View Full Version : painting wracks (Dark eldar)

08-16-2011, 06:04 PM
this might not be useful to anyone, but i'm pretty new to painting and couldnt find any help on how to paint the wracks flesh, so after experimenting i came out with a result i was happy with and decided to make a tutorial to help anyone else who might be a little weary about it.

I used the following for the skin (the rest is up to you):
chaos black
Dheneb stone
leviathan purple wash
blood red
skull white

1. Starting with a primer of chaos black, i did a single coat of dheneb stone all over the flesh:

2. once this was done and dried completely, i put a watered down purple wash over the model, to give it a pinky colour and to help bring out the recesses.


3. Then, once this was dry, i watered down some blood red, and applied it specifically to the recesses to darken then, giving a bloodied effect


08-16-2011, 06:05 PM
4. After this, i drybrushed a layer of dheneb stone, keeping the recesses clean, and then picked out a little more detail with a small brush, to clean up the skin back to a whitish colour


5. After thats dried completely, i made a stronger blood red wash, so that i could paint it into the major recesses (the chest, the arm muscles etc).


6. after that, it was just a case of tidying up, and mixing the dheneb with skull white, slowly getting lighter on the raised parts (such as the larger muscles, neck and shoulders.


7. Thats the skin done, then just add all the detail to the rest however you want, and the wrack is ready to slice the enemy up on the battlefield!


I find it easier to paint the model with the arms on, then attach the spine piece, but whatever feels best! I apologise if this has no use to anyone. But I really could have done with one the other day, so just in case!