View Full Version : 1500 Points Null-Deployment Tyranids

08-19-2011, 09:10 AM
So this is my 1500 Point Null-Deployment List. I am looking for a list that isn't insanely competitive but can hold its own against other armies and lists. So, I do not want to be told that I need more hive guard or a tervigon, but more good ideas for the units that are already in the list!

Flyrant: Devourers w/brainleech worms, schything talons hive commander.

2 Hive Guard
1 Deathleaper
6 Ymgarl Genestealers

20 Devilgaunts: Mycentic Spore, toxin sacs
10 Termagaunts
27 UberHormagaunts

===Fast attack===
20 Gargoyles: Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands
3 Raveners: Rending Claws


Flyrant: Devourers w/brainleech worms, schything talons hive commander.

2 Zoanthropes w/ mycentic spore
1 Deathleaper
7 Ymgarl Genestealers

20 Devilgaunts: Mycentic Spore
12 Termagaunts
20 UberHormagaunts

===Fast attack===
20 Gargoyles: Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands
3 Raveners: Rending Claws

So yeah.
When I expand my list to 200 Points I am thinking of adding a trygon prime: and either a dakkafex in a pod, or warriors and biovores!
Ideas? Thoughts? Suggestions?

08-30-2011, 04:03 PM
You don't have a lot of synapse in there to keep your troops in line. I realize hormagaunts are kinda meant to charge forward and get in combat, but a good foe can still use their Feed against you.

09-03-2011, 09:05 PM
Might want to check out fritz40k. Has some pretty useful info on lists like yours, but with a name like that I'm sure you know all about it. No genestealer spam for troops? 5-6 squads outflanking can cause all kinds of deployment problems for opponent. Not to mention every nid players BFF, mr trygon.