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View Full Version : Blindwater Congregation Swamp Horror

08-15-2011, 02:57 PM
So...I don't think I like the concept art for this beast. Here's a link if you haven't seen it:


It just... seems so monster-y. Like it belongs in MonPoc, not Hordes. Couple this with the meh feeling I have about Maelok (though admittedly, he did look better in person), and I don't know that I'm super excited about the turn my Gators are taking. I mean, at this point I think I'd rather have an anthropamorphic snake-man than this Swamp Horror.

Am I alone here?

08-16-2011, 09:49 AM
when i read the title i was like:

oh no more horribly sculpted crocs.

then i clicked the link

0_0 AWSOME and if the models any decent ......... i may hate pp less :P


08-16-2011, 03:47 PM
My only issue with the Swamp Horror is that it'll be really easy to make a mess of the sculpt. Maelok I am happy with both sculpt and rules. I had originally just intended to run Barnabas while taking a break from circle for a few months but with Domination I think my money may just go into expanding out to to being able to run Croc's at 50 points and get into Pigs.

08-18-2011, 11:22 AM
I see your point, but I've always felt Hordes could use some more monster-y less humanoid beasts. I mean how many different kinds of giant humanoids can there possibly be in Immoren?