View Full Version : Building a satisfying Eldar list

08-15-2011, 11:40 AM
Hello everyone,

I have been collecting Eldar for some time now, but am having a difficult time building a list I am satisfied with.

If any Eldar players can help here is what I am after:

-First and foremost, I want my list to incorporate a list that demonstrates the fluff of either Ulthwe or Altansar.
-I am aiming for a list of 1500 pts.
-For my HQ I would like Eldrad (though I'd like to add Maugan Ra in larger games)
- I absolutely want to include a full unit of Reapers with a Tempest Launcher and Crack Shot Exacrh skill
- I would prefer a hybrid list of units mounted in transports with a few units on foot.
- Keep in mind if Ulthwe (for fluff purposes) I do not want more Aspects than non-aspects
-However, since Black Guardians are no longer an option Dire Avengers can replace them (without causing a ratio imbalance)

The hardest thing I have had dealing with is covering enough to take out vehicles without relying on just one unit. Another thing I have found difficult is making sure that units don't become unsupported from moving much faster than other units.

Oh, and last, I also play Tau so I am trying to keep the army play styles different enough where I don't feel like I am playing the same army.

I appreciate the help and constructive comments that you all contribute!

Ulthwé Guardian
08-15-2011, 05:42 PM
- If you use Guardians, I'd recommend a squad of size of 15, it makes them tricky to budge from objectives. But beware deep striking units like Terminators with heavy flamers, a Warlock with Conceal won't help you against that.

- Depending on how you feel about count as armies/units you could field a unit of Black Guardians as count as Dire Avengers. I don't do this myself but it's not a bad idea in theory.

- Invest in Wave Serpents as early you can. They're always useful. Alternatively if money is an issue a pair of Fire Prism are useful instead.

- The Avatar and Farseer/Eldrad combo is widely used.

- An Autarch with a jetbike and a laser lance is great for finishing off any squads that you've shot up.

- A Farseer with a Warlock Bodyguard on jetbikes is a great unit and opens up allot of options but they're tricky conversion to make and cost a few points.

- Night Spinners are useful against armies that want to charge you, I fancy they'd be handy against Chaos Daemons.

- Forgeworld wise I'm having allot of fun at the moment with the Eldar Lynx armed with a Pulsar. It's ability to fly for a turn can get you out of a tight spot or put you into a position to exploit your enemies blind spot.

There's tons more things you can do and I sure the good people at BoLS will have loads more ideas than me.

08-15-2011, 08:06 PM
something that worked well was the unit of dark reapers with exarch, give him the missile launcher and both skills and now you have a cyclone missile launcher that ignores cover saves and re-rolls wounds... throw them into cover with a farseer standing back throwing conceal on them and your good. i've seen starcannons do some terrible stuff to people out in the open since their AP2, as well as having that eldrich storm go off and allow everyone to get rear shots on an IG parking lot. :D

08-16-2011, 12:52 AM
making guardians work is tricky.
storm guardians with either full flamers+ destructors or melta and spear

guaridan defenders are rubish by them selves scatter lase ris best choice of weapon. bright lance can work if you intent to guide but as a rule I on ly give it to twin linked or bs 4 stuff.

jet bikes are useful put them in reserve. last min objective grabs or hunting down that last squad member that denies kill point. i guess you don't want too many of these as your not doing saim han. warlock choices tend to have spears and then go embolden because when these guys run they disappear off the table in a hurry or destructor.

best support options wraith lord in anti tank role as with large number of psykers wraith sight not a problem.

quins make a good counter assult unit as they are hard to shoot due to shadow seer.

dave l

08-16-2011, 10:20 AM
something that worked well was the unit of dark reapers with exarch, give him the missile launcher and both skills and now you have a cyclone missile launcher that ignores cover saves and re-rolls wounds... throw them into cover with a farseer standing back throwing conceal on them and your good. i've seen starcannons do some terrible stuff to people out in the open since their AP2, as well as having that eldrich storm go off and allow everyone to get rear shots on an IG parking lot. :D

...You cannot combine both the crack shot and the fast shot skills, you, my friend, have been cheating your opponent :P

Re-read the rules for both powers and the exarch powers section, whatever theyre in.

08-16-2011, 10:53 AM
...You cannot combine both the crack shot and the fast shot skills, you, my friend, have been cheating your opponent :P

Re-read the rules for both powers and the exarch powers section, whatever theyre in.

I looked... It doesn't say you can't? But I don't know for sure. Anyone verify D:?

08-16-2011, 02:07 PM
you can have both but you can't use them both in the same turn. One or the other.

dave l

08-16-2011, 11:51 PM
well that seems to blow, the way we've been playing is you can use both, so both of us have been cheating :rolleyes: Thanks for the info.:)

Bard of Twilight
08-17-2011, 08:33 AM
As far as Ulthwe is concerned, it's fluff wise to include Storm Rangers. I suggest you to include 2 squads of them, 11 men and 1 Warlock with 2 flamers and Destructor mounted upon a wave Serpent with Stones and Missiles. Keep in mind that Ulthwe is a fast moving army, using speed to answer to any threat. I recommend you not to include Jetbikes, but have everything mounted upon Serpents(exception: Dark Reapers). I also recommend ,in order to represent their preference in the path of the Seer,to use both HQ slots to purchase Farseers( and Eldrad!:)) with some Warlocks and loads of destructors ,as well as aspect Warriors from one or two Temples. In that case you may purchase a Phoenix Lord, which would give your army some prestige:D. I have found that the Temple of Fire(yeah, Fuegan's sons) works pretty good with the Flame-storm Guardians, as well as Eldrad.Finally, if you insist including dark reapers, try Fast shot paired with an eldar Missile Launcher. Last and more important rule: make sure you enjoy playing with your army!:)

08-17-2011, 12:14 PM
Thank you all so far for the comments!

The problem I have been having with Storm Guardians is their final cost. For about 40 pts more, you get 10 Dire avengers that are much better than the so call Storm Guardians which is disappointing in a way - that's why I was considering changing the heads on the Avengers and making them the Black Guardians.

It seems I will need to use some Dragons for some extra AT as the transports just don't seem to be enough to take out enough transports.

I did have a Wraithlord in the list but he just didn't seem to synergize with the fast moving list (apart from the camping Reapers).

Man, the heavy support is competitive in the Eldar army! Hell, every slot seems competitive.

I was also considering some Harlequins on foot but they also seem as though they would be left behind.

Da Gargoyle
08-27-2011, 06:48 AM
I like to use Scorpions and Ranger/Pathfinders. A nice unit of 5 pathfinders holed up in a hard to get at loft can hold an objective and cause all sorts of grief to infantry. I swapped banshees for scorpions because the scorpion stats are better. More attacks at higher strength, power klaw on the exarch and 3+ armour save. The banshees have acrobatic/counter attack with power weapons and an unlikely war shout but less strength and a lower save limits that advantage. With charge your basic scorpion can deliver 4 s4 attacks, not so easy for your average space marine to save them all.

I agree with the comments about wave serpents as I tend to use larger squads. But I did use two falcon vyper combo's recently with more success than you would think.

I have not used characters much, but I have a far seer on a bike and I have found that it may be better to tool up your wraith lord with ballistic options. Nobody goes near him while he is waving that big sword around so he has to be defensive.

I have an autarch with fusion gun. He can be quite useful. He once got in behind an IG vehicle park and in marched along the line brewing one up each turn.