View Full Version : Two simple "what if" questions...

08-22-2011, 12:21 AM
What if Erebus never learned about --and then stole-- the anathame of the Interex and what if Horus never plugged the Fabricator Consul of the Auretian Technocracy?

This has been bugging me since I've read the latest HH novel. Think about it: The Interex was a consortium of multiple xeno-human cultures working in tandem and had access to a level of technological might that nearly wiped out the landing party of the Luna Wolves.

And as for the Auretian Technocracy: I wonder what could've happened had Horus NOT killed their leader and instead, made allies of them. They had STC tech! Loads of it! And it probably stands to reason that maybe, just maybe, somewhere on their planet, a fully functional STC might have been located and shared.

Maybe had these two highly advanced cultures joined the Imperium, the ****ty situation Mankind is in right now may not have been quite so bad.

Thoughts on this or am I wasting my time?

08-26-2011, 03:46 PM
You're probably right. If those evednts had not happened (especially the anatheme) the 41st millenium would look alot more like Star Trek than GrimDark.

Drew da Destroya
08-28-2011, 12:12 AM
Erebus was a pretty smart servant of the Dark Gods, though. Even if he didn't have the Anathame, he would have found some way to incapacitate Horus. Either that, or possible he would've worked more on Fulgrim, once he ran into that daemonsword. Hell, maybe Fulgrim would've been the one to put Horus into a coma?

Hive Mind
08-28-2011, 02:14 AM
I'm with Drew, even without the anathame the so-called Dark Powers would have found a way.

08-28-2011, 10:41 AM
There has to be more STCs out thereor maybe some of the older chapters master of the forge tech-marines has a whole working one by now and kept from AM of mars and hell there might be some Iron-men on a plantet or ship that no ones found yet.

Alpha Omega Protocol
08-28-2011, 02:28 PM
a Iron Man STC was discovered by Guant's Ghosts, but it was corrupted by chaos. Therefore it was destroyed. :(

08-28-2011, 02:59 PM
a Iron Man STC was discovered by Guant's Ghosts, but it was corrupted by chaos. Therefore it was destroyed. :( No not the ironman stc but Iron-men the humniod-cyborgs that fought along side the golden-men just be for the fall of the dark age of tech.