View Full Version : Cvife's Pre Heresy Death Guard (A blatant rip off of Bigred!)

08-14-2011, 06:17 PM
Hi everyone!

Here's an interesting failure of logic for you all, I recently sold a fairly large pre heresy death guard army.... So I would have the money to buy a pre heresy death guard army!

The difference being that this new army would be all forge world, or otherwise very heavily converted.

I am doing this army for fun, there is no real plan for it except stick to the fluff as best I can (so lots of foot marines without transports!) and make it look nice. It will not be intentionally beardy in any way.

So lets start with the first thing, A captain, I intend to use the rules for Pedro Kantor for him since he seems to have appropriate bonuses and stats, Here's the model I've made for him:


Next up is the first tactical squad, these all use the forgeworld mk3 (Iron Armour) models, as will all tactical marines, this squad isn't complete yet, they still need the legion's symbol and squad markings as well as finishing the basing:


The only thing I kept from the old version of the army in the predator, I am quite proud of this model, it is based on the current Rhino chassis but with the parts of an old metal predator to make it look more retro:


Finally here's a group shot of the whole army so far:


I've just made a large order to forgeworld for amongst other things, a Contemptor Dreadnought which should tine sometime after tuesday.

so, the question everyone who posts on here is thinking, What do you all think?

08-14-2011, 10:53 PM
The question to ask is are YOU happy with it?

08-15-2011, 03:15 AM
I find it very nice!!!

But the question is if you find them nice and fine on your initial ideas...

08-15-2011, 04:14 AM
very nice :) cant wait to see the rest

08-15-2011, 04:25 AM
Remember they don't paint their Terminator armour.

08-15-2011, 04:44 AM
Looks nice but if you're going pure pre heresy why storm bolter instead of twin linked bolter on your hq?

08-15-2011, 07:06 AM
Thanks for all the comments!

Looks nice but if you're going pure pre heresy why storm bolter instead of twin linked bolter on your hq?

Basically, to keep things simple and because it looks good, I find twin linked bolters to be too large on a model like that. Also, the storm bolter would have been a rare and experimental weapon around that time, so, it could just be a prototype undergoing field testing etc!

08-15-2011, 08:44 AM
Well I'm really surprised because obviously the close-up shot doesn't stand up to scrutiny but the squad shot looks awesome. I'm sorry how that sounds like a back-handed compliment but it's perhaps a lesson to all those, like myself, who are procrastinating over getting figures painted. It shows you don't have to make a Golden Demon finish to make an army look good. Sometimes the bold strokes show the greatest results and the fine details are otherwise lost on the battlefield.

09-01-2011, 05:42 PM
Thanks for the comments everyone.

Well, the annoying news is that the £150 order I made to forgeworld in order to properly get this army off the ground still hasn't turned up yet (three weeks and counting, I hate the royal mail!), the good news is that they've sent it out again and I should have it in the next couple of days, so anyway, it's given me the time to do more work on the stuff I already had, so heres a picture of the original Tactical Squad:


hopefully, I should have a significant update to this blog sooner rather then later!

09-02-2011, 05:10 AM
Does that mean if the original order turns up you get twice the goodies, or are you supposed to send them back?

09-02-2011, 05:18 AM
Nope. FW should send it registered, so if it is lost they send out replacements and get the money back from Royal Mail.

09-02-2011, 07:11 AM
Does that mean if the original order turns up you get twice the goodies, or are you supposed to send them back?

They didn't tell me to send it back if both orders arrived, so I'll ask you, what would you do?

09-02-2011, 07:39 AM
Keep it. And if it makes you feel guilty give FW a call and I guess they will tell you to keep it as well...
For them it's much more trouble taking all the stuff back and reorganizing everything (compensating your fright cost, putting stuff back on stock etc.) than letting you keep it.

09-02-2011, 11:22 AM
My Pre-Heresy Geath Guard approve of this army and hope to be reunited with their lost brothers on a tabletop somewhere in the future...

09-06-2011, 05:01 PM
Small update.

And when I say small, I mean I have had a Primarch sized distraction while I wait for the useless royal mail to deliver my forgeworld stuff.

So I present the first photo of my WIP model of Mortarion, Primarch of the Death Guard, Sorry for the slightly poor photo, My camera's battery ran out before I had a chance to take more photos. Oh well, at least it shows I'm still working on this project. The base model is the finecast sauron, It's still very WIP, but what do you all think?


09-07-2011, 07:53 AM
well, I've given my camera some time to charge up, and done some modifications and improvements to mortarion:


I've re-positioned his scythe to make him look less static.


I've also made some improvements to his scythe, adding the small generator from a power sword and some cabling to make it look much more 40k!



As I already mentioned, and I expect is obvious, my greenstuff skills are not that great, so I'm trying the minimize the amount of greenstuff used while still keeping the model looking striking!

09-07-2011, 08:21 AM
I think the scythe pointing to the front would make him look more threatening, but on the other hand this would make stowing him for transport more of a problem...

09-08-2011, 06:11 AM
well, my large forgeworld order finally turned up yesterday, heres the standard photo of the whole lot:


That includes:

-Contemptor Dreadnought body.

-Contemptor Dreadnought Lascannon (still waiting on the powerfist!).

-10 Mk3 marines (for another tactical squad).

-10 mk2 marines (for a devastator squad).

-heavy weapons.

-phobos pattern bolters.

It was quite amusing the other day when I explained what I was planning to bring to the upcoming doubles tournament to the organizer (my armies tend to be fairly competitive) his face was a picture when I said I wanted to use tactical squads with no transports and a devastator squad with one of each heavy weapon! But in my experience people who play tournaments for fun (especially something as social as a doubles tournament) seem to enjoy the event more, even if they don't win anything!

09-08-2011, 11:31 AM
+1 to snydersons scythe remarks. What is the basis of the primarch body?

09-08-2011, 11:59 AM
The base model is the finecast sauron.

For Grailkeeper

09-10-2011, 05:18 PM
Thanks for the comments on Mortarion everyone, I'm pretty happy with him ant the moment, but he could do with more work, either way, he's taken a back seat at the moment because I feel it's better to have a substantial army for him to lead first! In other news, my normal death guard won the games workshop Brighton armies on parade today which I'm pretty pleased about! shame there where only two entrants... anyway... time for another update:

well, as I stated in my last post, my long awaited forge world order has finally arrived, so heres some of the stuff I've been working on:

firstly, heres the important half of the devastator squad I.E, the big guns and the sergeant, sorry about the terrible photo, I'll post a better one soon!:

secondly, heres a picture of the whole unit:

Finally, here's the contemptor dreadnought, he's missing his close combat weapon in this photo, but I promise that the next photo will be of him fully assembled!:

Coming up next, painted photos (by next I mean tomorrow!)

09-11-2011, 03:54 PM
Time for the promised update, and today's is a big one!

Lets start with a new predator, this one has been a WIP for a while now but for some reason I just haven't taken photos!

Now before I get ripped to shreds, I'm fully aware that it's an annihilator and that they weren't around during the heresy but I couldn't get hold of the parts to make a destructor in the same way as the last one. My excuse is that it's a unique vehicle which was built by the death guard techmarines for a specific purpose etc etc, either way, excuses aside, here's the photos!:



I feel I need to do more to the weathering and make the rust look a bit darker, I'm sure some devlan mud would be a good solution for both problems!

Next up is the Devastators, the first five are now at a stage where I wouldn't have a problem fielding them in a game (still nowhere near finished though!):


Now for the Contemptor, I've been working on this all day and am pretty pleased so far, still needs some detail work done, but it's definitely getting there!:


09-11-2011, 03:54 PM


Finally a couple of photos of the army on a display board, one of the whole lot and on the finished tactical squad with a unit of "proper death guard" for comparison!



Hope everyone likes them so far!

09-11-2011, 05:16 PM
Wow, that Contemptor is spectacular! Every time I see one, I feel the urge to buy one (or more) for my PH World Eaters. The only things stopping me are the money I already spent on 4 FW Dreds, and the money it would cost to replace them all with Contemptors.. Cha-ching :eek:

09-27-2011, 08:58 AM
Well... Games day UK has been and gone and I've once aging spent far too much money (thank god I bought all the bus tickets I needed or I wouldn't be able to work!).

Anyway, what have I bought? You may be asking (or not), I got another 10 marines in mk3 armour to be used to fill up the first tactical squad to 20 men and a second contemptor with 2 close combat weapons and a cyclone missile launcher, Heres some photos:





tomorrow I plan to post some photos of the whole army, both painted and unpainted!

09-27-2011, 11:49 PM
Wow, nice looking bunc you've got there, lookin' good man.

Must. Fight. Urge. To. Buy. Comtemptor. So. Cool.

09-28-2011, 10:32 AM
Wow, nice looking bunc you've got there, lookin' good man.

Must. Fight. Urge. To. Buy. Comtemptor. So. Cool.

Succumb to the dark side...

Seriously though, nice work Cvife. Looking forward to seeing the whole army together

09-28-2011, 05:12 PM
well its a bit late, but here's the promised army shot:


I also checked to find out how big this army is and it came to 1750 pts, which is good!

anyway, next up is some games, and more painting!

10-07-2011, 07:07 AM
Time for a timely update.

I know I promised a Battle Report, but, despite playing a few games the other day, I got a bit distracted, and forgot to take any photos of any of the games! However, if you're wondering, I got 2 wins against Tau and Dark Eldar and a draw against Blood Angels, Turns out Pedro Kantor's Inspiring presence rule is quite good when combined with a pair of contemptors. I promise that next time I play a game with this army, I will take some photos!

Anyway, on to some WIP photo's of other stuff I've been working on:

Firstly, the second contemptor is pretty much finished:



And here's the photo of both of them side by side:


10-07-2011, 07:09 AM
Next up is a Malcador 'defender' which I've had for a couple of years now, in various paint jobs, I've given it a slight paint strip from nurgle death guard to it's more base colours and plan to re paint it completely to match the heresy era death guard, also, I've modified a leman russ to make it look a bit more pre heresy-ish and that will also be re-painted:





By the way, I have just started a blog to better document my painting and gaming exploits, heres the link: http://mortarionstoilet.blogspot.com/

that's all for now!

10-08-2011, 05:39 PM
So, I bought some new basing material from Army Painter and have been obsessively sticking it to random bases, It seems to add to the overall effect of the army quite well. Here's some more photos of the mostly finished stuff from so far:





10-08-2011, 05:40 PM


I promise to do a Battle report tomorrow!

10-14-2011, 05:46 AM
I may have told you all I would post a battle report a few days ago... I lied!

What happened was that I got carried away during the game[s] and took lots of photos but no notes of what actually happened.

So instead I present a series of photos of the two games I played and some small bits of info about what I remember happened!

The first game was against the Tau, the mission was capture and control and the deployment was spearhead, here's how the deployment looked:



and some other photos:

These Broadsides aren't in such a great place right now

nor are these battlesuits:

10-14-2011, 05:48 AM
One of my Predators killed a hammerhead!

but then the other hammerhead killed the predator...

Unbelievably the marines lost this combat:

the two contemptors wonder off in bordom after realizing how this game is going!

10-14-2011, 05:49 AM
These two won the game for the tau by deep striking in my deployment zone and causing havoc!

as you may have gathered, I lost this game, but I don't mind as it was one of the best games I've played in ages. what have I learned? well, contemptors are mean and extremely difficult to kill and therefore work very well as a front line unit, massed heavy weapons can be very effective, but will suffer a lot when there's a lot of terrain on the table, and my heresy era death guard work quite well, but they are a bit too static and don't react too well to deep striking and outflanking armies, but, I suppose that is the way of things! However, the most important thing I've realized is that these guys really need painting!:

more to come soon!

10-14-2011, 07:03 AM
who would have thought that Hazard suits would deal with hazards? 8)

11-25-2011, 09:00 AM
Hi everyone, I'm back!
Firstly, I'd just like to say that I'm alive, and so is this army, there are photos coming up in a bit.

I got a bit distracted recently with a recent singles tournament in which I specially made a rather nice Black Legion army (even if I do say so myself!), but that's for another thread, did very badly and vowed never to use Codex: Chaos Space Marines in a competitive sense again, but anyway, heres what I've been working of for this army, firstly, a new Captain:
I know he has a storm bolter and that they weren't really around in those days, but it looks cool and thats the main point!

Next is an attack bike, not my favorite model by a long shot, and still a long way from being finished, but necessary for this army to be legal in an upcoming doubles tournament:

Here's a nice group shot of the doubles army:

That is all.

11-25-2011, 04:54 PM
I especially like the verdigris (green bits) on the bronze colour. And the weathering on the contemptor. And all the bases.

11-26-2011, 09:10 PM
Love the Contemptors,

Mine is almost ready to go. I'll get a thread going for him soon.

GO Pre-Heresy Death Guard!

11-27-2011, 05:14 AM
fantastic looking army really like the paint job on the contemptors

12-03-2011, 08:14 AM
Just a quick update today.

I've finished the attack bike:


This means that the army I'm taking to the doubles tournament is finished, and only just on time!

Also, I have to admit, say what you want about the Inland Revenue, I quite like them, they gave me a nice christmas bonus because I payed too much tax. So I've ordered more stuff for this army, including, a new tactical squad, a mortis Contemptor and enough parts to make a command squad, Including for the first time in this army, some mk4 marines. So, looking forward to that.

Oh and just for good measure, here's a shot of all the finished stuff:

Until next time!

12-08-2011, 04:55 PM
Yay, it's time for a good and interesting update!

Firstly, I went to the doubles tournament, and came stone, dead, last... which was fine because I also won best army, and this made me happy.

Because of this, I have bought more stuff which isn't just an attack bike.

My forge world order arrived today, and it contained:
3 packs of mk3 armour
1 pack of mk4 armour
1 contemptor dreadnought
2 kheres pattern assault cannons
1 contemptor cyclone missile launcher
1 pack of phobos pattern bolters

from this pack I will make:

Another tactical squad (I know it's a bit boring, but more marines always looks better then fewer!)

A mortis pattern contemptor dreadnought.

A command Squad

and some leftovers.

Here's the contemptor:

I know the pose is a little boring, but this is a shooty dreadnought not a cool chargy dreadnought

next up is the command squad, I've tried to make every model different. I imagine this squad will be next to useless on the tabletop, but if the doubles tournament has told me anything, it's that I like using this army no matter how badly it does!

First is the apothecary:

Next is the Company champion, I gave him a mk4 head, I'm really fond of the idea that the army's veterans are being used as a testbed for the new armour technology and as the squads dedicated combat guy, the champion would appreciate the upgraded senses:

heres a guy with a plasma gun and storm shield, not really sure what purpose he serves, but he looks pretty cool:

12-08-2011, 04:56 PM
next is the sergeant (he has no rules but that's his job), he's armed with a power fist and flamer, just because I can, he also has a complete set of mk4 armour:

and finally here's the standard bearer, possibly my favorite model in the army:

and a photo of the whole squad:

That is all.

12-27-2011, 04:48 PM
Hi everyone!

Merry Christmas and such. I have an update for you all.

Despite being hideously busy at work over the past couple of weeks I've still found the time to do some modeling and painting, Here's what I've been up to:

Firstly, let's get the boring stuff out of the way, here's tactical squad number 4:

And the only interesting member of the squad, the sergeant:

Next is the 3rd contemptor dreadnought, almost finished, but still needs some fine detail work doing like the eyes and legion icon:

With the release of Imperial Armour Apocalypse second edition, I've had the drive to play more big games and with 3 contemptor dreadnoughts in this army I felt that the Ancients assault force was a good choice of formation, so here's the techmarine that I've been working on, I thought it would be cool to make him look more like a high ranking mechanicum tech priest, so he has nothing on him to show affiliation the Death Guard, just lots of red, black and white, and grease, lots of grease:

12-27-2011, 04:49 PM
and here's a friend for him, just a totally basic techmarine with no upgrades, not sure if he'll be death guard or mechanicum yet:

Now onto the command squad, they're pretty much done, here's the photos and a group shot of the whole squad:

12-27-2011, 04:50 PM

And finally the whole army, beginning to look quite impressive now!

That is All!

01-31-2012, 11:36 AM
finally, an update:

I've been buying new stuff from forgeworld because, well, I don't need to explain my reasons to you, I just did, OK!


firstly I've basically finished the mortis contemptor, and I want another one now (seriously, that thing is lethal!):

I've bought a new dreadnought, this time it's not a contemptor, instead I just went for a normal dreadnought with a multi melta and close combat, I'm finding it's so cheep in game that it is difficult for it to not do well!:

01-31-2012, 11:36 AM
And finally, I couldn't help but buy the new predator kit, It's a really great model!:

That's is all.

01-31-2012, 11:59 AM
Awesome as always. Bit of a shame the new Contemptor isn't as dynamic as the other 2, but it still looks increadible.

02-02-2012, 06:24 PM
Time for a small update.

I have decided to prove that I can convert my own models and don't just buy stuff from forgeworld, so I've been working on one of the major elements of the death guard that this army doesn't contain yet, Terminators!

The main issue I have with terminators in this army is the shoulder pads, but in the end I just had to go ahead and convert some out of Plasticard and brass, which I think came out quite well!

I also used some spare plastic parts including heads from grey knight terminators and torsos from chaos terminators, basically ensuring that this is a conversion which I will find annoyingly difficult to replicate when I decide I want more terminators!

Anyway, heres some photos I took just before I sprayed them:




That is all.

03-30-2012, 05:28 PM
Time for a long awaited update on this army:

Hmmm, what have I been up to recently? well, firstly, I've almost finished the terminators, I am really quite pleased with how these guys have come out, even it a am slightly annoyed that Forge World have lust released a squad of their own! Here's the photo:


Next up, Forge world recently made an update to some of the space marine units they produce including some rather nifty rules for Veteran Sergeant Haas, so I felt it would be important to include him in this army, here's the model I made:


A recent trip to warhammer world proved to be good for this army but bad for my wallet as it just so happens that their store carries the complete range of forgeworld products, so I bought (among other things) an new Mortis Contemptor... I think they look better in pairs!:


And Finally, Im heading to an 1850 pts tournament in Brighton at the end of April, last time I took this army to a tournament I came stone dead last, but won best army, this tim I still want to get best army, but I also want to win some games, here's the army list I plan on taking:

1850 pts heresy era death guard

1 Pedro Kantor

5 Terminators
Cyclone Missile Launcher
2 x Chainfist

1 Techmarine
Servo Harness

10 Tactical Squad
Missile Launcher
Melta Gun
Veteran Sergeant Haas

10 Tactical Squad
Missile Launcher
Melta Gun
Power Fist

10 Tactical Squad
Missile Launcher
Melta Gun
Power Fist

10 Tactical Squad
Missile Launcher
Melta Gun

1 Mortis Pattern Contemptor Dreadnought
2 x Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons
Cyclone Missile Launcher

1 Mortis Pattern Contemptor Dreadnought
2 x Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons
Cyclone Missile Launcher

1 Predator
Lascannon Sponsons
Dozar Blade

Army Total 1850

And here's how it looks as an army:


That's all for now!

04-23-2012, 05:26 AM
I enjoyed playing this list yesterday, and glad you won best painted

04-23-2012, 12:46 PM
Good stuff man , the army looks ace. Nice weathering on the vehicles and dreads as well.

05-18-2012, 06:19 AM
Hi, It's been a while, but anyway, it's time for a rather large update!

So firstly, I took this army to a recent tournament and came 12th overall (out of 37 players). But more importantly than that, I won best army! And that made me very happy.

on to some photos...

Since the tournament I've been working on a unit of Sternguard veterans based on the mk4 maximus armour, and just because I can, they're armed with 6 combi-meltas, 2 combi-flamers and 2 heavy flamers! their job is to ride around in a Drop Pod, wreak havoc and then die horribly. However, after some play testing, I've found that pedro making them scoring is very good and they provide a massive distraction unit! Here's some photos:


Here's one of the heavy flamers, I converted them from a Grey Knights Psycannon!:

and Finally, heres the sergeant and 2 of the combi-melta guys:

The other new thing in this army is a vindicator, I decided to buy this when one of my regular opponents decided to start a Dragowing army with something like 20 paladins. When I thought about this I quickly realized that I wouldn't be able to beat an army like that, so a vindicator seemed like the logical choice!:


More to come!

05-18-2012, 06:20 AM
here's a photo of the vindicator and predator together (the vindicator is waiting for a fancy tank commander from forge world, that's why it has a hole in the top!):


next is some photos of finished stuff, firstly, the terminators, where I've added Legion symbols and painted the rockets in the cyclone Missile launcher:


the two Mortis Contemptors are done, and I am very happy with them:


and the attack bike has a friend, not only do I think they look effective in pairs, but they will have a use during games now that isn't just filling points!:


The next post will be army shots so far...

05-18-2012, 06:21 AM
and finally (for today at least, and indeed at most!), some shots of the whole army:




And the whole thing:


That's all for now, hopefully I'll have an order arrive today from forgeworld containing, among other things, 3 rapiers and yet another tactical squad.

Until next time!

06-27-2012, 11:07 AM
I'm back!

Lots of people have been pressuring me to add a land raider proteus to this army, so I did. I have to say that before I bought one I was really in to minds with regards to this model, on the forge world wed site it looks great from some angles but terrible from others, however, now I own one and have had the chance to look at it properly, I really love it, here's the photos:




That all for now, I promise I'll update this blog sooner next time!

07-12-2012, 05:58 PM
Ok, so...

Time for a BIG update, I have been a little busy!

Firstly, I have decided to further theme this army, The intention is now that they are from the Isstvan V drop site massacres, so they are traitors but aren't yet followers of Nurgle, or strictly speking, Chaos at all, they just prefer Horus to the Emperor, this allows for me to branch out into the other legions which were about at that time, and with the new allies system that will be easier then ever! but more on that later.

Firstly, I want to show off some of the Death Guard stuff I've been working on.

I've pretty much finished the Land Raider Proteus, all that's left to do is some highlighting around the weapons and a couple of lenses, I've also added to the weathering around the tracks to give it an even more worn and well used appearance:



I also couldn't resist adding a flyer to my army, so I bought a Storm Talon, I don't think it's the greatest model out there (It is massively better then the Storm Raven though!) and it won't be featuring in any major painting competitions such as Armies on parade, but I has some decent rules and is probably the easiest way to add a flyer to a Space Marine army, here's the photos:



07-12-2012, 06:00 PM
Next is something I hinted at in a previous post:

I have a loyalist warhound for this army! I felt that this army had got to such a size that it needed something big, and this was the answer, it was great fun to paint, but it's in no way finished yet, It's also not going to be the last one either, I eventually plan on having another warhound and a reaver in the same colours.

In case you're wondering, it's in the colours of the Legio Crucius or the 'Warmongers' for short, and if you know about their background you will know that while they weren't on the traitors side, but to me that doesn't really matter, if I'm going to spend over £300 on a miniature, I'll paint it however I want!

Anyway, here's the pics:





07-12-2012, 06:01 PM
and finally, the allies thing i Talked about earlier, I decided I wanted to do something a bit different, so I decided to Start some Emperor's children.

The intention is to use them as a very small force with Blood Angels rules, and to make them as different to the death guard as possible, so in contrast to the very regimented look I went for with the death guard, I tried to make the emperor's children look very individualistic as I could, here's the unpainted photos of the first half of the first tactical squad:




and to give an idea of how they'll look when they're finished, here's a photo of Captain Lucius...


That's all for now.

07-13-2012, 07:55 AM
Very exciting developments! Look forward to seeing more of those Emporer's Children. Nice to see far less weathered scheme from you for a change! looking forward to the individula/dynamic conversions too

07-13-2012, 09:05 AM
The Lucius model is sweet, where did you get the head from?

11-12-2012, 10:03 AM
It's been a while but I finally have an update on this army.

The Chaos Space Marine release has been a bit of a distraction for the last few weeks, but I am finally getting back to my favorite army. I recently spent over £250 on more forgeworld stuff, in the hopes that I'd be able to adapt this army for the army list in betrayal. While this plan was completely successful, I found a new problem. I played one game at 2000 pts and quickly descovered how broken it is for normal games as I crushed my opponent in a way that wasn't even funny (pride of the legion is a disgusting rule!). So, until my regular opponents start getting their heresy era collection off the ground, I will be forced to stick to the Space Marine Codex (or Chaos Space Marines if my opponant doesn't mind me completely disregarding the Champions of Chaos rule).

So onto the models, First up is a Spartan Assault tank, and for this one, I actually have progress shots!


Before Washes and Weathering:

After Washes but before Weathering:

Fully Weathered but not detailed (and as a comparison to the Land Raider Proteus):

11-12-2012, 10:04 AM
In other news:

Legion mk 4 Tactical marines:

Cataphractii Terminators (I have 5 more of these but they came mismolded so I'm waiting for replacements):

And a 3rd attack bike to complete the squadron:

And finally, a shot of the whole army (before the new stuff was added mind)

That is all for now.