View Full Version : Future proofing Tau.

08-24-2011, 04:58 PM
So the Tau are rumoured to be getting a new codex in the not so distant future. However I just can't wait to start them and am very much thinking of getting a small army of about 1000pts now. In your opinion which models in the current range would be a safe bet to buy. I am more concerned with aesthetics instead of competitiveness and won't rule out some FW kit either. I dont need a list writing for me but just some pointers.

Cheers :)

08-24-2011, 05:23 PM
All what is in the Battlebox will be availabel after a new codex - my guess still.

I donīt think that units will fall off a new dex. It is more possible that they will add new toys for the tau.

But i wonīt invest much in battlesuits just for the case that they got a resculpt:cool:

08-24-2011, 06:22 PM
Things that should still be around, Crisis suits and Broadsides. The forgeworld models of both are amazing. I would go that route. If choosing certain weapons just magnetize them instead of glueing, incase they make certain over used things less useful.

08-24-2011, 09:32 PM
I'd buy a couple packs of shield drones, some fire warriors, hammer heads, and devil fish. Possible some kroot off ebay since they are pretty cheap I expect them to be pretty cool in the new codex.

08-24-2011, 11:17 PM
If you can, pick up an unopened Sky Ray or two as you can build Hammerheads and Devilfish out of this box too.

Fire Warriors since the pattern is to bump up the prices with the codex release, Kroot would be a good choice for the same reason, but wait on the metal only or metal hybrid models.

As nice as it would be I don't see Crisis or stealth suits getting a re-sculpt but I can see the broadside kit getting redone as all plastic.

Of course the Forge World suits all look better than the plastic suits so that's always a good option and as mentioned before: magnets on the suits and even on the vehicles so as to not lock you into options you may not want after the new 'dex.

08-25-2011, 04:06 AM
I built an army on aesthetics and fluff and it is absolutley terible to play with. Tau suck so bad. As someone who loves the Tau, it frustrates me beyond belief that the only way to play with this army and actually have fun (never mind have a chance of winning) is to follow a netlist build. Which of course sucks most of the fun out of it. So i would honestly advise you to wait until the new dex (though that could still be a year away). If you are really set on getting stuff now, only get plastic/FW stuff. A lot of it is metal/ plastic combos (broadsides) which are horrific to assemble and require extensive pinning or its all metal (sniper drones - top heavy metal models, great plan GW). Steer clear of that stuff. Fire warriors, crisis suits and kroot are the best option, but you will get annihilated.