View Full Version : got my tablewar case!

08-10-2011, 12:36 PM
My case from Tablewar arrived today! I can't believe I can fit my entire 2500 point ard boyz army in the case, on their stands. I thought for sure I'd have to take my storm ravens off their bases but I don't.

Some people were worried about horde armies in this case, but if you get the 20 man base you are able to fit over 400 marines in here.

Another big surprise was being able to fit my 3" tall sergeant and librarian up on that second shelf.

If you guys haven't heard about these new cases, the bases are magnetized so your dudes will stay upright in travel. The shelves pull out, and what's basically a troop movement tray pops off of the shelf. This is hands down the best case you can get for your painted minis because it is friction free, no worry about anything rubbing off or snagging on foam. The minis can go straight from your display case to your travel case and the ease of popping them off and on the gaming table can't be compared. You can spend your time between games drinking beer instead of carefully repacking your army.

Fully sealed.
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/284702_159908057420045_146328138778037_317876_1482 347_n.jpg

Door off and top opened.
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/284214_159908000753384_146328138778037_317874_3060 048_n.jpg

Ravens off their bases in case I wanted to squeeze in some vindis and preds.
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/226166_159908084086709_146328138778037_317877_5212 45_n.jpg

Their sites a little bear at the moment but the service was great, http://www.tablewar.com

08-16-2011, 11:08 PM
I don't know if you own a third stormraven, but if you do, could you take a picture with it, off its base, between the other two? I'd love to see 3 ravens fitting in that case, as it's the only real obstacle between me and a purchase.

As an alternative, one on base and one off, as close together as possible perhaps?

Thanks, and enjoy your awesome new case!

08-17-2011, 07:18 AM
Looks really cool. Your BA's look nicely painted too :)

Morgan Darkstar
08-17-2011, 04:11 PM
Their sites a little bear at the moment but the service was great, http://www.tablewar.com

Growl :p

sorry couldn't resist

Nice army and nice case, will be looking into them

08-18-2011, 10:39 AM
In all honesty I'm still not sure if I get the appeal of these cases.

Seems for the same amount you could get a nice case that protects the models allot more, and more convenient for transport.

08-18-2011, 11:16 AM
For those of us with pesky internet blockers, what is the price?

Emerald Rose Widow
08-18-2011, 11:59 AM
looks like 200 for the case and 3.50 for each of those little magnet trays

08-22-2011, 02:40 PM
Hey, sorry for the slow response, I was in the hospital.

*brad - I don't have a third raven, I'll try and get something comparable in there though if I have time when I get home tonight.

*lock - The appeal of this case is though proper magnetization it protects the models even more than the other cases. If you're flying on an airplane, yes, your best bet is probably a different case. If you're driving to and fro your local game stores, then this case takes the cake with honors. I have zero concern for weapons bending inside of the foam layers, dangly bits snagging, or wear and tear on the paint because of the models friction against the foam. The chances of accidentally losing a model is also greatly reduced as you can see all your models, in their squads, at a glance, and there will be a glaring hole in the formation any time something is missing. Lastly, because everything is contained on it's magnetized movement tray, setup and breakdown of your entire army takes around a minute, instead of the dozen or so it takes with the foam trays since you have to pack/unpack/count/set up squads/ double check/ etc...
There's also a shelf for your books and dice, instead of a pocket like in other cases.

08-22-2011, 09:56 PM
Sorry to hear you were in the hospital, I hope all is well.

As for a third Stormraven, if you have something similar in size, that'd be awesome, but if you could just get a general sense whether 3 stormravens (1 off stand, or 2 off stand) will work, that would be great.

Since you mentioned taking this on a plane, do you think it is small enough to be a carry on? Do the models stay in place if the case isn't in the correct orientation, for example, if it's on it's back or some such?

Thanks, and feel better!

Bradley Powers

08-23-2011, 06:34 PM
Those cases are very awesome and good for transporting a tourney army. They just wouldn't be able to hold my Blood Angels. All 8k points worth. But it is also a display case too so i think it is good to show off models and to transport your tourney list in it.

Nice paint job too.

08-23-2011, 11:37 PM
That really is a good idea, I magnetised my WFB armies ages ago for movement tray purposes so it would be much easier to carry them around like this. Much fun if I decide to magnetise my 1300 odd Eldar.:rolleyes:

09-08-2011, 02:16 PM
Sorry for never getting back to you with the three stormravens thing. I've been working overtime at work, Deus Ex came out, then Space Marine came out, things are busy.


Here's a review someone put on dakka where you get word of mouth that three ravens will fit. I know they will, the pic I was going to take was actually gonna be two ravens and a land raider. Its just a matter of getting around to taking a pic for you. Hopefully word of mouth will suffice for now.

Eldargal, these cases work for fantasy too, Doug just hasn't gotten around to making specific trays for it. You could literally just put your magnetized tray into the recesses that the actual table war trays would fit into. Also, as you'll see in the video, you can buy a flat tray that you existed trays could also fit on top of which would be easy to magnetize as well. I'm presently going to be working on painting my lizardmen army and will get them fully hooked into the case before I polish off my blood angels display.

09-08-2011, 06:16 PM
Nice case...

07-11-2012, 12:43 PM
... trying to get my new Mordians (with 100x25mm, 30x60mm, 6 Chimera hulls, and 5 Valkyirie hulls).

Thoughts on it fitting?

I was hoping to do it with 8 trays:
5 trays with 20x25mm and 6x60mm for five trays, and two diorama boards, one with 6xChimera hulls (two-deep), and the other with de-winged Valkyries.

Thoughts on the workability of this plan?

07-11-2012, 12:55 PM
Man, that's nice.

Mr Mystery
07-11-2012, 01:25 PM
So in order for this to work, I'd need to magnetise (and thus buy magnets for) an entire armies bases? Well, that's kind of prohibitive.

Think I'll stick my GW cases. These seem a little bit like reinventing the wheel, but needing magents for it.

07-11-2012, 03:18 PM
@ Mr Mystery: Litko has 100 packs of heavy duty magnets for round bases for less than $20 (http://www.litko.net/products/Circular-Miniature-Bases%3A-25-mm.html).

Mr Mystery
07-11-2012, 03:24 PM
Still something I'd take into consideration.

For now, I'm all cased up, and this hasn't given me reason to replace the existing. Nowt wrong with it as a product per se, just not really for me. Helps my local GW is (literally, I've timed it!) 3.5 minutes gentle meander from my front door. Provided I don't step into the path of a car or bus, my models will be fine. And if I do, I'd imagine my sudden lack of legs/life might be a more pressing concern :P

07-11-2012, 05:25 PM
I really like the idea of these cases. But for my mech Eldar...at 2500pts I'm using 9 tanks (Wave Serpent/Night Spinners) and trying to fit those plus the WarWalkers and troops...I find it tough to find many cases that will conveniently fit all my stuff!

07-12-2012, 06:16 AM
Be careful of these cases if you still have a lot of metal in your army. I got one for Christmas and put my Warmachine armies in it. The plastic trays are starting to warp from the weight.

07-20-2012, 08:39 AM
I feel your pain, there; I've got 5 Serpents, 3 Falcons, 3 Fire Prisms, a Fire Storm, and a Warp Hunter.