View Full Version : Ogre Prices in Euros

08-22-2011, 09:23 AM
Via Warseer, from a Spanish forum:

Lista de precios oficiales, sacada de La Última Fortaleza:

95-40 Déspota Ogro € 30,00 Caja de 1 miniatura Finecast (reedición de la de metal)
Old Tyrant in Finecast

95-41 Matarife Ogro € 30,00 Caja de 1 miniatura Finecast (reedición de la de metal)
Old Slaughmaster in Finecast

95-61 Gargantua € 20,75 Estuche de 1 miniatura Finecast (reedición de la de metal)
Old Gorger in Finecast

95-44 Yehtis € 39,00 Caja de 3 miniatura Finecast (reedición de las de metal)
Old Yehtis in Finecast, 3 per box

95-01-03 Warhammer: Reinos Ogros € 32,50 Libro de ejército de 96 páginas tapa dura
Army Book, hard cover, 96 pages

95-02-03 Warhammer Magia de Batalla: Reinos Ogros * € 3,90 Mazo de 7 cartas
Magic cards

95-12 Colmillos de Trueno / Cuernos Pétreos € 45,50 Caja 1 miniatura de plástico
Plastic Thundertusk/Stonehorne

95-13 Escupehierros y Tirasobras Gnoblar € 26,00 Caja 1 miniatura de plástico
Plastic Ironblaster/Scrapluncher

95-14 Caballería Dientes Martirio € 28,50 Caja 2 miniaturas de plástico
Plastic Mournfangs, 2 models per box

95-42 Golgfag Comehombres € 30,00 Caja de 1 miniatura Finecast
New Golgfag in Finecast

95-60 Bragg "El Que Desolla" € 30,00 Estuche de 1 miniatura Finecast
New Bragg in Finecast

95-43 Panzafuegos € 30,00 Caja de 1 miniatura Finecast
New Firebelly in Finecast

95-06 Ogros Toro € 30,00 Nuevo empaquetado
Bull Ogres, repack

95-07 Guerreros Gnoblars € 30,00 Nuevo empaquetado
Gnoblar Warriors, repack

95-08 Sueltafuegos Reinos Ogros € 30,00 Nuevo empaquetado
Leadbelchers, repack

95-09 Tripasduras € 30,00 Nuevo empaquetado
Ironguts, repack

95-10 Batallón Reinos Ogros € 80,00 Nuevo empaquetado
Batallion, repack

Big decrease in price for Yhetees, over 4EU each saved.

08-22-2011, 11:33 AM
Official price list, taken from The Last Strength:

Ogre Tyrant 95-40 € 30.00 Finecast 1 miniature box (reissue of the metal)
Old Tyrant in Finecast

Ogre Butcher 95-41 € 30.00 Finecast 1 miniature box (reissue of the metal)
Old Slaughmaster in Finecast

Gargantua 95-61 € 20.75 Finecast Case 1 miniature (reissue of the metal)
Old Gorger in Finecast

Yehtis 95-44 € 39.00 Box of 3 miniature Finecast (reissue of the metal)
Old Yehtis in Finecast, 3 per box

01/03/95 Warhammer: Ogre Kingdoms Army Book € 32.50 96-page hardcover
Army Book, hard cover, 96 pages

03/02/95 Warhammer Battle Magic: Ogre Kingdoms * € 3.90 7 Card Deck
Magic cards

Thunder 95-12 Fangs / Horns Stony € 45.50 1 miniature plastic box
Plastic Thundertusk / Stonehorne

Escupehierros and Tirasobras Gnoblar 95-13 € 26.00 1 miniature plastic box
Plastic Ironblaster / Scrapluncher

Teeth Cavalry 95-14 € 28.50 Box 2 Martyrdom, plastic miniatures
Mournfangs Plastic, 2 per box models

95-42 € 30.00 man-eating Golgfag 1 miniature box Finecast
New Golgfag in Finecast

Bragg 95-60 "The One Who Skinning" € 30.00 Finecast Case 1 miniature
New Bragg in Finecast

Panzafuegos 95-43 € 30.00 Box of 1 miniature Finecast
New Firebelly in Finecast

Ogres 95-06 New packaging Toro € 30.00
Bull Ogres, repack

Gnoblars Warriors 95-07 € 30.00 New Packaging
Gnoblar Warriors, repack

Ogre Kingdoms Sueltafuegos 95-08 € 30.00 New Packaging
Leadbelchers, repack

Tripasduras 95-09 € 30.00 New Packaging
Ironguts, repack

Ogre Kingdoms Battalion 95-10 € 80.00 New Packaging
Batallion, repack
Big DECREASE in price for Yhetees, over 4EU Each saved.
Because Librarians exist Even Amongst the Emperor's only a handful Finest Understand the Dewey system. Current (Alleged) girl.

Brass Scorpion
08-22-2011, 02:40 PM
As I expected the character model prices will all be around the cost of a troop box, making them somewhat cost prohibitive. A € 30.00 Tyrant confirms as I've been saying for weeks that the model will be at least $35-$38 US.

And if Yehtis are € 39.00 that will probably be $49.50 US. Still better than $40 with tax for a single character.

08-22-2011, 10:27 PM
As I expected the character model prices will all be around the cost of a troop box, making them somewhat cost prohibitive. A € 30.00 Tyrant confirms as I've been saying for weeks that the model will be at least $35-$38 US.

And if Yehtis are € 39.00 that will probably be $49.50 US. Still better than $40 with tax for a single character.

That means Yehtis will be close on AUD90. We might, if we're lucky, get a price cut to about AUD75.

08-22-2011, 11:31 PM
Bear in mind these are cheaper, or the same price, the tyrant is currently 32.50EU (down 2.50EU) and the butcher is 30EU (the same). So no more prohibitive than they are now.