View Full Version : new dark eldar army

08-15-2011, 11:50 AM
Hey im new to painting and the forum so i was just wondering if i could get some feedback on the work ive done so far. Ive started on a few warriors and a wrack. The reaver needs its driver before its done. I realise the colour scheme is similar to the obsidian rose, but its not supposed to be them :)

This is my Sybalite:



the weapons have a steam punk sort of feel - rusty gold and dark green. The vials on the back need some work, but theyre coming on!

08-15-2011, 11:57 AM
These are the rest of the pained kalabites, a heavy weapons, standard and a chick with a knife ready to tear stuff up



i apologise for the picture quality :)

08-15-2011, 12:02 PM
heres the wrack - i found him a nightmare to paint but am pretty proud with how i got the skin to come out, if anyone wants to know how just ask :)

again sorry about the quality


and the back


08-15-2011, 12:04 PM
last up is my reaver. Im about to do the driver today, but i thought id put it up anyway. I tried to include extra detail, such as a rader scanner on the handlebars piece, this was just done by workin gup from catachan green to burnished gold, then overlaying some white and putting some red dots to indicate enemies


thats all for now, please let me know what you think :)

08-15-2011, 12:24 PM
They look fantastic. How did you do that skin?

08-15-2011, 12:30 PM
for the wrack?
First i base coated in chaos black
After that i did a dheneb stone coat. Unlike the skin on the faces, i only did one, so it came through quite dark over the black
Then i did a watered down lleviathan purple wash, and once that dried, a watered down blood red into the major recesses.

Using a larger, old brush, i dry brushed back over with dheneb stone, but had wiped most of the paint off on a tissue.
Then carefully with a small detail brush picked out the skin with another coat of dheneb, before doing the major highlights with a 60/40 skull white, dheneb mix :)

hope that helps!

08-15-2011, 03:14 PM
Your line highlight is really heavy, you might want to tone that down a bit.

08-15-2011, 03:44 PM
Your line highlight is really heavy, you might want to tone that down a bit.

yeah, im not too good at really thin lines unless im really concentrating (such on the wrack), so on big flat bits, like the reavers blades, the highlight line is very thick. Guess it'll come with practice! But thank you for the advice :)

Just ordering some magnets for a bits website in order to start some work on my latest bundle of goodies:


Felt i needed a bit of coven to support those wracks and make them a troop choice!

08-21-2011, 07:48 AM
not much painting been going on lately, but i have got a few bits to update!

The raider i painted ages ago in a different colour scheme has been disassembled, and is in the finishing stages of repainting. Though i had to order a new sail:



08-21-2011, 07:50 AM
the Jetbike has also had its driver finished. I painted a very rough skull on his helmet, it turned out pretty bad, but - i need to practice my freehand so.


and now ive started on the other jetbikes, so i have a small vehicle squad on the go!


08-21-2011, 07:51 AM
Lastly, i started the magnetisation of my talos/cronos. But it wont be as well done as some examples. The vestige arms will stay on, for example.



Thats all for now! :)

08-21-2011, 09:05 PM
spent a lot of today painting very slowly. I managed to get a warrior done for my squad, they take me around 2 hours each but this one seemed to take forever. As well as this, i started painting my Talos/Cronos. I paint each part separately, and realised first i had to do the spine.


then i could glue this is place on once half, and do the flesh. This is as far as i have got with it.


The other half needs to be done, then it can be glued on and the chest piece can get painted. I'm excited for this, its going to be a big project!

08-22-2011, 07:02 PM
an update!

Im treating this more like a diary. Sorry guys. I hope at least someone is interested.

I ran into an issue - how do i change the masks on the talos/cronos for when i want a spirit syphon ? This was my solution. A tiny hole drilled into the head


then with a small amount of green stuff, attach a paperclip cutting to the inside of the mask, long enough for it to slide in and be stable


I also cut the connecting probe from the tail and tentacle parts and replaced them with a 3mm magnet. Then I drilled a hole in the pelvis of the model to green stuff 2 magnets in place to switch between tentacles and a tail


08-22-2011, 08:12 PM
Cool stuff dude. Keep it up!

bloodangel 83
08-23-2011, 04:37 AM
looks good

08-25-2011, 04:05 PM
an update on the talos! Ive been pretty lazy recently, slowly painting the arms and tail for it. But here a little update on the base! I figured i wanted to do something special, as its my big project for the army so far. So i figured id have it as if its just taken down a mighty beast - and whats mightier than a carnifex? (a lot, but still..)

so i started with a magnet in the ball socket joint, angled at the angle id want the talos (this was for storage purposes)


this then attaches to the seethru plastic rod, which (when the base is finished) shall attached to the carnifex's back so it shall look like so!


08-25-2011, 04:12 PM
some more pictures of the base:


there's a half digested space marine arm poking out the side of the carny, as if he was caught snacking by a quick rs raid



and for laughs, tentacle monster


'til next time!

08-26-2011, 07:52 AM
hurray, this morning has seen motivation and i have already got one of the many tentacles painted!


08-27-2011, 12:58 PM
ive now managed to get both arms and the tentacles for the cronos done, but there is still a fair amount of work to be done before this is complete!





hopefully more soon! x

08-28-2011, 08:24 AM
nice work , especially love the cronos , it looks so nasty :)

08-30-2011, 08:06 AM
Cronos looks cool man.