View Full Version : Tau Empire 1500pts

08-26-2011, 05:22 AM
Okay, so I've toyed around with this list for a while now, constantly changing it, and I think I'm more or less happy with it, any thoughts?

Commander: Shas’el, fusion blaster, plasma rifle, targeting array, hard-wired multi-tracker, hard-wired target lock, hard-wired drone controller, 2x shield drone: 132pts

XV8 ‘Crisis’ bodyguard team (2): fusion blaster, plasma rifle, targeting array, hard-wired multi-tracker: 164pts

XV8 ‘Crisis’ battlesuit team (2): twin-linked missile pod, 1 w/flamer, 1 w/drone controller+gun drone: 100pts

XV8 ‘Crisis’ battlesuit team (2): twin-linked missile pod, 1 w/flamer, 1 w/drone controller+gun drone: 100pts

XV8 ‘Crisis’ battlesuit team (2): twin-linked missile pod, 1 w/flamer, 1 w/drone controller+gun drone: 100pts

Kroot carnivore squad: Kroot (12), kroot hound (2): 96pts

Kroot carnivore squad: Kroot (12), kroot hound (2): 96pts

Fire warrior team (12): 120pts
Devilfish troop carrier: disruption pod: 85pts

Fire warrior team (12): 120pts

Fast attack:
Pathfinders (8): Shas’ui: 106pts
Devilfish troop carrier: disruption pod: 85pts

Heavy support:
XV88 Broadside battlesuit team (2): targeting array, team leader, hard-wired drone controller, 2x shield drone: 195pts


The twin-linked missile pod teams wreck transports and if needed also burn some dudes with their flamer. I used to have a squad of 3 with 2 drones and a flamer, then a squad of 3 with twin-linked flamers and a drone each, but I decided that splitting them up into smaller squads would slightly alleviate the lesser survivability that comes with losing some of the drones in exchange for more missiles. I realise that with single-shot instant-death weapons like krak missiles this doesn't help, but I figure it's probably worth it for the extra tank-popping power.

Commander and co. bring down big scary things like Terminators, MCs, Death Company etc. and if needed, heavy tanks.

The Pathfinders light up guys for the two Fire Warrior squads, and gift their mandatory Devilfish to the Fire Warrior squad without one. I figure that many BS5 S5 shots will do some damage. They can also provide a little extra pulse carbine fire if I feel it will help, which is nice, but obviously I've got to be desperate to do so.

The Kroot will probably outflank most of the time, pouring in some cheap firepower and taking away attention/meatshielding the Fire Warriors and other less mobile units. Also they do a nice amount of damage in assault, as one would expect, although I'd really like them to be S3 but with furious charge, so they'd be S4 I4 on the charge. Constant I3 for an agile bird-bloke just doesn't sit right with me.

The Broadsides do what they do best and blast away at Land Raiders and other such tough tanks. I know Stabilisation Systems are good but I just don't trust BS3 to get the job done even when it is twin-linked, my Eldar Wave Serpents have assured me of this conviction.

I like Kroot Hounds.

08-26-2011, 08:40 AM
Not bad for a 1500 pt list, you certainly have a healthy number of units.

I would maybe give one of the bodyguards another piece of wargear- to help you in wound allocation

The BS teams- do they only contain 1 TL MP? If that is the case then they really are splitting their roles and may not be 100% effective. If that combo works then I recind :)

Bc the army is at 1500 you can't really afford tons of heavy firepower, even though your list has a good amount. To even the odds perhaps be sneaky during setup and get at least two woods in your deply zone. Then put the kroot in them for enhanced cover saves. That way they can pour on some good shots and psych the opponent to be wary before charging headlong at you.

Have you considered marker drones for the units instead of gun drones? Perhaps taking out a few shield drones could help afford it.

Hope this helps, and remember; for the greater good!

08-26-2011, 02:48 PM
The BS teams- do they only contain 1 TL MP? If that is the case then they really are splitting their roles and may not be 100% effective. If that combo works then I recind :)

I thought my way of typing it was a bit confusing when I looked at it too. :p
All of them have TL Missile Pods, then for their mandatory 3rd piece of wargear, one has a flamer and another has a gun drone to take random missile/lascannon hits so as to avoid a nasty instant-death right when I don't want it.