View Full Version : 15 Wyches

08-14-2011, 08:10 AM
Has anyone else taken to using full Wych squads (15) coming out of WWP in their games? I forgot about them for months, focusing on ten in a raider then suddenly I remembered I could take more. Last game I took 15 Wyches, Hekatrix with Agoniser and three Hydra Gauntlets. Generating 43-58 attacks on the charge. I was lucky enough to get Painbringer on the combat drugs chart so I was able to re-roll wounds. Did a lot of damage to the TWC deathstar they charged first turn, their dodge saves keeping most of them alive to finish them off next turn. With FNP they then went on to run rampant through the rest of the Wolves army.

I noticed Craftworld Lansing has been converted to the joys of hydra gauntlets and mentions 15 Wych squads, but beyond that I've not seen much talk of them.

08-14-2011, 08:45 AM
any unit that pumps out 40+ attacks on the charge gets an A+ in my book.

Otherwise, I can see why people don't take webway portals, because the raider does essentially the same thing (positioning the wyches) and can also fire.

08-14-2011, 11:20 AM
The advantage of the WWP, though, is that you don't get shot on the way there. As long as you can place it, that is.

08-14-2011, 01:02 PM
Exactly. WWP portal delivery doesn't have the chance to kill half the unit with a single lascannon shot

08-14-2011, 01:35 PM
And also allows the aforementioned 15-Wych unit to exist and get into combat, potentially without even taking any shots.

I currently only have a unit of Warriors, Scourges and an Archon to my DE army, but my plans for expansion include a 15-Wych unit to come hopping out of a WWP. And some Harlequins, too, because I want some space clowns in this army, damnit.

What're thoughts on Shardnets&Impalers/Razorflails in comparison to Hydra Gauntlets?

08-14-2011, 05:06 PM
I took 15 Wyches the first few games with the new codex when I was just rolling total crap, so they weren't very successful. WWP means they don't get shot at to get to the middle of the table. On the other hand, the WWP can be surrounded or the enemy can stay 18"+ away and just shoot them when they arrive. Needless to say that WWP(s) are practically mandatory when taking 15 Wyches.

08-14-2011, 11:00 PM
Admit it, the reason you were using 10 Wyches is because they come in boxes of 10.

08-15-2011, 12:29 AM
I looked at the idea, and summarily dismissed it. While I seem to have an abundance of luck when it comes to reserve rolls, there are three problems with any WWP list: I have to magically keep 1-3 units alive for at least one turn, I depend on dice rolls to see my units in before turn 5, and my opponent is literally given a gigantic marker which states "YOUR OPPONENT IS COMING FROM RIGHT HERE." Thanks, but I'd rather take the raider.

08-15-2011, 12:36 AM
Valid points, I think it depends very much on playstyle. I have to admit I prefer a Raider fleet to a WWP list myself, but I've been trying different things lately. Of course Wyches are troopsso if they come in late you might at least be able to Fleet them for a late objective capture/contestation.

I looked at the idea, and summarily dismissed it. While I seem to have an abundance of luck when it comes to reserve rolls, there are three problems with any WWP list: I have to magically keep 1-3 units alive for at least one turn, I depend on dice rolls to see my units in before turn 5, and my opponent is literally given a gigantic marker which states "YOUR OPPONENT IS COMING FROM RIGHT HERE." Thanks, but I'd rather take the raider.

Pfft, I have one hundred plastic Wyches, more than enough to field squads of 15.:p

Admit it, the reason you were using 10 Wyches is because they come in boxes of 10.

08-15-2011, 12:45 AM
I forgot to mention: I have two HQs already selected for 90% of my games where a WWP might be possible to bring along, and both are named characters who can't take WWPs.

08-15-2011, 11:36 AM
I usually run 2 units of 15 wyches with haywire granades and hekatrix with agoniser, they are an amazing unit when coming out of a WWP, only problem Ive had (it its very situational) is when I get a bad fleet roll when there arent enemy units close enough for a charge, they usually get decimated by bolter fire before they can actually do anything... generally tho they will be able to pull of a charge the turn they come out and they are killer...

08-16-2011, 08:19 AM
Actually, I was going to try splitting my normal squad(s) of 10 on a raider into 2 X 5 on Venoms to act as harassment / speedbumps and last minute objective grabbers / contesters ... :confused:

In 1500 point games where I am, Max squad of Wyches sound like a risk. WWP are expensive and I would always want a spare. With the limited number of choices of models that can take a WWP and the low number of points in our games, I usually don't have the spare points to consider a full-sized squad. :(

Having said that, I have done the 20-model Warrior squad successfully, but they don't need to make the run out across no-mans-land. :D

08-16-2011, 09:56 PM
I used 15 heshe wyche squads out of my wwp for a few games until a situation arose where 15 was too many bodies to try and squeeze out of the portal.

Now instead of two 15 man I run with three 10 man when I am using the webway. 10 wyches prove more than enough to get the job done and anything that would kill 10 wyches was not having much more trouble killing 15.

wwp are an amazing delivery system for wyches if you want to use them offensively and heres why:

-#1 reason in my book is plopping a portal within 12" of one, two, even three objectives. Wyches will be flowing onto objectives all game which is awesome.

- instead of every squad having to fly across the table and get shot at, now only one squad of your choice has to fly across the table and get shot at. As long as they lay down their portal it will be as if your entire army made it there untouched.

- This point is part of the previous one but having one or two venoms transporting a webway carrying squad will let you keep your entire army out of line of sight until you strike. A venom on its own is very easy to hide.

- two ports will let you set one down on your first turn and turboboost the other one to a flank to lay down turn 2. Now your entire army can strike in two spots, whichever is weaker of course!

- I know this post is about wyches but hellions and talos are both champs at making sure your opponent thinks twice about trying to crowd a portal.

But yeah, 15 he/she wyche squads can hit really hard and are not going anywhere once they get into combat. Same goes for 10 in my experience if they are full strength when they launch their assault.