View Full Version : ++ Death Wing feedback?

Sukz Da Nob
08-23-2011, 05:25 PM
One 40K army that I have always wanted to build and play is a Death Wing army.

I know that the DA codex is pretty much universally paned and considered under-powered, but what about using it to build a DW list?

I'm curious to hear pros a/cons and feedback of playing a DW list. I am a casual player and so don't care about it being tourney worthy, but I am curious what people's thoughts are about it in general who have played it or encountered it in regular games.


08-23-2011, 06:17 PM
Well, now that DA get 3+ storm shields and 2 shot Cyclone Missile Launchers, Deathwing is a pretty good list now, so no worries there. Just take Belial, a Land Raider or two and a couple Dreadnoughts and/or Landspeeders, and a whole bunch of Terminators.

08-23-2011, 07:40 PM
If ya like it play it. Great story line behind the Deathwing read up on the fluff if you have not. As far as playing them, if you know what you are doing they can hold thier own.

Making a "Bloodwing" myself. I like the Termi's but want to keep em all red, and just around friends will field my Blood Angel termi's as Dark Angels.

scrap square
08-23-2011, 10:20 PM
DW Is a great army! Can be very competitive if you know what to do. Great models and fluff too!

08-24-2011, 09:31 AM
I was making a "crusade"/Deathwatch force using Deathwing as the basis. Fluff wise you can cycle in tacticals and devastators (painted as other chapters), using my main terminators from the new Space Hulk painted as DW. Shows promise and lets me be creative (like I need to paint up a tactical squad of DOOM TACOS chapter.)

09-15-2011, 03:20 PM
My deathwing army is my favorite . Thss w/ cml terms rule. Deathwing assault is also huge. I always take some ravenwing bikes for the scout move and tele homers. Ive lost over 700pts of terms in a single game to deep strike misshaps and that sux.
Side note: rumor has it the new DA codex could be reliesed with 6th ed. Da vs chaos battle box . I got my fingures crossed for that.