View Full Version : ForgeWorld Malcador

07-31-2011, 11:20 AM
This was a great kit to put assemble and paint. Everything was smooth with very little warping. Made the first cut at Golden Demon, but didn't bring home a trophy. There was some VERY tough competition with some really great vehicles. As a side note, this was the only IG tank that made first cut. Not much love for the guard this year lol.

I included the engine pic to show off the grease effect I have been working on. Future floor wax mixed with Gw washes and or reaper inks. Put it on in several thick coats and it builds up very realistically and looks like caked on grease. Also of note, I used no metallic paints anywhere. Every metallic surface is actually ground up pencil lead polished on with my fingers or pencil dotted on for paint chips. It gives the gun barrels a really neat, mellow, used look.

Gratz to all those who did win Demons this year!




bloodangel 83
07-31-2011, 03:14 PM
Nice IG tank. Paint job looks good. BA83

07-31-2011, 03:55 PM
Nice work, I love the tank itself, and you have painted it really well. Really good stuff.
