View Full Version : New Tau Technology via a new codex

08-17-2011, 12:44 PM
We all know that when Tau get a revamp they will certainly be getting some new weapons, wargear, and toys (both experimental and standard.)

However, it is a curious wonder as to what GW will add and where these additions will come from. As with the and Tau codex, we saw some Forgeworld ideas pushed to the new codex and put into plastic kits.

-If any of you were to speculate, what do you think will be added?
-Will the Crisis Suits and/or weapons from Forgeworld make it?
-Will there be new models for the crisis suits (via Forgeworld design converted to standard choices w/ accompanying plastics)?
-Do you guys think the current experimental wargear will become standard and some new stuff will appear as experimental (like some of the XV9 suits etc)?

If somebody were to start an army now, what would you recommend they stay away from so the equipment/options don't become dated on their models?

Have at it and thanks for joining the discussion!

08-17-2011, 12:49 PM
They will get a new Xenos helper race, and probably a flyer of some description

08-17-2011, 01:38 PM
yes a new alien species wll make a apperance, and they'll get a flyer (remora / tigershak hopefully)

id love to see more vespids and possibly firewarrior sargents as well as army wide BS5 or s5 guns as standard!

more battle suits would be nice but the current kit is perfect ihmo, and id love tau drop pods (that turn into bunkers, that would be very cool and make the tau viable AND good at shooting. why not:

stone: drop bunker 150pts
; av BS 0 14/14/14
deploys via deep strike immobile arfter landing.
transport capacity = 6
wargear, 1 railgun OR twin burst guns (the ones that look like miniguns)
fire points: 5 1 model may forgo shooting his own gun and use his BS to fire the bunkers gun.

fire: drop bunker 150 pts
av: 12/12/12
transport capacity = 11
wargear: dual quad pulse rifles (think 2 sets of 4 puls rifles)
the rest is the same as above

water: drop bunker: 150 pts
no warger
may move 3' a turn'
the rest is the same as above.

sorry i got carried away :P


Luke Licens
08-17-2011, 02:15 PM
I'm hoping that they bring out some of those awesome FW Drone variants:

Heavy Gun Drones (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Tau/TAU-BATTLESUITS-AND-DRONES/TAU-HEAVY-GUN-DRONES.html)

Remora Stealth Drones (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Tau/TAU-BATTLESUITS-AND-DRONES/TAU-REMORA-DRONE-STEALTH-FIGHTERS.html)

Since we're wishlisting and all...

08-17-2011, 03:48 PM
I'm expecting the Remoras or Barracuda although an Orca or something similar would be very nice too. VX-9 suits would help to plug to gap in the assault phase the Tau have without changing their fluff. I am wishlisting a bit here but adding humans or another client race would be very nice, also the Kroot and Vespids could use a little love. And I would like to see a La'Kias type suicide trooper (a la, Sly Marbo).

08-17-2011, 04:14 PM
I recon a Barracuda would be the flyer to be added. However thats not to say that they wont create a new flyer.

If someone was to start a Tau army now, I would recommend Kroot, Stealth teams and Fire Warriors.

Also I would recommend the sniper drone team and the ethereal that are now finecast. I doubt GW are going to drop any models that are already finecast.

I think Devilfish, Hammerheads, Skyrays and Piranhas are all a safe bet too.

So thats quite alot to be getting on with. Just avaoid metal and maybe battlesuits.

To be honest I dont think they will replace the plastic battlesuits we have, but it is a nice thought.

As for new things we might see some Demiurg as the new allied race (squats crossed with klingons). However I would liek a bit more cscope added to the existing alien allies- kroot used to be awesome now they are squished together into a bit of a non-entity. A plastic Vespid boxed set woudlnt go amiss with a new variant of Vespid in it, maybe a close combat varient with power weapons instead of the marine killing short range weapons. Gonna be hard to balance though. A HQ special character for Kroot, Vespid and any new alien ally would be nice though.

As for new models I think they will look at the FW battlesuits and be inspired by them to create the third contemporary of Farsight and shadowsun. We have one guy for combat and one for stealth. So either shooting (shadowsun does the high powered shot so i'm expecting lots of shots), or alien ally bonus guy (maybe demiurg weaponry?) or heavy armour (battlesuit with a 2+ save) or a combination of them. Maybe Demiurg extra armour and weapons.

08-17-2011, 05:31 PM

Broadsides will get a redesign, at the minimum to make it all plastic. Maybe make it heavier/bulkier, and possibly add more weapon options like an Ion Cannon.

Crisis Suit commanders also will get a redesign to eliminate metal parts. Maybe a fully new kit that is sleeker, maybe just an extra sprue with more heads, weapons, and equipment (I lean towards a fully new kit/sprue)

Barracuda as a plastic flier. It has roughly the right size, has a balanced armament (maybe give an option to swap the Ion Cannon for a Railgun) and could be done pretty easily on 2-3 Tank Sprues.

New Alien allies (Heavy Infantry? Psykers?)

New Special Characters. I'd guess Aun Shi and Anghor Prok will come back, maybe a character for the new race, possibly a third named Commander.

Moderate odds:
Updated Krootox and Kroot Hounds in Finecast/plastic

Great Knarloc with rider options in finecast/plastic

Vespid redesign in finecast/plastic

Remora Stealth Drones

Tetras/ Piranha TX-42

XV-22 Stealth Suit Commander option

Heavy Gun Drones (see sniper drones, with single battle suit weapon options instead of just rail rifle)

Unlikely but still possible-
Completely redesigned XV-8 kits

XV-9 Hazards included

Heavier/Larger tank version of Hammerhead


08-17-2011, 06:21 PM
I hope and pray for:

A ruleset for the Gue'vasa (human helpers) that includes wargear;

A ruleset for the Farsight Enclaves, with melee wargear, hopefully with an across-the-board +1 WS to reflect what Farsight has been preaching (the current adjustment rule for the Farsight warriors is just ridiculous, and still guarantees a massacre in melee); in a perfect world, the Farsight Enclaves would get their own book, but I know that ain't happening;

Rulesets for the other castes! (Esp since fliers are going to be a thing in 6th)

More area effect kill if we can't get a bump in WS (I like the idea of underbarrel grenade launchers using the small blast marker as a add-on point cost for the GI Fire Warrior, but I suppose that's too much to hope for)

What I would like to see:

The start of some diversity in the troops dependent on what world/system they're from (specialist troops)

The Tau becoming more hit and run, like their fluff says, rather than being condemned to melee by their equipment (I acknowledge that there would be a delicate game balance issue there)

A real sniper, as opposed to sniper drones. (The most shootingest army in the game, and the only snipers are machines??? Whiskey Tango Hotel over?)

More variety on the gun drones

The Forge World Crisis Suits to become GW figures - it's the only way my wife will ever let me buy them! ::grin::

08-17-2011, 10:20 PM
A real sniper, as opposed to sniper drones. (The most shootingest army in the game, and the only snipers are machines??? Whiskey Tango Hotel over?)


08-18-2011, 05:11 AM
I want to see some tech that makes firewarriors BS4. They desperately need it to compensate for their lack of numbers. Perhaps some sort of wargear or a drone that all units can take as an upgrade. And some AP3 wepons available on models that don't look like something my dog sicked up.

08-18-2011, 01:18 PM
What I assume:

X-perimental wargear gets "standard"
Tau get a Flyer-Thing -> Barracude perhaps
Tau get a new alienrace -> possible hrud or demiurge
Tau get a new toys -> drop-dronetowers? krisisvariant, hh-variant
Tau get a handfull of special characters
Markers would be reworked

What I hope:

Some toyable wargear from forgeworld (double TL-Burstcannns, Multiweapon for HQ)
Flyer - Orca - that would be yummy, yummy
Toys and Variants: XV9 - pleaaase
Oh and get us some real buff - like BS4 at least for the elites and make the stabilisers for broadsides standard

08-18-2011, 01:53 PM
I would like those ingenious Tau scientists and engineers to develop Crisis Battle Suits with stable, secure and non-bobbins ankles.

Shadow Puppet
08-18-2011, 05:32 PM
I would like to see the XV 9's come into the codex, and all suits get BS4 standard.
I would like to see the Skyray's seeker missiles be a little different from the seeker missiles that are added to any tank you want.
I would like to see the krrot squad work more like the imperial guard platoon.
It would also be nice if crisis suits came standard with a set of wargear options and you upgraded from there.

08-19-2011, 07:12 AM
I would like to see the Skyray's seeker missiles be a little different from the seeker missiles that are added to any tank you want.

Yes - it will be pretty nice if the get the "ordnance" rule - 2D6 take the higest for pen

Luke Licens
08-19-2011, 08:37 AM
I want to see some tech that makes firewarriors BS4. They desperately need it to compensate for their lack of numbers. Perhaps some sort of wargear or a drone that all units can take as an upgrade.

Maybe like... a Markerlight?

Seriously though, just make all markerlights 'networked' and change them from Heavy to Assault. That, or slash the price on Markerlight Drones. Honestly, why do they cost the same as a strength 8 tankpuncher, or a 3++ save? That's bull.

Uncle Nutsy
08-20-2011, 01:29 AM
markerlights aren't worth jack if they can't hit.

08-22-2011, 08:07 PM

If Pathfinders were troops, maybe they'd be useful.

08-22-2011, 09:25 PM
All share some valid points, but there are several overarching themes that need working out in addition to playstyle.

First, expansion of Tau tech (duh) beyond FW. New stuff, not resin rehatch. Also on this point; AI should be drastically expanded beyond drones. This would be an excellent avenue to expand their tech and units.

Second, the alien alliances should be doubled, if not quadrupled. Use the Empire as the excuse for expanding the fluff on all those little races that will never get their own rules. The Tau can remain superiority in the codez through tech and playability, but more alien races will do wonders for the army and fluff.

Third, the fluff needs to be anchored. If Tau are willing to give ground over lives then why do they have suicidal blast charges?!

Finally, and most importantly, use the tech to power and fix the army. If firewarriors aren't BS 4 then give them a tech upgrade to do so. Make the tech so scary that the enemy will cower. And we need anti assualt wargear. A photon grenade soesnt do much to save our poor units.

What do you all think, and pardon the spelling and grammer with my BB

08-22-2011, 09:49 PM
A lot of good ideas in this thread but what I want most is some kind of grenade or drone that lets fire warriors escape close combat.

08-23-2011, 11:18 AM
Fluff wise, i see the tau improving on their areas of weakness. With their technology they should have power weapons. Mounting these on drones, or armoured kroot allies would make excellent shock troops and a nice close combat element to the army. I would like to see transports with fire points too. I'm sure the old designs of devilfish and hammerhead would be improved upon.

08-23-2011, 03:58 PM
But if you wanted to start a Tau army now, which models would you think would be a safe bet not to be replaced ?

Tau were my 1st army and with regret I sold them. However now my painting has improved as well as my wallet I am thinking of having another go. Not really wanting to wait until their re-vamp to get started though.

08-23-2011, 04:10 PM
Devilfish, IMO one of the bests concept/models in whole 40k range. buy lot of them.

09-06-2011, 08:37 AM
Do you think GW will just mooch off of Forgeworld models/rules like they did for the Piranha and Skyray? I'd love to buy some suits, but I'm sure as hell not getting them from Forgeworld and then they get a plastic treatment!

I love pathfinders, but the mandatory transport is a bit annoying...

09-06-2011, 08:43 AM
At the GD Chicago FW seminar Mark Bedford said each studio was doing its own thing now, so one presumes there will be less taking resin and making it plastic. However, this may not apply to units which existed in the background/Specialist Games before FW came along and made them resin. But this wouldn't apply to Tau as there aren't any units like that as far as I know. I'm thinking of things like the Eldar Nightwing and Void Dragon.

09-11-2011, 05:18 AM
markerlights aren't worth jack if they can't hit.

Which is why Pathfinders exist.

Pathfinders should have some kind of rule that lets them deploy in Dawn of War instead of the Fire Warriors, as they're meant to be outriders which pull the army forward.

Battlesuits should get BS4, but I think Fire Warriors should stay the same.

10-04-2011, 08:01 PM
I hope changes are most of them made via alien races. You need close combat heavy infantry? You want artillery machines? You need drop pods? DEMIURGS!!
Tau don't need to build drop pods as they're fast enough with their fast gravitic vehicles, so an alien race that makes bulky drop pods to get to close combat quickly would be nice. DEMIURGS! I perfectly see them in a caestus assault ramming attack, demiurg version. Your troops are going to be reached in close combat next turn!! what can i do? throw that demiurg drop pod or heavy assault shuttle filled with heavy infantry armoured dwarves with assault and power weapons! the perfect shield while my Tau run for another shooting position!

And that demiurgs have slow and bulky weapons, artillery, great barrages.

About flyers? then yes, leave that to tau, they got great flying tech. Barracuda. Tiger-shark.

And let me forget about parrot-like aliens that wear teary clothes and handle archaic weapons, they don't match my super-tech Tau army. I prefer not to win a match than using a kroot.

10-10-2011, 12:38 AM
Anything that was previously FW would be fantasic. \
Tetras, yes please. Heavy Drones, yes please (although that slot is already a bit full)
New suits..sure.
Pirahna, with flyers...sure.