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View Full Version : New Warmachine/Hordes

08-22-2011, 11:25 AM
I am getting out of my 40k days, and starting up with warmachine/ hordes. I am currently looking at cryx, minions, or circle. While i played 40k i fielded DE,CSP,and Necron. so i admire close combat and quick units? any suggestions? :cool:

08-22-2011, 11:34 AM
Minions have two distinct playstyles with the Farrow & Gators, so they both play differently.

Cryx is very fast and is generally considered a top tier army with lots of viable options. They're not going to be as close combaty as say, Khador, nor are they as shooty as Cygnar.

Circle is very movement based, and very fast. They a bit more of a finesse army, but that's not to say they can't plant down a beatdown; they certainly can. Lots of movement tricks, though.

08-22-2011, 12:42 PM

Come out to Dragons Lair in Austin this Wednesday around 5pm. There should be several people playing WM/H so you can take a look. Ill be there with my Cygnar and my buddy will have his Khador.

08-22-2011, 10:23 PM
thanks guys for your opinion, i appreciate it!!
@Witt i watched a few BR of Circle and Minions. Minions seem constrained to certain models, so my question is, is there in versatility in constructing a list? Cryx and Circle are both similar to my play style. What are the cons of Cryx and Cirlce?

@Cowboy i will try, i have some recording to do in Austin with a band so i may not be able to make it this week.

08-23-2011, 07:55 AM
With Circle, your limitations mostly revolve around the fact that you need to be really in synch with your movements, and that a few of the lists rely heavily on the use of forests. It become apparent which ones need it, but if you're able to get the forest generation working with Baldur, it can be really nasty. Their beasts are overall pretty solid, but they certianly have particularl uses, whereas some factions have Warjacks are that are sorta toolbox jacks. I actually think it's a good thing, because you know what each piece should be doing, but it can be limiting.

TBH, Cryx is really, really versatile. They don't have, IMO, a lot of glaring weaknesses. They do have some casters that rely on soul tokens to get their production engines going, and this can be hindered if you're going against a low model count army, but most of those lists involve cheap, disposable infantry that the Cryx player can sacrifice to make their caster better.

The Minions have two factions presently (blindwater congregation - Gators; and the Farrow, whom's pact I forget). Both are pretty resilient, especially the gators, but they are limited by the number of models that are presently available. I personally think that the Blackhide Wrassler is one of the more fun beasts in the game (he can knock a model down in a "death spin" and then get back up; knocking down models is a good thing). The croak hunter is also a nice model that has a variety of applications.

08-23-2011, 11:43 AM
Thank you for all of your information, All of these armies fit my play style very well. As of now, i am leaning towards minions. What would you say there strengths are?