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View Full Version : Vanguard Bodyguard...

08-18-2011, 04:02 AM
When I purchased this model months ago it was my intention to give it a Khadoran paint job and give to Zerkova(allowed under one of her army lists). However, in the end, my Llaelese sympathies drove me in a different direction. Most of my mercenary 'jacks are fairly muted and plain in appearance...appropriate for irregular warmachines maintained by knives for hire. However, I decided that Ashlynn deserved a special warjack for her Highborn battlegroup...so I gave the Vanguard a Royal Llael paint scheme based on the heraldry on Ashlynn's portrait in the Mercenaries Forces book. My 'fluf' is that this is Ashlynn's personal bodyguard warjack...and great care(and cash provided by Cygnarian agents) is taken to keep it's paint job fresh, as it is an important symbol of her resistance movement. Here is how it came out...
The designs on the shield were challenging...as freehand is not my strength. However, I had a vision of what I wanted, and I decided to work 'outside of my box' in order to improve a weakness. One thing I am happy with is the shading on the warjack...though subtle, it represents a patience I don't usually have for using ultra-thinned-down paints. It took 7-8 basecoats(each) of purple and yellow...because I knew to get those light shades to look right that I couldn't cut corners.

Thanks for viewing!

If you are interested, you can see more of my Warmahordes stuff on my blog...
Iron Kingdoms at War (http://blitzbattles.blogspot.com/)

08-18-2011, 07:06 AM
That looks really nice, dude! I think the freehand looks top notch!

The more I see the purple and gold together, the more I think I'll be painting my WHFB Empire Army in the same color scheme.

Well done!

08-18-2011, 10:35 AM
really nice i love the purple! :) and the freehand is cool,

also the contrast between the shiny panels and grimy armour is lovley!
