View Full Version : GD US FW Seminar WarForge News

07-31-2011, 05:17 AM
Just a few things we can expect from Warhammer Forge in the future:

-Skaven Vermin Lord 1 (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-QcUNQRplr1s/TjTK_II1vDI/AAAAAAAAAGQ/7ZsRYabMnUU/s648/11+-+7) 2 (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-9PZAKkN7ztM/TjTK-4rVBoI/AAAAAAAAAGA/bVyFxsn091g/s648/11+-+3) 3 (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-8z44Q-eDniM/TjTK-sRJxgI/AAAAAAAAAF8/fuIU0-v7zu8/s648/11+-+2)
-Skaven Brood horror 1 (http://www.warseer.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=115293&d=1312104373)
-Chaos midget great taurus 1 (http://www.warseer.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=115291&d=1312104355)
-Empire character(s) 1 (http://www.warseer.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=115295&d=1312104389)
-Realm of Battle board pieces
-Hollow cast resin terrain
-More upgrade kits for GW plastic sets
-Non competitive lists such as combed warriors of chaos and daemon armies, alternate lists for Empire, OnG etc.
-Bound monsters for Storm of Magic (the brood horror is one such, as is the Great Taurus(!))

Exciting stuff to say the least. I'm particularly keen to see the terrain.

07-31-2011, 06:14 AM
I know forge world is technically a separate comoany but finecasting the taurus when they're already working on a newer version? :confused:

Hopefully hollow terrain wil be a bit cheaper.

As always thanks for collecting the info.

07-31-2011, 06:21 AM
Actually it was interesting, listening to the seminar he said that now FW and GW do pretty much their own thing. The days of FW being RnD for GW (like with the Valkryie, where it sold so well GW released it in plastic) are over. I assume because FW is doing so well on its own now. So GW might have just decided to put out the Taurus because it was one of the more popular classic models. Also given the size of the FW version I would be surprised if the Finecast version isnt cheaper.

He did say the hollow terrain would be cheaper.

07-31-2011, 10:28 AM
Damn them!

First, they release a boatload of Eldar models, including a titan, on the 40k side of the house. Now, they release skaven models too?


Looks like I picked the wrong time to stop buying resin crack...

08-01-2011, 08:52 AM
Some better pictures fromthe FW site:


Brood Horror:

Vermin Lord:

08-01-2011, 09:54 AM
Nice! Thanks for the update. The Empire character, Broodhorror and Taurus (what we can see of it, anyway) look great. Vermin Lord's disappointing, though - lacks the very weird grotesqueness that the original GW sculpt had, IMO. Big, fat rat on a piece of masonry is pretty boring in comparison.

08-01-2011, 09:57 AM
Have to disagree on that, I always thought the old Vermin Lord looked lik an oversized beastman, this one seems much more Skavenesque. I'm not even particularly fond of Skaven.:rolleyes:

Going by what a staffer said on the ForgeWorld facebook page, Lietpold isn't actually an Empire character, I think the key is in the mercenary title.

Leitpold the Black, Border Prince and Mercenary General, another Empire goodie? Oh boy!!

@Mike - not quite an Empire goodie...

08-02-2011, 04:54 AM
Have to disagree on that, I always thought the old Vermin Lord looked lik an oversized beastman, this one seems much more Skavenesque.

I agree entirely. The old one always looked slightly out of place, even with the old style one-piece skaven, but he really looks stupid in an army now. He didn't really look like anything else i nthe army, and looked far to brave looking for a skaven. This is much more appropraite, it reminds me of the hell pit abomination, the face looks much more like the new skaven, and the pose is much more suited to the scuttling, barley contained energy that skaven have. Despite his bulk he looks ready to leap onto something and rip it to shreds, yet could equally turn round and scuttle off (not that I imagine there is much which would cause a Vermin Lord to leg it, but I guess he is still a Skaven!)