View Full Version : Greyknight Hardboy newb

08-08-2011, 09:14 PM
2500 Pts - Grey Knights Roster

Total Roster Cost: 2500

HQ: Inquisitor Coteaz (1#, 100 pts)
1 Inquisitor Coteaz, 100 pts

HQ: Lord Kaldor Draigo (1#, 275 pts)
1 Lord Kaldor Draigo, 275 pts

Elite: Techmarine (1#, 110 pts)
1 Techmarine, 110 pts = (base cost 90) + Conversion Beamer 20

Elite: Vindicare Assassin (1#, 145 pts)
1 Vindicare Assassin, 145 pts

Elite: Callidus Assassin (1#, 145 pts)
1 Callidus Assassin, 145 pts

Troops: Grey Knight Terminator Squad (8#, 340 pts)
1 Grey Knight Terminator Squad, 20 pts + Psybolt Ammunition 20
1 Terminator Justicar, 40 pts
7 Terminators, 280 pts = 7 * 40

Heavy Support: Nemesis Dreadknight (1#, 295 pts)
1 Nemesis Dreadknight, 295 pts = (base cost 130 + Personal Teleporter 75 + Gatling Psilencer 35 + Heavy Incinerator 30 + Nemesis Greatsword 25)

Heavy Support: Nemesis Dreadknight (1#, 295 pts)
1 Nemesis Dreadknight, 295 pts = (base cost 130 + Personal Teleporter 75 + Gatling Psilencer 35 + Heavy Incinerator 30 + Nemesis Greatsword 25)

Heavy Support: Nemesis Dreadknight (1#, 295 pts)
1 Nemesis Dreadknight, 295 pts = (base cost 130 + Personal Teleporter 75 + Gatling Psilencer 35 + Heavy Incinerator 30 + Nemesis Greatsword 25)

Troops: Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (12#, 165 pts)
1 Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband, 0 pts
3 Inquisitorial Servitor, 30 pts = 3 * 10
3 Jokaero Weaponsmith, 105 pts = 3 * 35
6 Warrior Acolyte, 30 pts = 6 * 5 (base cost 4 + Bolter x1 1)

Fast Attack: Grey Knight Interceptor Squad (10#, 335 pts)
1 Grey Knight Interceptor Squad, 20 pts + Psybolt Ammunition 20
1 Justicar, 36 pts = (base cost 26 + Nemesis Daemonhammer 10)
9 Grey Knights, 279 pts = 9 * 31 (base cost 26 + Nemesis Force Halberd 5)

Composition Report:
HQ: 2 (1 - 2)
Elite: 3 (0 - 3)
Troops: 2 (2 - 6)
Fast: 1 (0 - 3)
Heavy: 3 (0 - 3)

Created with Army BuilderŪ - Try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com

The idea is to hunker the inq squad in some ruins for 3+ cover with tech marine and the vindicare with em.

the dreadknights are my tank killers or massive infantry killers, depending on how it goes

How does this look for hardboys in your all opinion?

08-08-2011, 09:31 PM
My other thought was the following:

2500 Pts - Grey Knights Roster

Total Roster Cost: 2500

HQ: Inquisitor Coteaz (1#, 100 pts)
1 Inquisitor Coteaz, 100 pts

Troops: Grey Knight Strike Squad (10#, 240 pts)
1 Grey Knight Strike Squad, 20 pts + Psybolt Ammunition 20
1 Justicar, 20 pts
7 Grey Knights, 140 pts = 7 * 20
2 Grey Knights, 60 pts = 2 * 30 (base cost 20 + Psycannon 10)

Heavy Support: Nemesis Dreadknight (1#, 305 pts)
1 Nemesis Dreadknight, 305 pts = (base cost 130 + Personal Teleporter 75 + Gatling Psilencer 35 + Heavy Psycannon 40 + Nemesis Greatsword 25)

Heavy Support: Nemesis Dreadknight (1#, 295 pts)
1 Nemesis Dreadknight, 295 pts = (base cost 130 + Personal Teleporter 75 + Gatling Psilencer 35 + Heavy Incinerator 30 + Nemesis Greatsword 25)

Heavy Support: Nemesis Dreadknight (1#, 295 pts)
1 Nemesis Dreadknight, 295 pts = (base cost 130 + Personal Teleporter 75 + Gatling Psilencer 35 + Heavy Incinerator 30 + Nemesis Greatsword 25)

Troops: Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (6#, 135 pts)
1 Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband, 0 pts
3 Inquisitorial Servitor, 30 pts = 3 * 10
3 Jokaero Weaponsmith, 105 pts = 3 * 35

Troops: Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (9#, 135 pts)
1 Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband, 0 pts
8 Psyker, 80 pts = 8 * 10
1 Inquisitorial Chimera, 55 pts

Elite: Culexus Assassin (1#, 135 pts)
1 Culexus Assassin, 135 pts

Fast Attack: Grey Knight Interceptor Squad (10#, 335 pts)
1 Grey Knight Interceptor Squad, 20 pts + Psybolt Ammunition 20
1 Justicar, 36 pts = (base cost 26 + Nemesis Daemonhammer 10)
9 Grey Knights, 279 pts = 9 * 31 (base cost 26 + Nemesis Force Halberd 5)

Troops: Grey Knight Terminator Squad (10#, 470 pts)
1 Grey Knight Terminator Squad, 20 pts + Psybolt Ammunition 20
1 Terminator Justicar, 40 pts
2 Terminators, 130 pts = 2 * 65 (base cost 40 + Psycannon 25)
7 Terminators, 280 pts = 7 * 40

Elite: Paladin Squad (1#, 55 pts)
1 Paladin Squad, 0 pts
1 Paladin, 55 pts

Composition Report:
HQ: 1 (1 - 2)
Elite: 2 (0 - 3)
Troops: 4 (2 - 6)
Fast: 1 (0 - 3)
Heavy: 3 (0 - 3)

Created with Army BuilderŪ - Try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com

I love the idea of loading up the culexus in with the henchmen and having a str 5 ap 2, assault 10+ coming out of the chimeras two firing points. the other dropping down large blast str 10 ap1.

As you can tell I love the teleporter dreadknights. They can take a ton of firepower to take down and can get where you want em fast.

in both lists I've put a paladin by its self to teleport to a objective and just hold it and hide.

The first list is of course the one I like most.

08-08-2011, 10:30 PM
2 Jakeros is the max you want. If you role a 2nd six = ignoired, doesn't say reroll until you get a result you want. So 2 prevents getting a 1, but you can still role a 5-6 then 2 more dice rolling another 5-6 = to get nothing.

Servitors need Coteaz to prevent Mindlock.

I run something like:

Pyscher x 8, Servitor x 3 (MM x2 , HB) add Coteaz in Chimera

WA x 6, MG x 3, Jake x 2, CHimera
WA x 6, PG x 3, Jake x 2, Chimera

08-09-2011, 11:45 AM
At 2500 points, even 4 troops choices (two being henchmen) is kind of low. You probably should cut down on the halberds in the interceptor squad; they're great as a mobile anti-infantry firebase unit with psybolt ammo, but one attack per model means 5 points per halberd just adds up way too fast to make an effective close combat squad. Use them to sit back and fire from 24" for five turns, then shunt onto an objective to contest at the end. If they're ever in combat, they are probably going to be stuck for too long to be useful when you need them whether they strike at I4 or I6.

08-09-2011, 12:01 PM
Can you fit anymore upgrades onto stuff, to make it more expensive:p? You should totally do that (no, not really). Both lists have a lot of expensive single models. Trim points there, and you can fit a lot more in your list.

On an unrelated note, I hate armybuilder format. I'm always amazed at how unreadable it is. What should be:

10 Grey Knight Terminators, Psybolt ammo, 2 Psycannons (470pts)


Troops: Grey Knight Terminator Squad (10#, 470 pts)
1 Grey Knight Terminator Squad, 20 pts + Psybolt Ammunition 20
1 Terminator Justicar, 40 pts
2 Terminators, 130 pts = 2 * 65 (base cost 40 + Psycannon 25)
7 Terminators, 280 pts = 7 * 40

Anyways, some specifics. First, always take a Brotherhood Banner on 10 Terminators. It's awesome. And if you're going to take Terminators, make sure to take the full 10 with dual psycannons and the banner. The only reason to take fewer is if you feel like sticking them in a Land Raider.

Secondly, the Culexeus isn't that good. Other than the vindicare, none of the assassins are that good, and even the vindicare is very hit or miss.

Third, Techmarines with coversion beamers aren't that great. The only good techmarine is a techmarine with grenades, and even then it's really only the grenades making him good.

And then are you not taking a vehicle for the henchmen? At least hide them in a Chimera or something. Even with 3+ cover, immobile ld8 t3 models aren't that tough to kill. And I wouldn't waste Coteaz babysitting them either, Coteaz is too awesome for that.

08-10-2011, 11:00 PM
Thanks for the thoughts on the interceptors, they seem like they'd make a good assault squad, and the initative would help with that, but the points just aren't as effective.

Coteaz would be with the monkey squad, and 3 monkeys means usually one vehicle can get downed, and generally a result worthwhile. I've had countless fights where coteaz being in that unit has wiped out whole squads as they came in.

Coteaz himself is so weak in melee, (why'd they give him a hammer, seriously) I can only see him for his expecting you rule and spy network, not for anything he does in melee, and that only leaves shooting, ish.

Warp quake in other areas stops deep strike cold, and on the result I place em? I drop em right infront of the monkey squad. 3 flammers, 3 h bolters, and quite a few las shots and psiber eagle. it's delicious.

The tech marine is mainly to give the monkey squad and assasin 3+ cover. Conversion beamer is just nice and fun sometimes. I was using orbital, but that was so flakey with the full scatter everytime it was worthless for taking out a vehicle but still okay for infantry.

Since the Chimera only has two fire points, for my alternate I think the culexus for one of them and 8 psychkers for the other makes for pretty hefty shots.

08-11-2011, 03:17 PM
Chimeras have 5 fire points. Quite a bit more useful in that regard.

And Coteaz is actually pretty awesome in melee. He has Hammerhand, and a lot of Str 6 power weapon attacks, even if he is at I1. 2+ armor is pretty nice, too. His only real weakness is the lack of an invuln and only T3, so power fists and relic blades instakill him, but put him in a unit of GKs and he's gold. I've never had him let me down, considering his points.

08-11-2011, 05:24 PM
Should probably point out the Assassins don't actually have the Independent character special rule and therefore will not be joining your psyker squad in the chimera. Include the fact that ICs cannot join units that are always composed of single models, and you then realize your assassins are -always- on their own, no matter what.

08-13-2011, 05:57 AM
So you can't have multiple squads embark on the same vehicle even if there's room? I knew they weren't IC (it's how you can have em be scoring through draigo/master)

08-13-2011, 09:44 AM
I run the exact DreadKnight layout. Yeah its points heavy, but I think it totally shreds. Nice choice!

08-13-2011, 01:51 PM
On an unrelated note, I hate armybuilder format. I'm always amazed at how unreadable it is. What should be:

10 Grey Knight Terminators, Psybolt ammo, 2 Psycannons (470pts)


Troops: Grey Knight Terminator Squad (10#, 470 pts)
1 Grey Knight Terminator Squad, 20 pts + Psybolt Ammunition 20
1 Terminator Justicar, 40 pts
2 Terminators, 130 pts = 2 * 65 (base cost 40 + Psycannon 25)
7 Terminators, 280 pts = 7 * 40

yeah, armybuilder is a load of crap.

It isn't hard to write:
Death Co
5 Marines, Lemartes, Jump Packs, 2 Power Weapon and Bolt Pistol, Bolter and Powerfist, 2 Bolters and Chainswords

Army builder butchers readability. Soooo, if you are trying to obfuscate your list to your opponent...