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08-13-2011, 09:17 PM
'Ard Boyz results! (or, what place did I get?)

Well, took 2500 pts of Dark Angels (well, a Deathwatch/crusading force) and had a tournament where there were only 4 of us. So I got to play everyone and everyone played each other. so anyway

Round 1: Kill the Traitor vs. Blood Angels

General result: BA player really really hates deep striking terminators and assault squads that messed with his 3 vindicators and killed the traitor by turn 3 (all my reserves came on turn 2). His only saving grace was he got a dreadnought into position to charge and kill the tactical squad the traitor was in. In other news, Dante and his Sanguinary Guard got stomped by “Belial” and a terminator squad. In the end, I got the minor victory.

Round 2: objectives vs. Grey Knights

Can we not talk about this? I guess I do huh? Um…I got massacred. His “everything and the kitchen sink” force just managed to take out my terminator squads and resist return fire. His anti-deep strike abilities kept my abilities to get behind him or near objectives completely negated.

Round 3: Kill stuff vs. Necrons

A glorious first for our store: got a monolith to blow up. One of my dreadnoughts walked up to it, punched it, boom. Anyway, I learned to HATE THE C’TAN (which did almost all the point scoring for him eating 2 terminator squads and a dreadnought) and be annoyed by resurection orbs (his Lord/General didn’t stay “dead” until he had no wounds at end of game.)

So with the tournament points (battle points) the Grey Knights ended up as a clear winner (54) with myself and the Necrons tied at 30. The Blood Angels being tabled by the Grey Knights in round 3 meant that the BA player came in 4th. Not really sure who technically wins 2nd place.

So anyway, that was actually a fun experience and learned a bit. Hope to do it again and not sure if I can go to the next round depending on where it’s at and what money I don’t have.

08-13-2011, 09:33 PM
I took 3rd with my NIds and my son took 1st with DE.

I beat another NId and BA player, then lost to my son in round 3.

08-13-2011, 10:42 PM
I got 2nd with Grey Knights, losing by 1pt that I could have easily gotten had I not made one or two completely stupid mistakes at various points.

I had 20 Terminators, a Grand Master, Librarian, 20 Strike Squad, 10 Interceptors and 3 Psyrifle Dreads

Game 1 vs IG. He had a couple Leman Russes, Hydra, a blob squad, 2 vendetta and a bunch of dudes in Chimeras. He castled in the center of the board, I outflanked a unit of GKSS and the rest of my force walked at him while shooting. He put everything into one of my Terminator squad and only killed 3-4 over two rounds, and then I just switched the traitor over to the other unit so he couldn't kill him. He then decided to concede the game, since he figured that he couldn't get enough killpoints to possibly win...? I thought that was odd, but whatever, he was honestly probably right. I had 10 killpoints plus the traitor, and he would have to have literally tabled me to win in all likelyhood. And even then he might not have gotten a massacre or even major victory.

Game 2 vs GKs. He had two storm ravens each carrying a psyrifle dread and a small paladin squad. He also had a Dreadknight and two 6 man Strike Squads in Rhinos. One Paladin had Driago, a Librarian and a Techmarine with grenades in it. He literally took all the upgrades on everything, short of mastercrafting all of his paladin's weapons.

I deployed my psyrifle Dreads too far back and only one was in range of his deployed Storm Ravens. I shot one (with all the HQs in it) down. The second one then dropped 4 mindstrike missiles on my Grand Master and killed him. Shouldn't have let that happen, that was stupid of me. I then immobilized his last Storm Raven, then killed it the turn after that. His Paladins then spent the rest of the game trying to reach the center objective, but I sacrificed my Interceptors, 10 Terminators and Librarian to hold him off. I did make a lot of invulnerable saves, though.

On one flank, his strike squads and dreadknight came on from reserves, and I killed them all with my two strike squads and 10 Terminators. However, in the very last round I had 2 Terminators left and he had two Strike Squad guys. He caused one power weapon wound, and I took it on the wrong model and failed the save. Extremely stupid of me, because his models then consolidated onto my remaining terminator and contested that objective. That denied me enough points on objective to drop me from a massacre to a major victory, all because a completely nonsensical and stupid move on my part. Had I not done that, I would have gotten 1st overall from the points I lost.

Game 3 vs Gks. He had 40 GKSS in Rhinos, 10 Terminators, 19 Purifiers and a 5 man purgation squad in a razorback, plus 2 Xenos Inquisitors with Rad Grenades. One Purifier and the purgation squad had Incinerators, everyone else had Psycannons. Everyone had Psybolt Ammo.

I outflanked all my GKSS, and deployed the Terminators. I stupidly allocated too many wounds to the Librarian for no reason (he was my general, too), and he died, which gave my opponent 370 VPs. Had I not been stupid, that would have also given me enough points for 1st.

The rest of the game was a shooting and assault match. I was able to focus fire and my force was more cohesively deployed, and I was able to pull of the charge on him thanks to the Interceptors and outflanking Strike Squads. Over the course of a brutal game, he had 4 Terminators and an Inquisitor, 4 Purifiers and an Inquisitor, 1 Purifier from the other unit, and 3 damaged Rhinos left. I had 3 Terminators, 4 GKSS, my Grand Master, and 3 Psyrifle Dreads. Because of mistakes on my part (particularly the Librarian, but also forgetting about the 1 random Purifier left denying me ~160 VPs) we tied on basically everything. I took 1769 VPs total, he took 1717.5. Last turn I also moved the wrong way and shot at the Terminators when I should have finished off his 4 Purifiers and Inquisitor that was worth double points. I should have had plenty of firepower to do it, but shot the Terminators instead for no good reason. All in all a fun and brutal game, but my mistakes cost me a nearly 700pt VP swing that would have gotten me a lot of points. I got a few more VPs but only 11 battle points to his 12, and in the overall results he had 1 more battle point and about 40 more VPs total. Crazy close.

To be fair about my mistakes, though, my opponent also made the mistake of putting his units too close to the table edge. My first GKSS unit came in turn 1 and shot then assaulted two of his GKSS units. I killed 20 of his guys (500pts) at the cost of 10 of mine (230pts, they got shot to death next turn), all because he jumped the squad out of the wrong side of the Rhino.

08-14-2011, 05:47 AM
I didn't play this year, but i got to "referee" my friend's games. He doesn't have the best grasp of the rules, but his opponents tried to pull over gems like "You only hit on front armour if I moved last turn" and "All of my units count as scoring." This plus common mistakes like Dawn of War deployment etc. meant I spent all day trying to keep people from lying and cheating. Good times. Enjoy the next stage with these guys....

08-14-2011, 03:45 PM
I went 3-0 (all massacres) with my Blood Angels.

2nd was another BA player (3 storm ravens)

And 3rd was 6 Auto-cannon Dreadnaught Grey Knights

I wrote up some brief battle reports http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?p=153938#post153938

08-14-2011, 08:21 PM
I took a very shooty Deathwing list, with six terminator squads, 3 dreads, landraider, predator and whirlwind. Not my usual list at 2500, but being that this was only the 2nd formal tournament I have played in, I didn't know what to expect. I really didn't expect to do very well, but I ust wanted to take a rainy day and play a few games of 40k.

Game 1: Opponent was Mech Guard.

Got a chance to play a guy from our larger group that I don't see very often. He had a mech/veteran guard list that was pretty solid. I had lots of lascannons, cyclones and autocannon shots, and we beat each other up pretty good. He had trouble killing off my individual units, while I was shooting holes in transports and crushing 10 man guard squads with terminators. I got the traitor, and those points were enough for the massacre.

Game 2: Bugs

I love playing Deathwing, and feel like I can hold my own against most armies, but nids give me the fits. Nice opponent, very friendly, but he has a huge army of small critters, and it was simply math. Got massacred as he spread out across the whole board. Might have been able to scrape a point or two back if we would have had time, but its just a game with plastic army men.

Game 3: Guard

Another guy I had never met before, but also very fun and interesting opponent. Themed "traitor" guard list a balance of mech, tanks and infantry units. Interesting mix of forgeworld models into individual units. Army was heavily coverted, but not fully painted, but he was a good opponent. He shot me up pretty good, but only finished off one squad of terminators, with three squads never getting below half. I assaulted his tank line towards the end of the game, and chainfists against rear armor ten made short work of the armor he had left. Major victory with a couple of bonus points. Another turn would have probably given me a massacre.

Overall, I ended up third.

Thoughts on the day: Whirlwind=Good. I'm used to playing against airmobile guard, chaos, marines and orks, but the whirlwind (especially with the cover-denying rounds) just ate whole units for lunch.

Two: It doesn't always suck to play outside of your close group. I've had some bad experiences, and really enjoy gaming with the guys in D-Company, but met some cool people.

Three: I like 2500 point games. I don't like trying to play them in 2.5 hours.

Four: Buy beer before I show up next time.


08-14-2011, 09:25 PM
I finished 1st. I went 3-0. 2 by massacre and 1 by major victory. I was playing mech IG.

CCS (7) - 3 x Plasma, Medipack, Astro. and OoTF, Chimera
CCS (5) - 4 x Melta

PBS (9) - Chimera
PBS (9) - Chimera

Vets (10) - Demo, 2 x Melta
Vets (10) - Demo, 2 x Melta
PCS (5) - 4 x Flamers, Chimera
IS (10) - Lascannon, Chimera
IS (10) - Lascannon, Chimera
IS (11) - Lascannon, Commissar


Hydra (2)
LR Executioner (2)

1st game was vs. Necrons, Phased him in turn 4. Ignored the Monolith and Nightbringer and focused on everything with Necron rule. 26-0 IG

2nd game vs. Demons, held 4 of 5 objectives and contested the 5th for a 9-0 win. Officer of the Fleet showed his worth this game. Demons trickled in and paid dearly for it. He ended the game with 5 Plague Bearers and Kugath remaining. 23-0 IG

3rd game vs. Ultra Marines, won by 950+/- victory points. Dice went cold late in the game. I couldn't finish off 2 Vindi's and a LR Crusader that were immobilized with no weapons...ughh. 19-3 IG

I had a total of 68 points.

2nd place was Space Wolves (54 points)
3rd place was the Ultra Marines from my 3rd round game. (47 points)

Looking forward to round 2.

08-14-2011, 09:56 PM
'Ard Boyz results! (or, what place did I get?)

Round 2: objectives vs. Grey Knights

Can we not talk about this? I guess I do huh? Um…I got massacred. His “everything and the kitchen sink” force just managed to take out my terminator squads and resist return fire. His anti-deep strike abilities kept my abilities to get behind him or near objectives completely negated.

I hear ya. Same Mission, Same Results. Played a full DoA Blood Angels list, so I could not really Deep Strike. Could not get em out of his transports... lost 2 ten man squads to the psycher STR 8 AP2 template crap... when I finally did get him out his transports...INT 7 STR 5 power halberds tore me a new one.... And I thought Blood Angels were an assault army, pfff how wrong I guess I was....

08-14-2011, 10:28 PM
DCompany, where you based out of? The Appleton guys missed the Milwaukee guys coming up and beating their face in ;) .

Took third in Green Bay. First round saw my orks chasing mechdar like a dog after a speeding car. Cornered him on turn five and did nothing due to bad rolls. He did 3 kill points in one combat as a result of my bunching up. Major loss.

Second and third rounds had the orks do no wrong...major win vs codex marines and a final round massacre vs nids. Seeing doom be run over with a deffrolla is pretty therapeutic.

08-15-2011, 10:12 AM
Played at Silver Spring Hobbies.

Great store, and would be the place I would play more often if I wasn't a basement-beer-brats-big game type player.

08-15-2011, 02:21 PM
Got second with GK by one point not much I could have done to improve that just based on matchups each mission.

Game One: IG
facing three large 40+ platoon squads protecting his tank line and his traitor. Purfiers handled their platoon squad with ease using thier four incinrators and cleansing flame only to die to tanks. Tha paladins in the other two stormravens, one with draigo and one with the libby took 3 turns to eat through the other squads. Slowed me down way to much was only able to get a minor victory after managing to kill the traitor. Didnt have first turn so I had gone into reserves with everything. Had 11 kill points to his 5

Game two: BA

Got first turn, my three stormravens killed his landraider and two vindicators. Razorbacks took out half the devastor squad. Turn two after losing nothing i popped each rhino and massacred each sqaud inside. turn three position self on all objectives and procceeded to clean up. Start of trun four only a priest left, game ends shortly there after.

Game three: Orks

My army model count 33.......his 206.......
I killed 90 models on turn 2.......rest of the game a blood bath
victory points i killed 2300
victory points he killed 2325
models left me: 3
models left him: 28
he won the tournament with 50 points i got second with 49....in all fairness he played tau in game one for a walk off massacre

08-15-2011, 05:34 PM
Sadly, I had to work on that day. But I heard who placed where.

1st: Space Wolves
2nd: Grey Knights
3rd: Space Wolves
4th: Grey Knights


08-15-2011, 09:40 PM
Results from Auto master in North Canton, Ohio.

1. Orks - 5 Battlewagons (me)

2. Necrons

3. Grey Knights

4. Space Wolves

5. Blood Angels

6. Space Wolves

08-19-2011, 03:39 PM
I was just told today (6 days after the event) that I was disqualified because I didn't have a copy of the codex with me.
Would have been nice to tell me I couldn't play day of or emailed me earlier in the week or something. Got told by the store owner in a way that makes me not want to ever spend money there again. When I asked why I just didn't get a note from GW about there I just got a very distainful "why would they tell you"

I'll be asking the first place player next time I see him if he's heard anything or if something is too fishy.

08-19-2011, 04:33 PM
Bull. The 'ard boyz rules don't require you to bring your codex (it merely suggests that you bring it), and there's no reason they should DQ you a week after the event. How'd they even find out you didn't have it?

Call to the Semis location anyways and see if you can sort things out.

08-19-2011, 08:04 PM
Hey man don't worry about it. My friend went to the Fantasy Ard Boyz semis. He went to FTW Games in Richmond, Va with Empire. He got 1st at the semis. Shortly after WINNING the tournament the store owner pulls him outside. He tells my friend that they are going to DQ him from the tournament because in his first game (the complaint was made after game 3) he had a model fall over. My friend did what any player would do and picked up his model and put it back exactly where it had fallen down a hill from. Apparently this is cheating in the eyes of the TO to put the model back on the hill. My friend tries to explain what happened. The judge said he didn't want to hear it and that his mind was made up and that he would not be awarded the prize for 1st in the SEMIS (A 2500 pt army of your choosing) or even his spot at finals. For picking up a model that had fallen and the complaint was made 2 games later.

08-19-2011, 08:04 PM
Bull. The 'ard boyz rules don't require you to bring your codex (it merely suggests that you bring it), and there's no reason they should DQ you a week after the event. How'd they even find out you didn't have it?

Call to the Semis location anyways and see if you can sort things out.

The DQ allegadly came from GW because the store owner asked them about it when reporting it on Monday. Today GW replied, said I was DQ'd and the only way I knew about it was asking as the owner was on her way out (and she was kind of ****ty to me about the whole thing)

08-20-2011, 08:44 AM
Should of had your codex.

I got first with DE. My friends got second with Tau and third with CSM.

08-23-2011, 05:21 PM
Where does it exactly say you must have your codex?
Alot of these types of stories make you wonder if that store's "preferred" candidate for winning didn't win so the store is helping with that.

08-26-2011, 05:24 AM
Where does it exactly say you must have your codex?
Alot of these types of stories make you wonder if that store's "preferred" candidate for winning didn't win so the store is helping with that.

The posted rules (at Games Workshop) says (under "What You Should Bring") include:

"Rulebooks and any other books you need."

I grant that the clear INTENT is simply that you should have anything you need with you for your own purposes. The same list includes super glue. I can't imagine they would disqualify anyone for not having super glue on hand. :) Different stores and organizers can (and do) apply rules in subjective and arbitrary ways. This is unfortunate. I would rather Games Workshop had two lists, i.e. what is required to participate and what is suggested you bring. The following should be required:

1. Your WYSIWYG army.
2. Your Army List (clear and precise) with enough copies for the TO and all opponents.
3. Your Codex (so you can show your opponent whatever weird rules you might have not in main book).
4. Your printed Faq.

*One could argue each person should have a basic rulebook, templates, and dice but at some point we are getting excessive. The biggest problem I see at tournaments is people showing up without their Codex and expecting other people to believe them on everything as well as horrible, handwritten lists which are both a pain in the rear for the TO (and everyone else). Such lists are often wrong.

08-26-2011, 01:10 PM
I took a Mech IG list: Couple of Detta's , couple L.R. Squads, a Manticore, and a crap ton of Chimeras filled to the brim with dudes.

1st round:
I played against an Orc blob squad, Since it was a kill kill kill game I basically built a fortress of AV 14 L.R.'s and hid behind it while my Detta's maneuvered around like annoying bugs blasting apart his transports. Once his dudes were our in the open I took to launching my Manticore +L.R. Demolishers+ Punisher+ oh what am I saying everything I had into his blobs and one by one they fell.

I took a Major Victory and 3 of the additional points (missed Massacre by one stupid point because we ended on turn 4).

2nd round:
I played against a very ... "Unique" Space Wolves list. This was about objectives and I had 6 scoring units where my opponent only had 2... It didn't get much better for him. I quickly removed his ability to score and then went to town eliminating his army, by the end of turn 6 he only had 2 drop pods left on the board....

I took a Massacre and 3 of the additional objective points

3rd round:
I played a highly competitive Space Wolves list being run by a friend of mine. He usually has a good T-Wolves pack supported by a couple of Razorbacks and some Grey hunters rolling in Rhinos, top it off with a bunch of Long Fangs and some Rune Priests.... I knew this was going to be an up hill battle but I didn't think he would nearly table me. I started off strong blowing up a Razorback and killing most of the squad inside on turn one... then it fell apart quickly, my Manticore was failing left right and sideways and was quickly eliminated when his Wolf Scouts drop podded in with 5x combi-melta guns to its face then he walked through my line of AV14 with his T-wolves and his long fangs spent the game ... actually his Long Fangs got denied a lot because I play guard and know how to hug cover lol.

Anyways in the end I lost and only got 1 of the additional battle points because I kept a Company Command Squad alive ... I think it was partially a mercy point from my opponent too lol.

End results: 1st place went to my friend with his Space Wolves list, I took 2nd place with mech IG, and a third friend of mine (who I didn't even know was going to be there) took 3rd with a Blood Angles. Over all I had 3 really good games and look forward to the next round.