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08-13-2011, 09:56 AM
Since you actually went to gencon, how about a WM/H sysnopsis of what you saw down there?

08-13-2011, 10:10 AM
I was also at Gencon, and if you're interested we've put up about 16 updates (pictures, summaries, and video interviews) on Lost Hemisphere (http://losthemisphere.com/blog/). There was also extensive tournament coverage on Privateer's No Quarter blog (http://nqmagazine.wordpress.com/).

08-13-2011, 09:07 PM
It's actually in the GenCon article I wrote. Their dealer hall was sadly underwhelming. Nothing really unexpected. They did have some of the new casters, but we all knew they were coming.

08-14-2011, 07:02 PM
Thanks for the write-ups guys.

Sounds like PP dropped the ball. Usually (now,this being said as the last GC I was able to attend was 2007, 8? (maybe)) they hit it out of the park and are one of the defining wargaming booths of the con.

And thanks for the heads up on Puppet Wars. It sounded cool, but apparently appearances are deceiving.

What I was hoping to see was more on the Warmachine video game, and their upcoming Sci-Fi game. Pity they didn't take the opportunity to keep us jazzed about that.

Oh, and GW used to be heavily into gencon--they pulled out when they decided to do all the Games-Days instead. (2003-4, maybe?) They also used to ***** heavily about the price of convention floor-space at Gencon too.

Let's hope PP doesn't try the same shenanigans with Locked & Loaded...

08-15-2011, 07:31 AM
Thanks for the write-ups guys.

Sounds like PP dropped the ball. Usually (now,this being said as the last GC I was able to attend was 2007, 8? (maybe)) they hit it out of the park and are one of the defining wargaming booths of the con.

And thanks for the heads up on Puppet Wars. It sounded cool, but apparently appearances are deceiving.

What I was hoping to see was more on the Warmachine video game, and their upcoming Sci-Fi game. Pity they didn't take the opportunity to keep us jazzed about that.

Oh, and GW used to be heavily into gencon--they pulled out when they decided to do all the Games-Days instead. (2003-4, maybe?) They also used to ***** heavily about the price of convention floor-space at Gencon too.

Let's hope PP doesn't try the same shenanigans with Locked & Loaded...

It seems like that's what they may do. Which is sad. Like GentleBen said in his write up, they did have the new Farrow warcaster being painted by one of their studio painters. I was just disappointed because they had a lot of stuff they could have surprised us with, but they chose not to. I'd have taken some first looks at the war engines for Hordes. Seriously, they could have shown some new concept art and it would have made the booth much better. Just wasn't a whole lot to be excited about, despite the fact that I bought my new minis.

Puppet Wars was really disappointing, particularly when you compared it to Super Dungeon Explore--which by the way Soda Pop screwed the pooch on that big time. Not having it for actual sale at GenCon probably cost them a fair amount of money. I know I had two buddies not pre-order it because if they couldn't have it then, they'd rather just order it from The War Store.

Spartan did not have a booth, actually. A bunch of my Cincinnati buddies were running the Spartan Demos, and they were actually sponsored by War Store. War Store sold a TON of Spartan stuff as a result, and was even clearing out their Uncharted Seas boxes at around 64% off MSRP due to the new, CAD models being introduced.