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View Full Version : Tau Assault Destroyer/Gothic ship in 40K scale

09-05-2009, 08:57 PM
40K scale Gothic ship. Tau assault destroyer with 2 railguns, 2 skyray systems, 3 ion cannon, 5 sms, 3 large drop ramps, 1 small drop ramp at the bow, landing pad...
First, I started with drawings and concept art. I was largely inspired by Starblazers from my youth, and Battle Star Galactica, and two MEU's on the USS Guam (old number 09, which was actually a helo carrier, and not a destroyer, but hey).

Once I had some nice drawings, I thought 4 ft would be about right for scale. Since it was going to be so large, I made it from several layers of foam glued together, then I covered the foam in tagboard. I bunch of greebly bits and 4 skyray kits later, it was ready to paint. Most of the greebly stuff came from toys, bottle caps, the standard stuff. All told, she weighs less than a gallon of milk.

The conning tower is the butt of a nerf gun.
The railing is kinex and lollipop sticks.
There are three large hinged hatches (the big white ones) that are devilfish/hammerhead sized. The hatches were made by gluing them to CD jewel cases.
The turret bottoms are from the 3.99 plastic army tanks with green dudes from wal mart.
The rear landing pad is from the game battleship.
The smaller turret bases are from gatorade bottles, and hold a tau turret rather well if you carve out the threads.
The front opening hatch is from a board game (taboo or pictionary, or something like that).

I'm currently painting and detailing this monstrosity, she's got a few coats of stain on her.

For my next WH40K scale gothic ship, I'm thinking a carrier, something that can deploy six devilfish and 3 hammerheads, and a full compliment of piranha. I also want to incorporate more internal structuring (perhaps with removable panels). We'll see...

At the end of all this, I'd like to have several pieces of 'moving terrain', with boarding party action. Reading history of the US Navy, and other navies and pirates, the ship is a prize to be captured, and not destroyed. I think it would make for some interesting game scenarios.

Scooter Boy


09-05-2009, 09:00 PM
here we go

09-06-2009, 01:25 AM
: )

09-06-2009, 01:27 AM

09-06-2009, 01:50 AM
wow. that is impressive.