View Full Version : Death Co 'Ard Boyz

08-09-2011, 07:40 PM
I would bring this, if I had the models.

HQ 220

1240 Death Company
25 Death Company, Lemartes, Jump Packs, 5 Power Weapons, 3 Thunder Hammers, 5 HF, 10 Bolters, 10 Bolt Pistols

1040 Death Company
25 Death Company, Jump Packs, 4 Power Weapons, 2 Thunder Hammers, 3 IP, 10 Bolters, 12 Bolt Pistols

08-10-2011, 08:34 PM
seriously? No one has a comment?

This army could work to a certain extent. The rules for rage are flexible. The unit must move toward the closest enemy unit, however, that doesn't mean every model must do so.

25 models can spread pretty far.
Also you do not have to charge the closest unit either, ect.

08-10-2011, 08:43 PM
two huge DC squads = only two targets on the field.

They are big and tough sure, but they will get destroyed by a number of armies. Especially Tyranids and Dark Eldar.

08-11-2011, 05:21 AM
I don't quite see tyranids destroying them. Relentless bolters will make short work of genestealers. Monterous creatures will DI e to so many wounds. The unit has 90 attacks on the charge.

I do agree that eldar and dark eldar will shoot them a lot.

But there are many armies that are not eldar.

08-11-2011, 07:03 AM
what's your tactic for the objective based games? Or are you there just to annoy the crud out of opponents?

08-11-2011, 09:47 AM
there's only one objective based game in 'Ard Boyz. The two other missions are kill the opponent.

Basically, keep doing what you are doing: kill your opponent. If you lose, you lose. However, there is a significant chance of a tie.

The army that I can see ripping this apart on first order principle is an IG with big guns. Two squads of basililsks will make short work of this list.

08-11-2011, 01:34 PM
Tyranids have paroxysm, which will make one of your squad bs, ws, and i 1.

08-11-2011, 06:13 PM
Tyranids have paroxysm, which will make one of your squad bs, ws, and i 1.

That's true, but with so many attacks that re-roll to hit, and wound, you'll still wipe anything you touch, unless the nids get a massive charge off.

I don't see nids doing well against this list. This is coming from someone who has been playing bugs since the early 90s.
The only guys that are I1 are the ones in B2B with lash whips. There are far more DC than there is Lashwhips.

However, what will give them trouble are venomthropes. The Dangerous terrain check on 25 guys will hurt. Plus the army would be less inclined to shoot the venomthropes for the loss of being able to charge. It would have to be the type of thing where the 10 bolters shoot 24" in hopes to kill them, but a 3 model brood of venomthropes in cover will be difficult to kill with 10 bolter shots (maybe 20, but that's the whole army).

08-11-2011, 07:33 PM
Let me repeat that:

WS1, BS1, I1

You are going last or equal to (my mistake, thought Paroxysm caused I loss too) a unit with 6 times your WS (hitting on 5), 20 models strong vs. your own 20-25 models, with rending. That's just the first Genestealer squad. Emperor help you should you be fighting the Tyrant and Guard itself

Seriously, any decent Tyranids list will annihilate you, probably within the first two turns.

Other lists i imagine you having a tough time with:

Imperial guard tanks or artillery

Mechanized Eldar or Dark Eldar (that Rage USR is going to bone you hard.

Blood Angels (who can kill you with any solid combination of fast tanks and hard hitting models)

Space Wolves with missile launcher spam.

Grey Knights, any variety other than all Henchmen.

Smart Tau lists.

Good luck.

08-11-2011, 09:41 PM
that's completely assuming that 1) the tyrant is in range to cast pyroxysm. 2) the genestealers are range to charge. Even then, the stakes haven't changed: the genestealers already hit on 3+. The death Co have so many attacks that they have a good chance of killing the genestealers. The pyroxysm does have one advantage, making the shooting crappy.

No, the answer for bug is Venomthropes. Dangerous Terrain checks killing 5 marines on the charge and removing 20 attacks is much more serious.

Space Wolves missile launcher spam isn't much or a worry, because within 2 turns you are on the missiles. They simply cannot put out enough missile firepower to kill the Death Co. Missile Launcher spam is good against vehicles and monsterous creatures, not 50 flying marines.

Grey Knights is a mixed bag, because yes, they may have the all magical halberd, but most of the time they are taking on a squad of 10 marines, not 25. Henchmen might be a problem, because they actually have a large volume of high initiative attacks.

Tau--- now that's funny. A death Co. list will eat them for lunch. You may think you can kite, but 25 models spread out isn't really kite-able. Tau do horribly against close combat units. Now make that close combat unit practically immune to their firepower. Now make that unit fly.

As I said before: Eldar and Dark Eldar could be a hard, but rage won't bone you. You need to read the rage rule again. Rage isn't on a model by model basis, it is on a unit basis. The real issue for Death Company vs the Eldar is that the eldar can easily maneuver high firepower to do an 'alpha strike'.

Blood Angels are good at fighting blood angels.

08-12-2011, 12:01 AM
If only one game is Obj based, that means that one game is an auto-draw for you... at best.

08-12-2011, 06:27 AM
If only one game is Obj based, that means that one game is an auto-draw for you... at best.

You could always table wipe. I have table wiped at 'Ard Boyz before. That's always a massacre.