View Full Version : Finecast Harlequins

08-17-2011, 11:07 PM
Thought this was amusing:

Got my mail order today for Finecast Striking Scorpions.

Can imagine my surprise when I opened it to find it was a box of Finecast Harlequins!

Never saw that coming.

Harlequins were in the next Finecast wave so it isn't totally implausible, odd though.

08-17-2011, 11:34 PM
Huh, that's interesting.

But whatever happened to his Striking Scorpions??

Also, here's my question about these finecast releases...

If things like Chaos Plague Marines and Eldar Striking Scorpions are coming out in Finecast, is that an indicator that they may not be getting a plastic kit in the future when Codices are updated? With 6th edition coming up, and the rumors that Chaos is getting an update in March, it seems like some of these Finecast updates are sealing old, bad kits in place.

So for things like Plague Marines, Harlequins, and other Eldar and Chaos things... will Finecast seal their fate into the new Codices? It seems silly to release them in Finecast only to replace them later, but at the same time it seems ridiculous to keep some of these old kits when they deserve new plastic ones!

08-18-2011, 12:25 AM

I've long wanted a unit of Harlies just for painting, and them not being metal will be the incentive I need to get them. And they'll make a nice addition to my fledgling DE army.

Well, I'd think it's no surprise that units like the ones you've mentioned are going to be in new codices for their armies...it's not often that units are all-out dropped, is it? Particularly when they've been part of their army for a long while.
And if they reapper with some fancy new weapon option...bam. Special weapon blister.

08-18-2011, 03:46 AM
I doubt that Finecast releases of Eldar minis is any indication of future plastic releases.

Eldar have always been one of the core armies of 40k and it would be negligent of GW to not release the minis in finecast. AFAIK we know Eldar will not get a codex until late next year, at best. Having large chunks of an army unavailable, thus lost income, would be most unlike GW. Instead they want people to buy the current Eldar Codex, buy finecast minis of troops at character prices the buy the prety new plastics w/ new options when the updated Codex comes out.

08-18-2011, 05:10 AM
I doubt we will see the Aspects all go to plastic, Wraithguard need a plastic kit far more, and if we assume say four plastic kits with the codex I think perhaps Wraithguard, Rangers, Exodites and something else would be more likely. So Finecast in that sense could be an indication of them not getting new plastics. If Wraithguard get Finecast in the next 12-18 months then I will very surprised.:)

08-18-2011, 07:03 AM
I've tossed this idea around before, but it always gets cut down, but I'll throw it out again (and bear in mind, I don't play Eldar, and have only passingly seen the models):

Would it be possible to do 2 plastic kits that allowed someone to make 3 different aspects each? Is the basic armour of the different aspects simliar enough that adding different arms and other small aesthetic flourishes would produce a nice model?

08-18-2011, 07:19 AM
It is possible, but the problem with it is that it would lead to some significant compromises in the aesthetic of each Aspect. It has been said you could combine Swooping Hawks with Banshees, but a flying action pose (like plastic Scourges) is very different from a running action pose (Banshees). You could get away with, say, Dark Reaper/Fire Dragon* kits with different arms, heads and accessories but you would have a mountain of unused parts in each box. I heard this is something GW were trying to move away from, hence packaging the Raider and Ravager seperately. They didn't want people who wanted a Raider paying for Ravager parts and whatnot.

So it is possible, but I don't see it as likely and I'm not sure it would be a good thing, as I said each Aspect has its own aesthetic and merging them would result in a dilution of that.

*Still not ideal, Reapers have thicker, more substantial looking armour than Fire Dragons or any other Aspect.

08-18-2011, 09:03 AM
I doubt we will see the Aspects all go to plastic, Wraithguard need a plastic kit far more, and if we assume say four plastic kits with the codex I think perhaps Wraithguard, Rangers, Exodites and something else would be more likely.
...Exodites, you say? Think the ol' Elven Hillbillies will be returning to the tabletop in the near future? I'd melt in happiness.

Also, I think this sort of a release would be ideal. The 4th Edition Eldar Aspects are still some of the most gorgeous models to come out of the Studio, so they really don't need a re-make. Though I suppose new Warp Spiders wouldn't be out of the question.

Lord Gir
08-18-2011, 09:05 AM
But mountains of spare parts is what they're all about lately. I can't speak for BA, but SW, buy a box of power armour SW, build blood claws, heaps of power weapons, bolt guns and heads left over (that box has over 40 heads in it). Build grey hunters it's all pistols and chainswords and what not left over. Same with the wolf guard termy kit. The same with the grey knights kits. Now, sure you can use some of the left overs on other things, but i think that would be true of these hypothetical eldar kits.

One another note; do we know when the next wave of finecast is coming and what will be in it? My real question is, when is Kor'sarro Khan and Ragnar coming out in convertible finecast? And Legion of the Damned for that matter. AThose dudes is cool.

08-18-2011, 09:14 AM
I think Warp Spiders need a resculpt, I like them but they aren't as good as the rest. Yes, I've heard Exodites will be in the next codex and may be getting a kit (it was implied they were). Obviously its a rumour and should be treated as speculation until GW confirms it with leaked pictures or official emails etc.

There is a difference between spare parts and superfluous parts. The DE kits all have extra bits but they can be intermixed with the entire range, and all the parts can be used in that kit, it is a matter of choice. Scourges contain all the bits you need to make trueborn, but they aren't a Scourges/Trueborn kit. They don't have Wych/Hellion kits or Space Marine Tactical/Assault kits, I don't see them suddenly coming out combining 6 units with radically different aesthetics into two or three plastic boxed sets.

08-18-2011, 10:35 AM
Oh, agreed, the Warp Spiders still look pretty great, but they don't synch up with the newer Aspects so well - the gap in years and casting technology leaves them looking a little odd when standing next to the handsome modern Fire Dragons and Striking Scorpions. They've also still sporting some long-abandoned design concepts, like the old whiffle balls on the back.

Also, as long as we're on Eldar Model Wishlisting, they really need to work on the damn Shining Spears. Either give them nice models and a viable in-game use, or just drop the concept altogether. AFAIK, they've always been the Aspect everyone forgets about, and for good reason. Seems like we might see a new Jetbike the next time the Eldar line gets a re-vamp, so this'd be a great time to bring the Spears up to snuff with their brethren.

08-18-2011, 10:35 AM
Thats makes sense.

As for Ragnar. Dear god. When they redid the SW line, why in the sweet name of the tiny baby jesus did they not give him a decent pose. That thing is frakking awful. I feel much the same way about Mephiston.

08-18-2011, 02:24 PM
On GW's website, it doesn't state that Harlies are Finecast, just that their dispatching in 2 weeks or so. Are they trying to get rid of the older metal boxes first?

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-18-2011, 03:31 PM
Thats makes sense.

As for Ragnar. Dear god. When they redid the SW line, why in the sweet name of the tiny baby jesus did they not give him a decent pose. That thing is frakking awful. I feel much the same way about Mephiston.

haha I agree, it's the worst space marine model in the whole range - even makes Abaddon look okayish. :eek:

08-18-2011, 03:52 PM
But mountains of spare parts is what they're all about lately. I can't speak for BA, but SW, buy a box of power armour SW, build blood claws, heaps of power weapons, bolt guns and heads left over (that box has over 40 heads in it). Build grey hunters it's all pistols and chainswords and what not left over. Same with the wolf guard termy kit. The same with the grey knights kits. Now, sure you can use some of the left overs on other things, but i think that would be true of these hypothetical eldar kits.

I think the idea with the SW kits are that you can get the vanilla marine kits (devastators, scouts, land speeders, etc) and add SW stuff to them. For instance heads :)

08-18-2011, 07:10 PM
haha I agree, it's the worst space marine model in the whole range - even makes Abaddon look okayish. :eek:



08-18-2011, 07:33 PM
murrburger wins. Forever.

I've really never had a problem with Ragnar or Abbadon. Sure, they're kinda stuffy by today's standards, but they're still fantastic models that ooze character. Besides, let's think about Goodwin Marine character models that have gotten resculpts:

Calgar: Blingy mess

Cassius: Dwarf

Tigurius: Looks like a Nihilanth (http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Nihilanth) cosplayer.

Really, do we want to tempt fate by asking for these models to be redone? :p

08-19-2011, 05:09 AM
Huh, that's interesting.

But whatever happened to his Striking Scorpions??

Also, here's my question about these finecast releases...

If things like Chaos Plague Marines and Eldar Striking Scorpions are coming out in Finecast, is that an indicator that they may not be getting a plastic kit in the future when Codices are updated? With 6th edition coming up, and the rumors that Chaos is getting an update in March, it seems like some of these Finecast updates are sealing old, bad kits in place.

So for things like Plague Marines, Harlequins, and other Eldar and Chaos things... will Finecast seal their fate into the new Codices? It seems silly to release them in Finecast only to replace them later, but at the same time it seems ridiculous to keep some of these old kits when they deserve new plastic ones!

Your assuming that turning things into finecast involves GW having to put in some sort of extra effort on the design front. It doesn't. They use exactly the same molds as the metal minins, they just put resin into them rather than metal. Eventually every single metal model will be replaced with Finecast. That won't have any bearing on whether or not they later redesign some of the finecast models as plastic sprues.

08-19-2011, 06:34 AM
murrburger wins. Forever.

I've really never had a problem with Ragnar or Abbadon. Sure, they're kinda stuffy by today's standards, but they're still fantastic models that ooze character. Besides, let's think about Goodwin Marine character models that have gotten resculpts:

Calgar: Blingy mess

Cassius: Dwarf

Tigurius: Looks like a Nihilanth (http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Nihilanth) cosplayer.

Really, do we want to tempt fate by asking for these models to be redone? :p

I dunno, at least those Chaos duders have some movement to them. I just hate that Mephiston, Ragnar, and Tycho have that ****-out power stance about them. I mean, Mephiston is the LORD OF DEATH. He looks like an 80s wrestler (think Mr. Perfect and his greasy blonde mullet). I just envision my LORD OF DEATH looking a bit more...menacing.

As soon as Khan and Ragnar come out in Finecast, I'll be kitbashing them to make a better looking Ragnar.

08-19-2011, 06:47 AM
murrburger wins. Forever.

I've really never had a problem with Ragnar or Abbadon. Sure, they're kinda stuffy by today's standards, but they're still fantastic models that ooze character. Besides, let's think about Goodwin Marine character models that have gotten resculpts:

Calgar: Blingy mess

Cassius: Dwarf

Tigurius: Looks like a Nihilanth (http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Nihilanth) cosplayer.

Really, do we want to tempt fate by asking for these models to be redone? :p

Imagine them redone the way Forgeworld have done special Marine characters instead :)

08-19-2011, 06:51 AM
This is true, but if they are planning to release a plastic replacement kit for something in the foreseeable future I doubt they would spend money on re-tooling (lots of new vents to help the bubbles in the resin escape, one of the problem areas even still) the moulds when they could just leave it and sell off the current metal stock. So as it stands if something is released in Finecast I would be very surprised if they see a new sculpt for 18-24 months at the very least.

Your assuming that turning things into finecast involves GW having to put in some sort of extra effort on the design front. It doesn't. They use exactly the same molds as the metal minins, they just put resin into them rather than metal. Eventually every single metal model will be replaced with Finecast. That won't have any bearing on whether or not they later redesign some of the finecast models as plastic sprues.

08-19-2011, 07:00 AM
This is true, but if they are planning to release a plastic replacement kit for something in the foreseeable future I doubt they would spend money on re-tooling (lots of new vents to help the bubbles in the resin escape, one of the problem areas even still) the moulds when they could just leave it and sell off the current metal stock. So as it stands if something is released in Finecast I would be very surprised if they see a new sculpt for 18-24 months at the very least.

Which is also the reason we haven't seen Finecast Sisters.

08-19-2011, 07:04 AM
Yet.:p If we see Finecast Sisters next month then clearly my theory isn't worth the paper I could print it on.

08-19-2011, 09:03 AM
Yeah I would love to see some of the old sculpts like Mephiston and Dante redone in a more dynamic pose with finecast

08-19-2011, 09:06 AM
I think Dante aged decently; his sculpt is perhaps a bit plain as compared to how embellished the Sanguinary Guard box is, but I don't think he's that bad.

Anyone have any ideas how you think Mephiston should look? I have a very clear image that Ragnar should be in a pose that indicates he's coming forward, something aggressive and feral (like Khan or Seth's pose) but I can't for the life of me come up with some ideas for Meph. He's a crazy awesome pysker, so I feel like that should incorporate somehow, but I dunno....

08-19-2011, 11:46 AM
Mephiston's a tricky one - he's an amazingly powerful psyker, sure, but his real defining trait is that he's managed to overcome the Black Rage. To me, that means he should portray an eerie calm. Maybe just striding forward, sword at the ready, pistol held down and away? I feel like the interesting visual elements that define the character (hood, "musculature" armor) are all towards the torso, which requires an unblocked line of sight to them from the front. It'd be cool to see someone take Astorath's model and convert it up as a Mephiston with whatever effective pose could be found.

I've seen some amazing Tychos done up from the Sanguinary Guard box, and I bet one could do something similar for Dante. Just as long as one stays away from being as overdone and directionless as a fully-assembled Sanguinary Guard is (an awful kit when assembled as intended, but so good for bits), it could be great.

I have a very clear image that Ragnar should be in a pose that indicates he's coming forward, something aggressive and feral (like Khan or Seth's pose) [...]
I dunno - Khan and Seth seem too ungainly for Ragnar, who's cunning and lightning assault tactics suggest a forward pose. Maybe running forward, Frostfang held forward with his bolt pistol in the back-swinging hand?

08-19-2011, 11:50 AM
I just figured it. I need to convert Sigvald into Mephiston. It would be near perfect to reflect that! Right on!

08-19-2011, 03:06 PM
Dude, yes. Fantastic idea. Pictures demanded upon completion!

Ghost of War
08-22-2011, 07:26 AM
I for one hate finecast...

I picked up a box of reapers for a base I was working on and the little backpack fins were SO BRITTLE I am afraid to shave off the mold lines. Finecast is so brittle..

I SHUDDER to think of how flimsy a harlequin will be.

And contrary to their claims.. a kid came in with a eldar ranger with its gun drooping all over because of the heat.


08-22-2011, 07:31 AM
In my experience it isn't brittle at all. The "flimsy" bitz have a lot of give to them ,which has been fantastic for painting. Compared to a lot of other resins, Finecast is downright rubbery.

08-22-2011, 07:37 AM
There are apparently problems with some batches of resin being improperly mixed resulting in such droopiness. They really do need to address the QC problems but when you get a perfect cast, itis magnificient. So much easier to clean and convert it just isn't funny.

I for one hate finecast...

I picked up a box of reapers for a base I was working on and the little backpack fins were SO BRITTLE I am afraid to shave off the mold lines. Finecast is so brittle..

I SHUDDER to think of how flimsy a harlequin will be.

And contrary to their claims.. a kid came in with a eldar ranger with its gun drooping all over because of the heat.


08-22-2011, 08:59 AM
In my experience it isn't brittle at all.
I got one recently - picked up a Warboss w/ Attack Squig, and the Squig's attachment at the chain and tail snapped off with just a tiny bit of pressure. Didn't look to be any air bubbles inside or anything. Thankfully, I didn't want the Squig on there in the first place, so it was beneficial here, but there's definitely some notable brittleness/flimsiness at very tiny joins.

This seems to chiefly be a problem with metal/finecast (wish they'd give a less "brand"-esque name to the material itself, I always feel like an idiot saying/typing it) change-overs. Different materials allow for different shapes to be cast with acceptable "give" at small areas. The advantage of finecast is that is can make miniatures like the firebreather seen over here (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=16874).

Seriously, how can you not love that? It's amazing.

08-22-2011, 09:01 AM
I'm just excited about all the potential it has. There have been some problems thusfar, but they'll improve and fix those, and the sculpts will only get better.

08-22-2011, 09:04 AM
Not to mention that putting things like said Ork Warboss on a bike are suddenly about a thousand times easier. :D

08-22-2011, 09:57 AM
On GW's website, it doesn't state that Harlies are Finecast, just that their dispatching in 2 weeks or so. Are they trying to get rid of the older metal boxes first?

My guess is they haven't updated the picture with the Finecast image underneath the main photo. They tend to do that sometimes.