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View Full Version : The ammo runt contradiction

08-03-2011, 06:38 PM
According to page 92 of the Ork codex: "A model with an ammo runt is allowed to re-roll one to hit roll for a shooting attack, once per game." If this is the case, then why does Kaptin Badrukk have three of them that are "seperate from the ammo runts allowed by his unit"? Doesn't it say that a model with an ammo runt may only re-roll once per game? Either I'm reading this wrong, or the other two are just useless.

EDIT: Thanks for the feedback. Problem solved. There is however, one last ammo runt related rules question that I still harbor. That being: can a Big Mek with a Shokk Attack Gun use the ammo runts in a Big Gunz battery if he's part of the crew? I'm thinking yes, but I'd like to confirm.

08-03-2011, 07:12 PM
According to page 92 of the Ork codex: "A model with an ammo runt is allowed to re-roll one to hit roll for a shooting attack, once per game." If this is the case, then why does Kaptin Badrukk have three of them that are "seperate from the ammo runts allowed by his unit"? Doesn't it say that a model with an ammo runt may only re-roll once per game? Either I'm reading this wrong, or the other two are just useless.

I ask because if models with ammo runts can indeed re-roll more than once per game, a SAG Big Mek could make great use of the ammo runts in a Bug Gunz battery (which he can presumably use because he is part of the crew ).

So each ammo runt is effectively removed after each reroll. That way, Kaptin Badrukk still has an ammo runt the first two times he rerolls, and can do it three times over the course of the game.

08-03-2011, 07:16 PM
I guess I wasn't as explicit as I meant to be. My question is: Can a model re-roll to hit rolls with ammo runts more than once per game?

08-03-2011, 07:27 PM
I guess I wasn't as explicit as I meant to be. My question is: Can a model re-roll to hit rolls with ammo runts more than once per game?

If you have more than one runt, yes.
An ammo runt allows you to re-roll once per game. If you have 2 ammo runts, you can reroll twice per game.

08-03-2011, 07:35 PM
If you have more than one runt, yes.
An ammo runt allows you to re-roll once per game. If you have 2 ammo runts, you can reroll twice per game.

Thanks! My gaming group was interpreting the RAW as "the model may no longer re-roll to hit rolls after it's used an ammo runt". Now can anyone give me a definitive answer as to the legality of a SAG mek using ammo runts in a Big Gunz battery?

08-04-2011, 12:11 AM
This is a matter of simple reading comprehension. 'A runt allows you one reroll per game' does not mean the same thing as 'you may only ever take one reroll per game'.