View Full Version : Out with the Old in with the Inquisition

08-17-2011, 09:11 AM
As I look at my Grey Knights, and my wins/losses with them, I eye my old Space Marines wondering what will become of them. because of the expense this game ensues, and how bad I am with money, my wife has capped me at two-armies. Honestly, who needs more than that at any time?

I'm not ready to put the GKs down right now, and being more interested in the hobby portion of the game, I've still got so much I want to do with my already 2500 point GK army. But I look at the box taped and ready for travel to my new home, the boxed is marked "SpaceMarines" It's my first army, the first set of models I built and painted, the first army I ever had a victory with and I've shared more than my share of losses with. As a hobbyist the SMs [of all types] have so much to offer the world of customization, it's why I'll always be stuck with them. But I want to repaint and renew my SMs after I top off and finish up my GKs.

I've been looking at Blood Angels, and now as a Grey Knights player I have but one question: "WHY THE F*** DON'T WE GET A LIBRARIAN DREANOUGHT?!"
The answer is probably more simple than I'm making it, but I'm sure that it's along the lines of: "Grey Knights already have every damn psychic power bonus on the planet, and do you really need another giant robot with a force weapon?!"

Back to my thoughts on what I may soon pass off as Blood Angels. Here's where some people get mad at the hobbyists: I want to do a counts as army using the Blood Angels codex. And to be even lamer than that... I'm thinking an Ordo Xenos / DeathWatch army using Blood Angels Codex.

And by this point if you haven't quit reading or started trolling me, I will say again that yup, I'm an Imperial Forces, For the Emperor kinda guy. If I did play a Xenos army I'd probably play Tau, cause they're just as fanatical for their race as the humans are.

I'm kicking around ideas, but mainly I just want to paint a bunch of black troopers with different army insignia, there's just something about Special Forces, Black Ops that appeals to me and doing a DeathWatch army seems like a fun paint job. We'll see though, it's just a crazy idea for the time being. I've still got Grey Knights to paint, and hopefully start hitting some friendly competitions once I get out to Austin.


08-17-2011, 09:38 AM
I'm using the DA Codex as an Ordo Xenos force and it worked for me this last weekend. I was using Deathwatch Terminators as Deathwing with support from other chapters as "inducted" troops. I really hope to expand this force in the future.

08-17-2011, 09:40 AM
I say go for it. It sounds cool enough to play

08-17-2011, 09:45 AM
Awesome, I'm glad I'm not the only one out there. so often in some forums everyone is out to get the guy who doesn't do it "by the book". I get tired of seeing the same armies with the same paint jobs GW told them to paint it. Live a little right?!

Reason I was thinking BAs was some of the special shiz they get may look pretty cool all black-ops'd out. Baal Predator with a big *** Inquisition "I" on it, and I want to build that librarian Dred. I'm more of a buy to hobby kind of 40k player. I want to build and paint something cool over power-game and number crunch. I got an art degree not a math degree haha

08-17-2011, 10:30 AM
now ya see here on BOLS we dont troll,

were not like dakka.

but when we do troll, its because you said dont troll.

trolololol :P

seriously to do deathwatch probably the best was codex DH the amount of sarge upgrades were unbeliveable..

oh snap!

but for a a DW army dark angels or codex marines are the best, or possibly wolves. angels dont fit with rage and all that! and for a libby dread if its the fronplate you like use regualr dread arms, if its the staff modify a dread so its a DCCW
as for baals looking cool the autocannon option looks awsome on a regular pred, and the single eyeslit is easy with some plasticard!
