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View Full Version : More Epic Eldar

09-06-2009, 11:54 AM
Yes, that's what this forum needs to encourage more epic stuff, something broadly similar to the last (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=1650) lot...

I should draw deserved attention to the esteemed Man of Kent's excellent and eclectic Epic collection to be found hiding away in the depths of the Epic discussion board here:


My own stuff is somewhat more limited in scope. Epic was my first game (well actually that was Heroquest but I never actually -owned- that so it doesn't count) and I've done pretty much all the armies over the years. The bulk of that was ten or more years ago though, I couldn't paint for toffee then.

Had a rummage in the attic and dug out all my old stuff to be hurled onto Ebay (destroy all evidence of painting shoddiness) and found all manner of bits and pieces still on sprues (8 complete squat sprues anyone?) So obviously I have to turn all the money from Ebay auctions back into toy soldiers, that's just how it's done. Some's been thrown at a shiny new Space Hulk box the rest is to go onto Eldar bits (or will do so when I actually -win- an auction for a change).

So far then, I've spent little and managed to complete what will likely be my largest numerical formation in the form of an Eldar Warhost. It's not -quite- as quick a process as I'd hoped, they're more fiddly than I remembered and my usual obsession with accuracy is slowing the process Still, will have completed 2 formations and 600 points by the end of tonight (6 days total) so that's not -too- bad. Had to strip some of it too and will now strongly support Brake Fluid as a method for plastic models, worked a treat and I seem to have avoided being poisoned by the process...

Right, no more drivel time for pictures:


The whole lot, not very clear though. Epic stuff seems hard to photograph from any distance. Never mind, that's why I own a Macro lens.


The boss and his closest pals There's so much detail to do on these little command guys pretty much impossible to do proper gems though.


The boss and his less close pals.


One of the lanky dead fellas that looms about at the back wishing it was a titan.


09-06-2009, 11:55 AM

Classic Eldar artillery and rarely sen on the 40K battlefield. Probably been licensed out by Ann Summers by now. I give ye: The Vibro Cannon battery.


Last to come and the first to be painted. Here's the Brightlance battery.

C&C greatly encouraged, it's not too late to change this army. :)

09-17-2009, 10:52 AM
Well I did indeed change it. Well actually I carried on and continue to work on it, but it's my 2nd army and I've still not done a -really- nice Epic army.

So I decided to do one that would need an absolute minimum number of models.

That'd be Space Marines then. As for a chapter. Well the Badab war book provides all sorts of lesser known chapters. Having been impressed with Aventine's master of the chapter fellas I decided to go with them.



I've not really put much into getting the yellow right. I think even I draw the line at blending all the detail on an epic tank. The freehand stuff should draw the eye from other inadequacies. Well at least that's the plan.

I've also got a couple more Eldar formations to show.


Aspect warriors spoiled by artificial light.


Plus little tiny vypers.

I've also done some rangers but need to photograph them still...

09-17-2009, 10:58 AM
This was an embarrassing double post so I shall use it to add extra content and spare me the ignominy. Have now photographed the aforementioned Rangers along with the Jetbikes and Wraithguard. Also a whole 5 man squad of Lamenters. Need about 20 more for even a small army.

These took nearly as long as the far more effective Aspect Warriors. You need 3 times as many models as you do for a Vyper Squadron for exactly the same number of points.

Rangers, with fancy grey chameleoline cloaks.

Final possible upgrade to the Guardian Warhost. More dead fellas.

Painting checks on Epic shoulder pads -is- possible. However I've mostly chickened out and gone for quartered. I think that's enough of a suggestion of checks for models of this scale.

09-17-2009, 02:18 PM
Looks awesome!

I really like the contrasts of the colours!

Keep up the good work!


09-17-2009, 07:09 PM
Glad to see some epic love over here, and I'm especially impressed with your Rhinos, although it's all great work. Excellent detail. Personally, I'm tempted to do some epic Star Phantoms, although there's really not one single Epic player I'd be aware of in Munich...

Anyway, keep it up, I'd love to see more of those.

09-18-2009, 07:07 AM
Very cool. I always like to see Epic getting love. :)

09-24-2009, 12:36 PM
Shameless Self bump to announce the Lamenters and Eldar I have now edited into my "Lamentable" double post up there /\/\ somewhere.

Also @ Ithmaril, I'm in the same boat with shortage of players. I've found having a couple of armies and then bringing them both to a club then press ganging a few keen types into a game is usually sufficient to bootstrap a gamer base. Particularly you tell them all the rules are free and an army is going to cost them under £100 and takes only a couple of days (if you're not a damn fool like I am) to paint.

09-24-2009, 01:15 PM
Actually, that's a great point- I might try to do that in the near future, painting up a small force of drop-podding Star Phantoms versus Badab PDF and Astral Claws elements, and some portable terrain to go with them. Even if I can't convice anyone, I can't go wrong with cheap models and free rules to have in a box at home to have a beer & pretzels game once in while with, especially since I've been keen on trying out Epic for a long while now.

So, thanks for the inspiration!