View Full Version : 2,000 pt. Competitive Thousand Sons list

08-25-2011, 10:39 AM
I know the title probably seems like an oxymoron to most people, but here goes:

Daemon Prince - Wings, MoT, Warptime
Daemon Prince - Wings, MoT, Warptime

9 Terminators - MoT, 1x Chainfist, 2x Power Fist, 5x combi-plas

10 Thousand Sons - Bolt of Change, Icon, Rhino
10 Thousand Sons - Bolt of Change, Icon, Rhino

3 Obliterators
3 Obliterators
3 Obliterators

Just under 2,000 Points

I'm not diggin' my current model count. It feels a bit low to me

If anyone has any suggestions, I'm more than up for it, so tear this list apart. I honestly haven't used my CSMs in over 2 years, but my pool of other models that I could sub in are as follows:

Terminator Lord
Greater Daemon
More Thousand Sons
Lesser Daemons
Predators (any config)
Havocs w/ Lascannons

Thanks in advance!

08-25-2011, 01:19 PM
I use Ahriman and Kharn, as they are as effective as two DP's, aren't as cliche, and look cooler. If you want you can use a Tzeentchian guy for for Kharn. I dress up my Oblits as Daemons :cool: And use 27 Sons. Sometimes I throw in spawn for giggles. Competitive doesn't have to be flavorless. This is Chaos here, not IG. :rolleyes:

08-25-2011, 09:41 PM
maybe try swapping out bolt of change with gift of chaos? put combi meltas on the rhinos to try to make up for loss in AT. Aim gift of chaos against special weapon/Pf etc. with two rolls a turn with each sorcerer= a couple free spawn to help with the assault. Chaos sorcerers are fluffier, but DPs are almost always better. If using them add wind of chaos to wartime and they become quite the threat to all.

08-26-2011, 02:34 PM
Yeah, I wouldn't take bolt of change just because it's meant for very different targets than what you want the Thousand Sons to be firing at. I'd leave that to the 9 Obliterators and Princes.

I'm thinking swapping out a prince for a Terminator Sorcerer with bolt of change and something else to go with the Terminators could work, and would provide a nice but of variety.

Personally I wouldn't have Obliterators in a specifically Thousand Sons themed list, as they don't have any mutations, maybe have tanks instead, but you could just say the bulk of the troops are Thousand Sons bought out by a Tzeentch-following Daemon Prince who also has Obliterators.

08-27-2011, 12:14 AM
I think oblits can be fine in an 1k list. I use the old rogue trader cataphract robots with extra guns mounted on their backs. Fluff wise, they used them both pre and post heresy.