View Full Version : Badab War Armies from spares and repairs - 1750 Lamenters & Raptors

07-31-2011, 04:25 PM
Hi BoLS!
So after checking out what I have boxed-up & in bitz, I can add two new armies to my Badab War repertoire - Lamenters & Raptors
I'm very happy with the theme of the Raptors force, fits with the army description well (Scout & Speeder heavy, ambush tactics, hit-and-run ranged)
I don't know what to make of the Lamenters, makes decent use the Blood Angels Codex & the models I have but I've got no experience playing with a force like it and no idea if I can win a game with The Plan. Take a look, let me know what you think:

Lamenters 1750

Librarian: Plasma Pistol / Jump Pack / Might of Heros / Sanguine Sword
Assault Squad (10-Man): Plasma Pistol / Plasma Pistol / Sgt. Thunder Hammer / Sgt. Plasma Pistol
Sanguinary Priest: Jump Pack / Power Sword / Plasma Pistol

Assault Squad (10-Man): Flamer / Flamer / Sgt. Power Fist / Sgt. Hand Flamer
Land Raider Crusader: Extra Armour / Storm Bolter / Multi-Melta / Searchlight
Sanguinary Priest: Power Sword / Hand Flamer

Tactical Squad (10-Man): Plasma Gun / Plasma Cannon / Sgt. Power Fist / Sgt. Storm Bolter
Sanguinary Priest: Storm Bolter

Devastator Squad (8-Man): Lascannon / Lascannon / Missile Launcher / Missile Launcher / Sgt. Storm Bolter / Sgt. Melta Bombs
Sanguinary Priest: Storm Bolter

Dreadnought: Twin-linked Lascannon / Missile Launcher / Searchlight

The Plan:
- Librarian/Priest/Assault jump cover-to-cover heading for the biggest guy on the other side of the table & hopefully give him a bloody nose.
- Raider/Priest/Assault head for a populated area, multi-melta pot-shots along the way & unleash a can of template whup-*** when they get there before charging in.
- Tacticals guard an Objective, preferably in cover, with the priests' protection & pot-shot whatever comes near
- Dread hides behind the Devs & Priest, again hopefully in cover, getting a cover-save from them & taking out any incoming transports or ranged threats

Raptors 1750

Captain Shrike:
Vanguard Veterans: Jump Packs / Sgt. Relic Blade / Sgt. Storm Shield / Lightning Claw Pair / Lightning Claw Pair / Thunder Hammer / Thunder Hammer

Sniper Scouts: Heavy Bolter / Camo Cloaks

Tactical Scouts: Missile Launcher
Land Speeder Storm:

Tactical Squad: Plasma Gun / Lascannon / Sgt. Power Fist / Sgt. Storm Bolter

Land Speeder Squadron: Typhoon x2

Ironclad Dreadnought: Ironclad Assault Launchers / Hurricane Bolter / Hunter-Killer Missile / Hunter-Killer Missile / Chainfist & Heavy Flamer

Ironclad Dreadnought: Ironclad Assault Launchers / Hurricane Bolter / Hunter-Killer Missile / Hunter-Killer Missile / Chainfist & Heavy Flamer

Sternguard Veterans: Plasma Cannon / Plasma Cannon / Sgt. Lightning Claw / Sgt. Melta Bombs

Feedback and C&C encouraged, I have loads of infantry & weapon options I can swap out but I'm very limited the vehicles I have to use.
So what do you think? Victory-capable armies or wastes of time & models?
Just looking for an opinion on whether these armies stand a chance of winning or if I'm better off hanging on for some extra cash to fill out the models I have...