View Full Version : 2k competitve Grey Knights for local RTT

08-09-2011, 09:16 AM
40K Army: Daemonhunters
Got and RTT comming in October. This is what I am currently painting.


Ordos Malius Inquisitor, Termie Armor, Psi Cannon, Daemon Hammer

Ven Dread, Assault Cannon, Twin Auto Cannon, Psi Ammo

5 Purifiers, 2 Psi Cannons, 3 Halberds, Razor w Psi ammo
5 Purifiers, 2 Psi Cannons, 3 Halberds, Razor w Psi ammo
5 Purifiers, 2 Psi Cannons, 3 Halberds, Razor w Psi ammo
5 Purifiers, 2 Psi Cannons, 3 Halberds, Razor w Psi ammo
5 Purifiers, 2 Psi Cannons, 3 Halberds, Razor w Psi ammo
5 Purifiers, 2 Psi Cannons, Razor w Psi ammo

Dread, 2 Twin Auto Cannons, Psi ammo
Dread, 2 Twin Auto Cannons, Psi ammo
Dread, 2 Twin Auto Cannons, Psi ammo


Please let me know what you think.

08-09-2011, 11:38 AM
What unit is the inquisitor with? Does one of the purifier squads just stay out of its razorback and escort him, or is he walking alone? That is also a lot of very easy kill points, and very little close combat ability; if a squad gets shot at all before getting charged, it is very likely to only have 1-2 halberds left in it, and too few bodies to survive the encounter for long. A full grey hunter squad + transport is in the same ballpark cost as each of those purifier squads.

It's certainly a large amount of firepower, with multiple range levels. You will be quite capable of doing damage and scoring kill points, it's just a question of how much you give up in return. You may want to merge a couple of those razorback squads into rhino squads to have a stronger front line, with the extra firepower from razorbacks in the second line; it also lets you use the front squads' psycannons without disembarking.

08-09-2011, 12:08 PM
Every good Gk list should be able to clean up in CC after shooting stuff to death, and 5 man purifier squads can't do that. You'll get out, take a few casualties, and suddenly you don't have any bodies to gang up on your opponent with. Halberds and Cleansing Flame aren't that good. Trade out a couple squads for some 10 man units, and remember you can always combat squad them later.

And a lone Inquisitor that can't embark in any of your vehicles can be very limiting. Terminator armor means heavier transports, or taking foot Terminators. I would swap him out for a Xenos Inquisitor with Grenades, to help give you that CC punch. It's not like you're lacking in shooting.

08-09-2011, 03:55 PM
The army you are trying to make works a lot better with space wolves