View Full Version : Chaos Dreadsmith

08-06-2011, 09:29 PM
I know this isn't the first time everyone has seen a Dreadknight conversion...and since the model is pretty cool already, it probably isn't the last time either. But here is my take...this is my Dreadsmith. He is the ultimate goal of any self-respecting Iron Warrior Warsmith. He has not stopped at simply replacing simple body parts, but went right to replacing his body! A dreadnaught would be just too easy for him.





http://s1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd516/Paul_Kurtenbach/ has more pics.

I used parts from the Dreadknight kit, Defiler, Tau Piranha, Chaos Rhino, IG Chimera, plastic card, green stuff and some florist wire. He is almost complete. I am working on a different backpack that will more directly emulate the warsmith model, the one with the servo arm.

Right now I can field this as a demon prince with the sword and the jetpack as a wings stand-in.

08-07-2011, 03:16 AM
wow very nice! i love the pistol, cockpit and jetpack, its also really cool how you missed ou the leg armour! makes it look moore mariney?

cant wait to see it painted!


08-07-2011, 05:42 AM
The green stuff looks like it could do with being filed/sanded smoothe, but other than that I love the conversion! I'm not entirely certain I like the jetpck but I think that's just me being odd. Especially as I don't have any suggestions as to how to do it better lol. Great work though, can't wai to see it painted :)

08-07-2011, 09:24 AM
Thanks for the comments!

I used to play RIFTS...and loved the idea of the Glitter Boys. Now I am not going to paint him bright reflective colors, but bigger is better! And nothing says "I am going to destroy you" like a giant bionic chaos warsmith!

In regards to the green stuff, I need to work on it. Most of it is still malleable, and not ready for filing. I need to purchase better files and get a curved sanding wand. Those things are amazing.

08-07-2011, 11:09 AM
Nice idea. The GS definitely either needs to be smoothed into armour, or else sculpted into musculature. If you're after armour, I'd suggest using Milliput instead - it's really hard to sculpt when soft, but it's much, much easier to carve into flat/smooth surfaces for armour when it's hard.

08-12-2011, 07:52 PM
Made a few more changes and cleaned up some of the GS.





Emerald Rose Widow
08-12-2011, 08:56 PM
very impressive, your conversion is just awesome,and i like the addition of hte chaos spear like thingies to the shoulder from the defiler. awesome conversion as a whole.

08-12-2011, 09:49 PM
Thanks! I am trying to paint it, so I will stop messing with it!