View Full Version : Scratch Build

08-05-2011, 06:46 AM
Anybody ever used 20mm PVC Pipe as the skeleton of a titan?? If so where did u get it and any tips would be appreciated!!

08-05-2011, 10:16 AM
I've seen it done, but just about all the examples I can think of made the mistake (IMHO) of leaving the skeleton exposed in places, leading to something which just looked too skinny. Make sure you bulk it out well, but not in a way that just looks like its bits stuck on to the skeleton.

08-05-2011, 02:33 PM
I did :D


That's him in the background. Or her... Are titan's supposed to be masculine or feminine, like ships?

Newho, I agree with the good Colonel, you seriously need to bulk out around your skeleton. For the most part I used cardboard boxes, expanded polystyrene and even the odd 3L drinks bottle. Detail was then added on and around it.


The onlt bit I really left exposed was the spine (those other bits of pipe on the legs aren't actually attached the skeleton, just for decoration) so that the torso could be taken off for transportation and storage. It also means the body can rotate about the hips, which means you can point your guns at the right target. Always fun watching people react as you turn the vortex missile to face their big toys!

Most difficult part of using the PVC pipes? Gluing them together. I tried Super glues, 2-part epoxy adhesives, PVA (they sounded similar, so why not lol)... all to no avail. In the end I pinned the 'bone' in to the joiners to make sure they wouldn't slip again.

Speaking of which, I really struggled to find any joiners for the pipe that wasn't 90 degrees or 45 degrees, so you have to be careful when planning out your titan. As you can see, my guy/gal ended up squatting. Not the most heroic pose (though angling the holes where the pipes attached to the base might have helped... live and learn), especially when it was orginally leaning forward to fire at close targets with it's arm cannon.

I got almost all of the skeleton bits from BnQ, mostly because it was 5 mins walk from my house at the time, though I imagine most of the big hardware and/or plumbing depot/stores should have everything you'd need (they might even tell you what's the best way to glue them together. I forgot to ask!)

On a final note (unless I think of some more) I did find the joints got a bit weak after a bit of use/abuse. To fix the problem I ended up filling the skeleton with expanding builder's foam. I'ts now about as rigid as you would want it and doesn't seem to be showing any signs of weakenning.

Hope that helps,


08-06-2011, 12:32 PM
Thanks that is brilliant. Love your Titan by the way, did it take long to build?

08-07-2011, 05:35 AM
Cheers very much. I was working on it on and off for about three years, but during that time I think I built the legs at least 4 different ways. Same for the arms. May have even gone back and re built the torso once or twice lol. Only things I think I built exactly how I wanted first time was the head/cockpit (based heavilly on some of the Black Templars concept art) and the Apocolypse Missile Launcher/Vortex Missile (depends on the game I'm playing...) which was made from a Sonic Screwdriver :P

I also built a few armies during the time I built it, and even got some bits painted lol. That said it is far from finished. Still got a load of painting to do on it and will probably end up modelling some more detail on it in the future. At the moment though it's a little in need of repair, so I guess that has to come first. Apparently Warlord's aren't compatible with moving house. I've got a few closer pics of it here;

If there's anything else you'd like to know, drop me a PM or post here and I'll try to help :)