View Full Version : Dark Eldar and ANTI-MECH

08-24-2011, 05:16 AM
Hi there so I played a game against good old IG leaf blower plasma recently, my available list works something like this

Warriors Raider
Wyches Raider
Warriors Foot (20)
5 Scourges
9 Reavers
5 Hellions
2 x Voidraven

I am struggling to fit some solid anti mech into this list, is it possible with these models or would I have to change it up and go for 3 ravagers? list is around 1750-2000 points, typically I take blasters on the reavers and blasters on the scourges, and the leave the lances on all the vehicles is this enough to go against 4 chimeras, 1 leman russ, 2 vendettas, 3 armoured sentinels and 2 hell hounds? if there is any more info that would be of use to solving this please let me know an I'll put up as much as i can


08-24-2011, 06:21 AM
DE are awesome against AV 10
DE are (comparativly) awesome against armour 13-14

DE have serious problems with AV12.

Consider heatlances on reavers and scourges. They can move fast enough to make them work, just have somethign anti-infantry on hand to deal with anything that gets out the chimeras.

Or use a Talos. Haywire launchers to supress the target (and maybe kill it). Then D6 attacks, needing 3 on 2 dice to glance?

08-24-2011, 08:37 AM
try haywire granades on your wyches and maybe switch your warriors on raider into trueborn with four blasters

08-24-2011, 11:07 AM
5 hellions without the Baron are cannon fodder. Drop them out until you can field a larger unit. When you can, you'll find that they are actually GREAT anti-tank units with the right combination of drugs and pain tokens. I've taken out Leman Russ squadrons with big blocks of these.

08-24-2011, 12:50 PM
you could also split your 20 man warrior squad into 2- 10 men squads with one dark lance each, altho honestly I just dont think you have enough anti tank shots per turn to reliably take out tanks... I guess you could try proxying both your raiders as ravagers maybe? you can give your archon a WWP to counteract the lack of transports

08-27-2011, 09:34 AM
Use los blocking terrain. If he say no break one of his valks

09-01-2011, 05:50 AM
One big thing to remember is that dlances have a low chance of destroying a vehicle. I play my de with the goal of vehicle suppression. Make it so the vehicle can't shoot and move on. For this I would use haywire scourges as well as the reavers. Basically anything I expect to get a result on the chart

09-01-2011, 03:40 PM
I would consider a unit of 2 beastmasters with 2 razorwings and 3-5 khymera. that unit will be dirt cheap, moves real fast, and can quite reliably take out tanks in close combat. against shooting you take the low strenght wounds on the razorwings and high strengt or low ap wounds on the khymera. Making it surprisingly durable for a DE unit.
With some luck they will be able to charge on turn 2, so taking one or two units like gives you alternatives to shooting out vehichles. Due to their low cost, you can send them on suicide missions that you would normaly not consider for wyches with haywire.

09-02-2011, 10:11 PM
Wyches with haywires.

09-03-2011, 11:36 PM
You know, I am in agreement with asl of the guys re: haywire. Haywire weapons are some if the most consistent in the book earlier today, I killed two dreads and crippled a third with haywire grenades before my wyches were finally erin off the field. Keep in mind, dreads and walkers are only hit on 6s by grenades, so that is quite am accomplishment, but even so u find that your average 10 model haywire unit can kill at least one vehicle in cc safely per game. "unsafely"in this case being an explosion.

03-05-2012, 08:57 PM
I agree with all the people who said haywire. That can seriously mess up vehicles.

03-06-2012, 07:51 AM
The problem with haywire is that he can move his chimera wall to make the haywire hits unlikely. Your best bet is ravagers (as you have said) and multiple trueborn squads with 4 blasters in a venom. Everything else has real flaws and is pretty flimsy against leafblower.

I really want scourges to be good, because I really like the models, but they are way overcosted for what they can do. I think they'd be a decent option if they had stealth, but as they don't, leave them on your shelf.

03-06-2012, 12:36 PM
Haywire suppression is great when you want to keep something still.
Blaster/Darklance are just as good at killing a tank as krak missile (7%). Once you work around to the side your odds go up considerably (15%).
The only reliable way to kill is with heat lances (AP1 melta). Down side is that whatever you brought it on will likely die, and it cost you more that whatever you just killed with it.
take darklight and haywire where you can. You want the good guys trapped in their non-moving, non-shooting boxes. If your moving and they arent you will win. If they get out, you get to rip them up with the load of poison you also happen to have lying around.

03-07-2012, 08:06 AM
I go with wyches w/ haywires, supported by at least one squad of blasterborn and 2-3 ravagers.

If using 2 ravagers, then my third HS slot is generally filled by a razorwing jet fighter, which is usually reserved, in order to pop in and target a unit of infantry that I *really* don't want to be there any more (usually one that has gotten out of a vehicle that I have previously wrecked with darklight weapons), and then provide AT support with two DLs of its own.

03-07-2012, 08:41 AM
Don't underestimate the power of void raven bombers with their void lances. Add in 4 missiles and you can be a can opener that also vaporizes infantry on command. If used well, the high point cost will be recouped easily, especially if your opponents like to bubble wrap their tanks.

03-07-2012, 08:56 AM
i dont go for destroying vehicles often with dark lances just for the stun anything else is a happy bonus ... most of the time.

haywire grenades for your wyches are amazing. i usually go haywire on the scourge and heat lances on reavers. I like voidravens but they can get really really expensive :/ voidravens are however better for av 12 ...

03-07-2012, 09:04 AM
Sometimes, haywire grenades can work a little *too* well. I've had a few occasions where wyches exploded a vehicle with haywires, and lost half their number as a result. Still, the chance of this happen is not sufficient to deter me from using them.