View Full Version : Dread Metal!

Bedroom General
08-04-2011, 05:35 AM
I'm a huge fan of a band called Symphony X so I'm stoked they've released a new album "Iconoclast". In the art I noticed two Dreadnaughts which have been either converted or photo manipulated a bit. Look like they've got Tauish heads. They are still very recogniseable as Dreadies though. No real point to make except "Ooh look! Dreadies!!" I'm wondering if the guys in the band know about the game, but the music is excellent as background for when you play, thematically appropriate. The last game I played there were moments when air guitar took over from tactics, on both sides!!
Very cool!

08-04-2011, 06:07 AM
With track names like "Heretic," "Lords of Chaos" and "Iconoclast" (seems like a medieval holy art feud would be at place in the setting of the imperium) one has to wonder...all I know is my gut says maybe!

Morgan Darkstar
08-04-2011, 06:10 AM
Confused where are the Dreadnaughts exactly?

Bedroom General
08-04-2011, 06:40 AM
On the back of the single CD and in the booklet for the double. They ain't on the front. BTW Darkstar, I'm originally from Sunderland, now I reside in loverly South Australia, you know, the land where GW models are more expensive than cold pressed latinum! The Black Cats'll 'ave your lot this season!

08-04-2011, 08:45 AM
I think that this is the picture:


08-04-2011, 12:36 PM
Badass! I love it. I'll def give this a listen, I've been looking for other background music for when I'm playiun 40k in the basement.

Bedroom General
08-04-2011, 06:55 PM
Yep, that is the picture, and I can vouch for the quality of the music. Michael J Romeo has to be about the best guitarist on the planet. Really good fist in the air anthemic prog power metal. Imagine if Dream theater had a good singer and you could stay awake during their songs, that would be Symph X. And I'm not doing them justice by that comparison. The Dreadies do look the part of evil sentient machines.

08-05-2011, 03:08 AM
nice art, however i think those heads may be off a armoured core head?

anyways thats a great find of some cool sci-fi art!