View Full Version : Eldar list (input required)

The Twilight Fade
08-23-2011, 05:41 AM
Now before I start this list is to take on my friends orks, now my friend has been playing 40k for a long time now and he reckons that he measures an armies power level by how they would fare against orks. I know they get alot of stick in the internet community but he has a finesse with them and manages to win 99% of the time.

So anyway he reckons that Eldar have no chance against them and being a relatively new Eldar player (playing nids most of the time) I decided to take him up on the challenge, so I present my list looking for some advice on what to add/replace and in total the list comes to 2376. We decided on a 2500 game (cos who doesn't like bigger battles!!) but some fine tuning from other Eldar players wouldn't go a miss.

1 Eldrad 210
5 Dire Avengers 60
1 Falcon Holo Fields Shuriken cannon Scatter Laser Spirit Stones 185
1 Farseer Jet Bike Spirit Stones Guide Fortune Mind War 155
11 Storm Guardians 2 Flamers + Warlock w/ Destructor 135
Wave Serpent Shuriken Cannon Scatter lasers 125
11 Storm Guardians 2 Flamers + Warlock w/ Destructor 135
Wave Serpent Shuriken Cannon Scatter lasers 125
12 Guardian Jet Bikes 4 Shuriken Cannons + Warlock w/ Destructor 359
10 Dire Avengers Exarch Blade Storm 147
10 Harlequins Shadow Seer 210
10 Harlequins Shadow Seer 210
2 Fire Prisms Holo Fields + Shuriken Cannons 320

Now I have 5 troops choices so plenty to capture things with, Eldrad rides with Avengers in the Falcon and buffs things as well as making it scoring and the jet bike farseer goes with the bike guardians also offering support where needed, I opted for the harlequins over other elites because mathematically they kill more than lets say a 10 man squad of Scorpions and they don't need a wave serpent to baby sit them.

Its a bit light in the anti-vehicle dept but battle wagons are the only real concern as scatter lasers can hurt killa kans and they have relatively weak side/back armour anyway and if needs be the prisms can fire head on.

So bearing in mind that there are some points left over and an open elites choice what would you guys add/replace. Looking forward to some input!! :cool:

08-23-2011, 05:59 AM
Needs at least one Serpent taking Lances. Even in the front armour a Battlewagon a fire prism needs a 5 to glance.

Overall I likes it, although it depends heavily on what type of Orks list he plays.

My only change would be losing a Fire Prism or the Falcon and taking a Wraithlord. Working closely with the farseer in the joetbikes or the warlocks in transports, give him 2 flamers and a cannon/scatter. He can kill a lot with his flamers before sticking a unit dead. If its a big unit, they won't bother you again, assuming you can deal with the power claws (mindwar does this nicely). If its a small unit, you will probably allways win combat, so can chase them off easily

The Twilight Fade
08-23-2011, 08:28 AM
I kind of toyed with the idea of a wraithlord but he generally takes large squads of boyz but in all honesty he has been playing for a long time and he has such a varied collection (we're talking 20,000 points easily) that its hard to say exactly what he'd take.

he's a fan of slugga boyz so hidden p.claws tend to wreck wraithlords so i opted for the prism to maintain mobility and also combined shots provide a little versatility if needed.

I think i'll bright lance both serpents tho cos I guess they are twin linked which makes it good, just need to decide what to do with the extra points, 2 bright lances uses up some, more powers on the seer maybe?

Also do nobs use leadership of the number of boyz in the squad or their base for mind war?

08-23-2011, 01:56 PM
If he goes horde

then a night spinner could be invaluable. at that point level they would be bunched up so hitting multiple units would work well.

things that can cause you problems.

lootaz large groups will dispose of your tanks. make them a priority.

nob bikers, leadlership is their weak point pinning rangers or night spinner.

the mek in the battle wagon with the custom force feild. mind war the git if you can, though he does force them to group together makes night spinners job easier.

death rollers the ork solution to night spinners, and acording to a FAQ you can't dodge them?! so watch out.

ok thats pet units of ork hate vented


The Twilight Fade
08-23-2011, 05:57 PM
I've noticed in previous games he tends to take a large mix of things but he has lots of slugga models and tendsto have several large squads most of the time. I dont have the rules for the nightspinner so I have no idea on costs for it or what it does.

I was possibly thinking about putting 5 warlocks with destructor or maybe one with enhance to make them ws 5 in case they end up in combat with eldrad rather than the dire avengers as it can be used to provide much needed wounds if the time got desperate

08-23-2011, 10:30 PM
the rules were in white dwarf i believe, possibly on the GW main site as well. costs same as a prism. ill PM you the rules as im not sure if its cool to post or not.

08-24-2011, 03:35 AM
The rules for Nightspinner are here


Basically its a Twinlinked S6 AP- Large Blast instead of the fire prism turret. The big thing is that it any unit that is hit by the marker (even if its only 1 guy in a squad) counts as being in difficult and dnagerous terrain. And they are afflicted in this way until they move. So you can sit still, or you can move slowly and take a bunch of wounds if your a big horde.

And remeber, moving includes consolidating into assault, retreating, falling back....so a large unit can take a bunch of losses from it, and can pin.

Its also rending...so even though its only S6 AP- it can still kill a land raider....if you're lucky and roll 3 6's :P

08-24-2011, 08:48 AM
and barrage. so you can fire from behind cover :)