View Full Version : Imperial Guard list 1999

ferret cat
08-22-2011, 10:04 AM
Hi, I’m a long time hobbyist but have never written an army list; so I was hoping for your thoughts on this one.
Company Command (10): Power fist, Plasma x2, lascannon, full advisors, body guards
Primaris Psyker (1)
Psyker Battle Squad (6): additional Psyker
Ogryn (5): 2 additional Ogryn
Command (5): Bolt pistol, plasma gun, Lascannon
Infantry Squad (10): plasma gun, lascannon
Infantry Squad (10): plasma gun, lascannon
Heavy weapons Squad (6): lascannon x3
Heavy weapons Squad (6): lascannon x3
Command (5): Bolt pistol, plasma gun, Lascannon
Infantry Squad (11): plasma gun, commissar
Infantry Squad (11): plasma gun, commissar
Infantry Squad (11): plasma gun, commissar
Special weapons Squad (6): Flamers x3
Special weapons Squad (6): Grenade Launchers x3
Heavy Support
Demolisher: heavy flamer, extra armour

Thanks for your help.

08-24-2011, 10:01 PM

Things I would take out:

1. Full advisors never pay off. The Master of Ordnance almost never hits, making it a poor competitive choice, but can be something to use in a fun game between friends. The Astropath doesn't do anything for your lists as you have nothing in reserve or outflanking, so he needs to go unless you add some units that are going to be in reserve almost all the time. Master of the Fleet can be useful depending on your local players and what they bring to the table, I say leave it in any DS'ing GK lists will be a bit more easy to deal with if they show up one at a time from reserve.

2. Ogryn are fun, but overcosted. Use them if you want, but they will rarely make their points back unless you're going to use them as a speed bump for enemy assaulters, in which case, you'd want to put them in a Chimera so they can go where you need them to.

3. 10 man squads (11 with the commissar) of regular guardsmen will get murdered horribly when anything sneezes at them. A SM tactical squad will tear them to shreds, and that's one of the more common enemies you will see on the table. There's safety in numbers: big blob squads will stay around longer and you'll need fewer Commissars to keep them in place (Unless you want extra power weapons from extra commissars). Blob squads are good for holding objectives if you give them Lascannons or Autocannons and a vox.

4. BS 3 guardsmen will miss half the time, so I've never found that plasmaguns pay off on guarrdsmen personally, but ymmv. Plasmas work much better on Veterans as at least they hit more often.

5. HWT's get smushed by most long range enemy fire, so I put them into my blob squads to hide them. With your current list you could break down one of your HWT's from the first platoon and put them into the second platoon as a blob squad. You could still have the 1 HWT, but spreading them out between different types of units makes sure they stay around a bit longer.

6. Primaris Psykers are 'meh' at best. I'd swap him out for a second CCS, possibly with a named character in there for more fun/effectiveness.

7. SWS will get mulched pretty quick. I think your plan is to have them as a counter attack unit for your platoons, but IMO, your results will be less than optimal than if you used the points elsewhere.

Things I would add:

Your army doesn't move. If you want to play an objective gametype, you'll have to move quickly. Chimeras, Valkyries, and Outflanking units (penal legion, certain upgrades units, etc.) will help you both move quickly and harass the enemy's flanks and rear. So adding a Chimera or two (or 3 or 4...) would help you move around a bit better and have some menacing armour to force your opponent to split his fire. You don't have to go full mech, but 2 or 3 transports couldn't hurt, especially when 2,000 point armies can put out some crazy fire. What exactly you want is up to you, but you can't go wrong with a Vendetta or Chimeras.

If you want to use one of the main abilities of the Guard (Orders), Vox casters among your troops will aid in this. At least between your blob squads and your CCS. If you ran 2 CCS and 2 blob squads that's only 20 points in upgrades and your orders (presumably Bring It Down from the weapon selection) will go off with a high degree of success.

At least 1 squad of Vets with Meltas or Plasmas (but not both in the same unit; Carapace armour optional) in some form of transport. These guys allow you to grab objectives outside your deployment and put out a volley of fire that will make Terminators shake in fear. I know you already have lots of plasma, but vets allow a greater kill percentage that the regular shmoes and if they have Carapace Armour, then Overheats with the plasmas are less likely to reduce the combat effectiveness of the unit.

If you have the points, add a Scout Sentinel with an Autocannon. They outflank, so can harass back fielders and get any pesky vehicles who may be hiding from you. It can also assault backfield units holding an objective and tie them up for quite a while, but make sure that if you do assault something, that its chances of killing your walker (i.e. powerfists/rending, etc.) are absent. 40 points that I've found is hardly ever misspent.

Things I like:
Manticores are really good, but are actually better shooting at vehicles than infantry (due to a high number of MEQ units who get the 3+ save against the AP4 Storm Eagle rockets). If you want the Manticores to stay as your primary Anti-armour, then maybe have some of the guardsmen take autocannons instead of lascannons. This saves you points and keeps the overall shooting up. If you have your twin Mantis, then have only a CCS, a HWT and a Blob squad with Lascannons and the rest with Autocannons. Use your orders to fire the Lascannons, then the Mantis, then mop up with the Autos.

Lots of anti-armour fire. Mech players will probably be wary about your list. The low AP will put a lot of hurt into a Termie GK list (presuming you can roll to hit well that is...).

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but this is already a wall of text.

Inquisitor Megasquig
08-30-2011, 07:05 AM
Unsnaps holstered bolt pistol shoots 3 scribes for failing to get all the info down. Some relly good ideas in there. In defence of Ogryns tho a 10 man er ogryn squad is rock solid. back them up with Ironhand Straken and Nork ensures you a tea drinking time as your brutes Roshambo 'Stealer squads.