View Full Version : Dark Harlequins with a splash of flouresence

08-18-2011, 10:13 AM
So, a little while ago, I received a commission to match some harlequins to an existing Dark Eldar force. My client, in this case, was very specific about the colors- mostly they would be in black and white, but they were each to have one bright color on them (selected from one of the bright colors on the Dark Eldar force).

Otherwise, the designs were up to me. I actually highly recommend treating harlequins this way. Aside from being some of the best minis that the Citadel range has to offer, they really do give you a free pass to go wild with your freehand. Reigning this in with tight color control is a terrific idea.

Since I don't play Eldar or Dark Eldar, I'll have a little more trouble finding an excuse to pick up some of these minis for myself. I do play Space Hulk, though, and I've seen some pretty strong rules for them that could easily be updated into 3rd ed. Still, they'll have to wait until some of my other projects are finished.

So, here they are:





08-18-2011, 10:13 AM
Oh, and the rest:



08-18-2011, 10:16 AM
Me wish I could Paint as good as u, I wanna do commision to help me through uni :)

08-18-2011, 10:49 AM

Feel the D-Jesters gun is a bit plain and could use a bit more highlighting, but all of them are amazing.

08-18-2011, 02:55 PM
wow stunning as usual :) the colours really do pop! and whilst i agree with drlove about the jesters cannon, keeping the weapons plain was a great idea so they dont clash with the colours BUT the cannon is so large its screaming out for some nice skull freehand :P

but still the whole this is amazing! the freehand and contrast is mindblowing!


p.s. at GCsmith have you applied to the painting tree? they are open to even table top level!
p.p.s @ odinsgrandson your to stop this amazing painting, im now having to use thesauruses to find words to describe it :P

08-18-2011, 03:22 PM
Those are some of the nicest harlies I have seen! The pants on the troup master look like they would have taken a long time to paint

08-19-2011, 09:32 AM
Holy S...t! :eek:
They're absolutly fantastic. The black and white fits perfectly and the splash of color finishes them off really nice. What I like most is the cloak from the troupe master. Is it possible to post a picture of his backside?
Only thing I don't like are the weapons. They seem kind of unfinished... But that has been said before.

I think I might adapt your Idea for my own DE Harlequins. ;)
But I'll rather paint the Weapons metal with black casing. :p

08-19-2011, 09:50 AM
I know we got photos of the backs on a couple of them, but I don't see them on my website right now. I'll let you know if I get those posted up soon.

In the mean time, the troupe leader's coat looks a lot like the Death Jesters- with violet flames licking up the back.

p.p.s @ odinsgrandson your to stop this amazing painting, im now having to use thesauruses to find words to describe it :P

Wow. Thanks. And no. The next project I've got lined up has tons of freehand on it- its going to be great.

08-19-2011, 10:21 AM
Very nice, repainted my Harlequins in much the same way earlier in the year, though with a little less freehand. Really suits them, I think, and you did a tremendous job of it.

08-19-2011, 11:20 AM
Am I the only one who though that these were going to include bits painted with glow in the dark paints based on the title? ;)

Seriously though, love the clothing but agree with others re. the weapons are a bit too monochromatic for my taste.

08-22-2011, 08:33 AM
Those are glorious! Will bookmark this for inspiration for my own Harliquins in the future.

08-24-2011, 10:18 AM
Woohoo. I'm glad I could inspire your painting.