a lot of detail and it can be really time consuming to touch it all, but it really makes a difference. You may not be done yet either but something that will be world's of difference is basing your models. Painting them all uniform will really make your models stand out more and look more real.
But very good work, just keep working to bring it up more.