View Full Version : New blog discussing Warmaster's!

08-19-2011, 01:04 PM
Hey guys!

So I finally got around to starting up my blog that I've been considering for some time and would really appreciate it if you check it out!


In my initial post, I note that I'll be discussing mostly hobby articles, but will also touch upon army projects, battle reports, and discussion regarding upcoming news for 40k and Privateer Press products.

It is still quite new, but I'll be updating it through the weekend with my experiences at Warmaster's Challenge this weekend, wherein I'll be playing a Singles and Doubles tournament.

Thank you so much, guys!


GM Rex Nihilo
08-20-2011, 10:37 PM
Hey, I was at the War Masters Challenge Doubles Tournament today and had a blast!

I took quite a few pics, let me know if you want some for your blog. I'll be at the singles tournament to take some more also.

GM Rex Nihilo