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View Full Version : None's Orky Madness!

07-31-2009, 01:28 PM
Lets see here... where did this insanity begin? I guess, it would have been around the time the GW ork Stompa was released. Honestly, as an Ork player, i really dislike the Dress wearing Walkers, im not sure why it just feels... so... un-orky.

So.. i started to build, using plasticard and random pieces of Toy Trucks, I wanted something that said "I is Ork. Yous may flee now."

And.. well from my Imagination this was born:




If the images are too large Just let me know, I can re-size them smaller.

Following the theme of the scary big Walkers, I ended up working on the Concept of.. well if its an Ork Wired into the Deffdreads... what happens when the Warboss wants an Upgrade?


(If you cant tell hes the one at the back )

Anyways.. thats my orks... Comments? Critques? I know they are very dark! But its Goffs!

07-31-2009, 01:35 PM
Dude, I especially like the Ork wired into the Dred. Very nice. Perhaps a normal boy in the picture of your stompa for a size comparison?

07-31-2009, 03:13 PM

Ok.. bad Pic, but... well.. Thats the stompa's feet beside the GW Battle wagon, Trukk, and my Dreadboss. He has that... imposing "Goina Krump you" Flare.. No?


Grr.. Ok. there actually is a Ork Mek within the Stompa, hes pointing out of the shoulder, Problem is.. its nearly impossible to get good lighting on that one part!(without showing off the horrible unpainted or detailed interior!

So.. Pretty much at the center of the image below, within the Toothy Window on the Left side of the torso theres a Mek


So.. ive gotten this stompa to scale suprisingly, if someone were to argue about how the GW stompa is a larger target. I have the base to end the argument :P its the same size around as the GW version.

07-31-2009, 03:27 PM
that is truly epic, the ork gods would be pround...but the head looks kind've tyranidish

y dont u try using something like the front half of a ork truck for the head like those awesome classic mech warriors with actual truck cockpits (cant remember the name)

07-31-2009, 03:28 PM

Abominable Plague Marine
08-01-2009, 04:53 AM
So.. ive gotten this stompa to scale suprisingly, if someone were to argue about how the GW stompa is a larger target. I have the base to end the argument :P its the same size around as the GW version.

The GW Stompa comes with a base?

Great work on the Stompa, my inner Ork approves! What is it armed with by the way?

08-01-2009, 06:23 PM
to Abominable: No the GW stompa dosnt come with a base, but what i ment was well, the Round Dress part is the same Width as the Base i have on my stompa, So it has the same "Footprint" On the battlefield.
Weapons wise, it counts as a Kustom Stompa with the Wrecking Ball Upgrade. Beyond that it has the same weapon load out as the GW one.

To Eg_wong: I thought about using a Trukk, but the head is too small for that. Though i have to say... im not seeing the Tyranid Look, beyond the Toothyness. Honestly, the Lower Jaw is larger then the Top Jaw, much like an ork, but the sloped angle the Stompa walks at makes them look the same.

08-01-2009, 09:00 PM
i c now...when i looked at the head i was looking at all the eye looking things...the wrecking ball is really awesome

09-20-2009, 07:39 AM
After seeing the Forge world MegaDread, and then Looking at my wallet.. then finally at my bits Box I decided to build one from scrap.

So.. heres what ive got done so far:

at the moment ive just started work on the second Rippa Claw arm, and, ill admit that the Current one is a bit thin above the saw, that will be improved soon as i get a few More Large springs to mimic the Legs.

Reason for the Torso being Removed? Members of the Waaaagh! Forum are voting on what shape ill make, So ill throw up whatever they decide on after monday.

10-31-2009, 02:59 PM
Been a While but heres what ive worked on latly:

My First 3 Scratch Built Mega-Dreads:
So Far on the 4th one:
First of a Planed 3 Dreads (ment to be Grot Rebels) Which follow the same sort of design as their larger Kin)


10-31-2009, 03:12 PM
Pure win! I love the attention tot he knee joints/pistons.

10-31-2009, 03:33 PM
Great imagination......

10-31-2009, 04:31 PM
Update of the latest Dread:
(including scale vs Red01, Grots and an Ork)


10-31-2009, 05:49 PM
Why does #4 there remind me of the Glorft?

10-31-2009, 07:37 PM

Group shot including the latest Rebel Grot Dread.

Looks like a class Photo eh?


11-01-2009, 08:15 AM
Work on Grotdread #2:

I like the legs of this one, the extra gears make it feel far more.. worky.


Can you say FWOOM? have to love oversized flamers.


11-01-2009, 01:29 PM
ok 2nd grot dread finished (minus the base)

I kinda scraped the idea of building CC weapons around the zogging huge flamers, instead well going with the same logic as the Burnaboyz, the Intensity of the Flamers is changed from burning something to Cutting something.

Comparison to 11 and 10

Scale shot beside 04

Thoughts? Comments? ideas to Improve?


11-01-2009, 08:55 PM
Anywho... Update time!

After Looking at the legs of the Final Sentinel I found them to be far too short to make into a Proper Dread, instead it was easier to just make it into a Kan... So.. From Kan to... Kan!


Cept This one has a sneaky Kannon!


Scale shot beside one of the Grot Dreads:


Scale Shot beside the WIP Snakebite Megadread:

Comments? Thoughts? ideas to Improve?