View Full Version : 1500 Grey knight lol wut? fun list

08-25-2011, 06:30 AM
Grey Knight Grand Master [250][Rad Grenades, 2 Servo skulls, Daemon Hammer, Psycannon]
Grey Knight Grand Master [250][Rad Grenades, 2 Servo skulls, Daemon Hammer, Psycannon]

10 Grey Knights [250][Daemon hammer, psybolt ammo, 2 Psycannons]
10 Grey Knights [250][Daemon hammer, psybolt ammo, 2 Psycannons]
10 Grey Knights [250][Daemon hammer, psybolt ammo, 2 Psycannons]
10 Grey Knights [250][Daemon hammer, psybolt ammo, 2 Psycannons]

Total: 1500

08-25-2011, 04:06 PM
Two GM at 1.5k is far too much.

I would drop one and take two psyrifle dreads instead as your current list has no long range weapons and is nowhere near mobile enough to make up for that.

I would be tempted to drop the second GM and either go for a librarian or even a xenon =I= with power amour and grenades.

With the points saved, I would get a third psyrifle dread, and/or razorbacks with psybolts for all your squads. Heavy bolters with psybolts are pretty good fire support, and works better as mobile walls to limit income fire against your knights.

If you can find the points, maybe even take a second =I= with grenades to add more teeth to a second squad.

Unless you have already invested in the GKSS models, I would also suggest you give termies a try. Their psycannon firepower output is double that of a strike squad when both are moving, have twice as many attacks base in CC, and termi armour to shrug off more small arms fire.

I don't think I have ever taken a strike squad over a termie squad. But maybe that's just me.

08-25-2011, 08:17 PM
While it's true that 10 Terminators get more psycannon shots when moving and have more attacks in CC and take half as many casualties from armor saves, keep in mind that you get 20 GKSS for the same cost. That's more guns, the same number of CC attacks, the same number of psycannon shots on the move and more if you get to sit still...

I still like a unit of Terminators as a hammer/anvil type unit, but GKSS are a great deal comparatively.

Also, take Psykotroke Grenades. Just take them. Do it. I can't comprehend why anyone wouldn't, ever. I've heard people try to justify it by saying "oh, it's just too random for me", and to that I say, sure, two thirds of the time you completely screw your opponent, and only for 15pts. How is that not a great deal, even if you occasionally might roll a 1. Oh, and take Blind Grenades, too. For 5 pts, totally worth it.

That aside, I also recommend dropping one GM (you only need one). I, however, recommend picking up a unit of Interceptors. Pure foot GKs is perfectly viable, but to counter their relatively slow speed you need to make clever use of Scout and Shunt moves. Do it right, and you won't have any mobility issues at all.

Psyrifle Dreads are also pretty important in foot lists as well, since you can't charge forward in Rhinos to do stuff. I'd get 2 to give you some long range shooting.

That'd change your list to this:

Grand Master, Rad/Psy/Blind Grenades, 2 Skulls, Psycannon (265)
3X 10 GKSS, 2 Psycannons, Hammer (690)
10 Interceptors, 2 Psycannons, Hammer (290)
2 Psyrifle Dreads (270)

The GM gives you plenty of scoring, you have plenty of scoring by default so you're not trapped into using that, you have lots of Psycannons and some Psyrifle Dreads, you can outflank and the Interceptors can be annoying as heck.

That list is like 15pts over, but you can play around with it to get what you want and make it work.