View Full Version : Starting Blood Angels, a (hopefully) quick question

08-19-2011, 11:02 AM
I've been reading the Badab War books from forgeworld, and have recently really really started to like the Lamenters, so much that im going to make an army of them. The Badab special character for them is really cool, he has a Glaive Encarmine, Infernus pistol, and after losing a wound gets the rage special rule, which he then confers to his unit, as well as +1 A and +1T.

Now I also liked the idea of running him with Honor Guard, but I've read that Vanguard Vets can do the CC scene much better, and cheaper, while honor guard are a good base for plasma weapons. Can anyone help me out with figuring a good build with the Lamenters SC and some sort of squad that compliments him? And if you guys are really bored, could you write up an armylist with them in it? (just for curiosities' sake, ive got a few ideas for a list)

And contemptor dreads are good, right? they seem like they are, and i like the model alot.

08-19-2011, 11:48 AM
Keep in mind a few things:

1) Some people are douchey and won't let you play with FW rules.
2) If you put a special character with the Vanguard, they lost a lot of their purpose, as they no longer get the heroic intervention rule. That rule is one of the main selling points for the squad, and without it they lose some purpose.

All that being said, I think you'd be safe with either an Honour Guard or a Sang Guard retinue. With the Sang Guard, you're getting five 2+ PW w/ Jump Packs for 200 pts, whereas in the Honour Guard unit the same base would cost you 240 with only a 3+. The Honour Guard does give you a free Sang Priest, whereas to attach one to your Sang Guard it would cost you 275 total. This doesn't even figure into the fact that the Sang Guard give you master crafted and superior bolters. Granted, you can't diversify your Sang Guard unit as much (no TH/SS, no LC) but I still think they're a superior unit.

So I think the best retinue for your boy would be a unit of Sang Guard if you want it to be a close combat squad.

08-19-2011, 11:59 AM
realistically, an escort for your character should have a planned idea.

If you want to go tank hunting: an honor guard with mixed meltas n' plasma rifles will probably be good.
If you want to do hack n' slash: honorguard, vanguard, sanguinary guard can all do this
If you want heavy armor: sanguinary guard
If you want a big squad, the only way to do that is through Vanguard.
If you want low ap armor: honor guard or vanguard

Essentially, think about how you want it to be, and make that.

I can't remember, is the Lamentor master on foot or jump pack? or Terminator armor?
If it is on foot, then you cannot effectively use sanguinary guard, anyhow.

08-19-2011, 02:00 PM
Snap, I thought he had a jump pack, though it appears he does not. Bleh.

08-19-2011, 04:26 PM
yeah, he doesnt have a jump pack, so I wasnt sure where to be going with a squad for him to chillax with him and it be somewhat effective. So honor guard that are tooled to hit stuff with their sword would be a good way to go?

08-19-2011, 04:49 PM
I think so... I think the Vanguard are lost on him, as IMO they really need Heroic Intervention to be worth their points.

08-19-2011, 04:55 PM
They cost the same as honorguard, essentially. It is just that honorguard come with a sanguinary priest.

115 for 5 marines + powerweapon
115 for 4 marines + sanguinary priest

you can get rifles for Honorguard. You can get larger squads for vanguard. So, if you are interested in filling a Crusader with a bunch of Bad MoFos, then the Vanguard are your bet: 10 marines, throw in a priest, and the Lamentor Master. Maybe even a chaplain, since you are spending so many points, anyhow!

08-19-2011, 11:12 PM
First off like a previous posted stated, alot of people are not going to let you play a beefed up character from FW. I would, then I would throw a unit at you cause a wound let you rage and wipe that unit out. Then go ahead and watch you chase me around the board. Rage may be good, just watch how its used.

Anyway.... I like the idea of plain old Assault unit with a Sang priest as well with him. The unit is not a huge points sink, plenty of attacks, and Feel no Pain/ Fur Charge too. Or better yet some good old Death Company, (correct me if I am wrong of course if he could not join) 20 pts each, throw in a few power weapons, they already have Fur Charge, Relentless and Fearless. Put them coming out out of a Stormraven maybe to get em across the table with a Dread as well... nasty nasty. Just a few more options since this special character does not have a jump pack.

Good luck with your army either way. Let us know how the checker board shoulder pads turn out....better you then me brother. ;)