View Full Version : New Dark Eldar Models

08-24-2011, 05:25 PM
i found this pic of some new DE models one is the Sslyth and the other i cant rememberits name though think it starts with an L.

08-24-2011, 05:36 PM
Nice - on the optical side the court will make a good looking unit. The toxical lady look great and the slytherin ;) makes a nice appereance too, but its a bit stiff for a snake-like-lifeform.

Big drawback will be the cost in cash - models with the price tag of a charcter with medium performance arenīt a quick buy.

08-24-2011, 06:11 PM
Lamhean Poisoner. Her arms are interchangable, so you can use her as a Female Archon, Succubus, or Lady Malys if you like.

It's generally good form to cite where you get your pictures from when it is for news purposes.

08-24-2011, 06:22 PM
It's from Warseer. Copy-paste is a wonderful thing.

The Sslyth looks a LOT better than I was expecting. I see a lot of potential for that model. The Lhamean looks great as well, I just hope there are other head options or something to set them apart other than just arms.

As one-off models, a court of one of each of them is going to be not only a great project but look fantastic. As soon as you start adding more of the Court, it starts losing its impact immediately because of same-pose syndrome.

08-24-2011, 07:33 PM
i rlly like the sslyth

08-24-2011, 07:58 PM
Both models lovely. Same for the Medusa. The Ur-Ghul is an ugly lump of idiocy.

However, no matter how nice they may be, I ain't paying Ģ9.50 for a single model ever, under any circumstances, on account of Mama Necromancer didn't raise no fool. I'll sculpt the damn things myself at those prices.

Especially considering how inadequate most of them are rulewise (Sslyth excepted).

08-24-2011, 10:37 PM
Want, want want want want.

08-24-2011, 11:14 PM
Nice! I must say that I'm impressed with the CoA minis. Regarding the Lhemaean, however, I thought she had a pistol and CC weapon? It looks like 2 CC weapons in the pic. Easy enough to fix though. Now all we need is the Voidraven and some more SCs. Tyranid players may now weep and gnash teeth that Tervigon et al. still have not been released despite being 10 months older than DE.

08-24-2011, 11:29 PM
The arms are all interchangeable with the other plastics apparently, so no big deal changing what she is carrying. You are quite right, though, she has a splinter pistol and cc weapon in the codex.

I just had this image of my Archon and her Lhamaeans braiding each others hair.:rolleyes:

08-25-2011, 02:37 AM
LOL, was just thinking about this this morning...seeing as they're in WD tomorrow, suprsiign we haven;t seen anything yet
I wants

The Slsyth looks exactly as expected, and want

The lhaemeans....yes. They are going to make an awesome Lady Malys when finished...

08-25-2011, 03:03 AM
Is it me or does the snake look like it would make a better hamoculus base than the actual model.

08-25-2011, 03:28 AM
Those are lovely! I want a Slsyth just to give it Diamondback coloured scales.

08-25-2011, 07:04 AM
Regarding the Lhemaean, however, I thought she had a pistol and CC weapon? It looks like 2 CC weapons in the pic. Easy enough to fix though.

Perhaps she wears a holstered pistol on her hip or backside?

Tyranid players may now weep and gnash teeth that Tervigon et al. still have not been released despite being 10 months older than DE.

Tyranid players enjoyed their second or third codex in the meantime DE were waiting on a new dex or new minis anyway - so it is fair for DE to get their minis first!

Is it me or does the snake look like it would make a better hamoculus base than the actual model.

I think its you ;-)

08-25-2011, 09:44 AM
Now all we need is the Voidraven...
I thought the idea was the Razorwing kit could also be a Voidraven?

08-25-2011, 09:47 AM
Lady Malys!

I mean... Lhamean... yeah.

Seriously why do those things exist? XD
Ooh, my Archon's splinter pistol shot is poisoned!

08-25-2011, 09:51 AM
Nope, they toyed with the idea of a Razorwing/Void Raven kit but that was scrapped ages ago. Voidraven bomber was just too much bigger. MajorWesJansen speculates, based on his conversation with Jes Goodwin at GD Chicago, that the Voidraven will be released anytime between October and early next year.

Anggul, for twenty points you get three 2+ poisoned shots and 3+ CC attacks which wound on 2+, not to mention that the ony lacklustre unit in the Court is the Ur-Ghul. I've had a lot of success with the Court, people underestimate it a lot. With maxxed out Sslyths, Medusae and Lahamaens is can rip tough units up in shooting and then assault it to finish it off, with a considerable number of high (for DE) S attacks from the Sslyths.

08-25-2011, 10:38 AM
Anggul, for twenty points you get three 2+ poisoned shots and 3+ CC attacks which wound on 2+, .

Uh...where did you get that from?

The Lhamaean only has a pistol so only gets 1 shot a turn...yeah she get 3 attacks on the charge

For 20 points you get 2...which is still only 2 shots?

08-25-2011, 10:42 AM
Two for two Lahmaeans plus the one more archon, assuming you don't give her a blast pistol. I've had them take vital wounds off of nasty MCs and even armoured things. 6 2+ attacks on the charge is nothing to sneeze at either.

08-25-2011, 11:37 AM
Regarding the Lhemaean, however, I thought she had a pistol and CC weapon? It looks like 2 CC weapons in the pic.

They did the same thing with the succubus - two close combat weapons, which you had to convert to get an actual, useable variant of the model. If you've already got the bits (and most likely you do) it's a relatively simple "fix," but ultimately the model is not worth its price. If you've been in the hobby for any length of time you could either build your own from spare parts or else find someone to do it for you ... and yours will be ten times cheaper and probably 10 times better than the corporate spew you're expected to chew.

08-25-2011, 11:46 AM
Lovely models. If I got 2 or 3 for the $15-16 they want for ONE, I might actually acquire some. Between these and the crazy-priced beasts, they are trying to turn an otherwise reasonably-priced army into the next Sisters of Battle.

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-25-2011, 12:23 PM
SssssssssssssSSSSSsssssssssssssssSSSSssssSssssssss ssSsssssssssssssslyth

Let's see, I'll get 14 or so of them and have 2 squads of 4, one leader and 4 as some elite squad and 1 as a "slave master" and ebay some of those old warhammer fantasy snakemen for Slaves...

Yeah. Gotta love me some Snake Xenosforms!

08-25-2011, 12:41 PM
snake dude looks class, may get one online cheAper just to paint...

08-25-2011, 03:20 PM
Lady Malys!

I mean... Lhamean... yeah.

Seriously why do those things exist? XD
Ooh, my Archon's splinter pistol shot is poisoned!

Ow yeshhhh...Lady Malys with bit of convertion you will have her ;] Cant wait.

Snake looks v good....but I still dont see usefull side of court.

08-25-2011, 03:32 PM
Regarding the Lhemaean, however, I thought she had a pistol and CC weapon? It looks like 2 CC weapons in the pic.

The right hand is holding a scabbard. Probably to keep the toxins from dripping everywhere!:D

08-25-2011, 07:26 PM
Nope, they toyed with the idea of a Razorwing/Void Raven kit but that was scrapped ages ago. Voidraven bomber was just too much bigger. MajorWesJansen speculates, based on his conversation with Jes Goodwin at GD Chicago, that the Voidraven will be released anytime between October and early next year.

Void Raven has 4 engines, canards, angular crystal canopy in the nose.

My reasoning for the potential release is as follows:
Jes won't know release "until he holds the sprues in his hands"
Discussion of how it breaks down on the sprue (fun for me, that is a hobby of mine) seems like it is at least at that point in the process.
concept art was available to see, just like for the court. Court came out in following two months, so I doubt the art would be made public if the kit was too far along.
Fantasy Seahammer box set seems like a standalone product, so there seems like there should be room in October for a few other kits to be released. A single bomber (3 tank sprues) seems like not too much of a production burden, and would keep 40K going until Necrons (likely)come out in Nov.
December is a month for scenery and bundles, not really new kits.
January is a release month, and Void Raven, even with a few SCs, is not enough to push a whole month itself. They would have to really pair it with something else to make up a decent month's release.

Take in mind that I am trying not to read too much into what Jes told me, as he finds it both amusing and annoying when people read too much into what he says and then cites him as the source of a rumor.

Taking the fact that the art was made public to mean the release is soon, the fact that it is not enough to release on it's own for a month, and that the Seahammer box set in October is a standalone, I'm going to place even odds on it coming out in October, alongside 5-8 more metal-finecast kits and another pair of plastic fantasy mini-sprues (maybe a Slaanesh or Khorne champion and something else). If I am wrong, blame me, since there was nothing from Jes to indicate a release date.

Price wise, I expect the Void Raven to be at the USD $62-66, like the Land Raider or Storm Raven.

08-26-2011, 01:22 AM
Wow !! Lhemean is one of the prettiest model in 40k universe !!! (Next to Swarmolrd) :P

08-26-2011, 02:43 AM
Nice! I must say that I'm impressed with the CoA minis. Regarding the Lhemaean, however, I thought she had a pistol and CC weapon? It looks like 2 CC weapons in the pic.

Sheaths make pretty crappy close combat weapons.

They did the same thing with the succubus - two close combat weapons, which you had to convert to get an actual, useable variant of the model. If you've already got the bits (and most likely you do) it's a relatively simple "fix," but ultimately the model is not worth its price. If you've been in the hobby for any length of time you could either build your own from spare parts or else find someone to do it for you ... and yours will be ten times cheaper and probably 10 times better than the corporate spew you're expected to chew.

Except she's only carrying one close combat weapon.

08-26-2011, 03:36 AM
sooo cool can't wait pity about the price tag

08-26-2011, 04:41 AM
Anggul, for twenty points you get three 2+ poisoned shots and 3+ CC attacks which wound on 2+, not to mention that the ony lacklustre unit in the Court is the Ur-Ghul. I've had a lot of success with the Court, people underestimate it a lot. With maxxed out Sslyths, Medusae and Lahamaens is can rip tough units up in shooting and then assault it to finish it off, with a considerable number of high (for DE) S attacks from the Sslyths.

At no point did I say that I think Courts are bad. What I don't like is that they gave Lhameans a rule which is pretty much useless, and then force you to take at least one. Yes the Lhameans are good without the rule anyway, for very little points you get a lot of poisoned attacks, but I still don't like the fact that you don't have a choice as to whether you take one or not. It's my Archon's court, why should I have to have something if I don't want it? That's sort of the point of being an Archon. If it affected the Sslyths too, then that would be really good, but as it is it's just splinter pistol shots, seeing as the Archon's only other poison weapon is the venom blade which is 2+ anyway.

In the end, while the Court is cool and I'll probably use one at some point, it tries to do too many different things, and seeing as I'm more of an Incubus guy anyway, I'd rather have them as my Archon's bodyguard. They know what they want to do and what they want to do is combat, which they do better than the Court, albeit not with the extra toughness of the Sslyths which you have to be careful with to utilise anyway. Probably the best thing it has going for it is that, as you said, people underestimate it as they will see the more specialised units as more of a threat, and while the Court isn't great at anything, it's still pretty damned good at most things.

08-26-2011, 05:01 AM
Well, fair enough, I think being able to tailor the Court a bit more would be nice also, itwould also be nice if ur-ghul were a little better.:)

08-26-2011, 07:40 AM
Okay, as a someone who is now tentatively playing 40k after a major hiatus, while the price may be a bit high for the miniatures, I am looking forward to a Lhamean as well as the snakes for my court. And Eldargirl, do you have a link to pictures of your court?

08-26-2011, 08:15 AM
I've just been using some appropriate proxies for mine, not very pretty evenif I had pictures. Some old lizardmen modelsfor sslyths, some DE witch elves for Lhamaeans, space hulk genestealers for ur-ghul.

08-27-2011, 11:08 AM
The new models look cool, but yeah, I would convert the models sooner than buy them, I think tyranid raveners, converted, and decked out with some DE bits/weapons would make awesome slyyth. Also, on a fluff note, anyone else think that the Slyyth are from the book Fulgrim? Like the Leran they fight in the beginning? Slyyth fluff is just like Leran.