View Full Version : 1500 Dark Eldar

07-29-2011, 11:56 AM
Dark Eldar 1500


The Duke




x4 Trueborn
*- x2 Splinter Cannons
*- x2 Shardcarbines
*- Splinter Cannon


x8 Wyches
*- Advanced Aethersails

x8 Wyches
*- Advanced Aethersails

x5 Kabalite Warriors
*- Blaster
*- Splinter Cannon

x5 Kabalite Warriors
*- Blaster
*- Splinter Cannon


x6 Reaver Jetbikes


*- Flicker Field

*- Flicker Field

Razorwing Jetfighter
*- Flicker Field

Total 1500

First of all, this was written on my phone, so I apologise in advance for any *spelling mistakes or formatting errors :)

I would hope the strategy for this list is pretty straight forward. The Duke provides some anti-infantry with the trueborn (3+ poison) and his 2 dice on the combat drugs help boost the effectiveness of the Wyches and Reavers. Anti-tank duty falls to the warriors in the Venom and the Ravagers. The Jetfighter has more of a balanced role, it's missiles can take out infantry and the dark lances tanks. The Reavers can be a distraction and an annoyance while doing minor damage.

All comments and advice welcome :)

Cypher the Fallen
07-29-2011, 12:18 PM
I actually wrote a very similar list to this recently, and I got some advice that with your Trueborn squad, its probably better to have 4 blasters in the venom so the unit has some utility. You destroy all infantry with that setup and will own hordes, but it won't be able to do very much against any mech lists with that unit. The 12 shots the venom gets with the splinter cannon should be enough to do a bit of damage to any squad while the blasters could help if you really need to tank hunt. Also, I would definitely advise putting flickerfields on your raider, because I know it's not a whole lot but it can save you for an extra turn you might need. Finally, I think the Reavers need a special weapon to really have an impact.

07-29-2011, 12:30 PM
I actually wrote a very similar list to this recently, and I got some advice that with your Trueborn squad, its probably better to have 4 blasters in the venom so the unit has some utility. You destroy all infantry with that setup and will own hordes, but it won't be able to do very much against any mech lists with that unit. The 12 shots the venom gets with the splinter cannon should be enough to do a bit of damage to any squad while the blasters could help if you really need to tank hunt. Also, I would definitely advise putting flickerfields on your raider, because I know it's not a whole lot but it can save you for an extra turn you might need. Finally, I think the Reavers need a special weapon to really have an impact.

Thanks for the advice, I agree with what you are saying, but what should I drop to make those changes?

Cypher the Fallen
07-29-2011, 12:42 PM
You could drop the Razorwing for a third ravager to save some points. The reason ppl take things in triplicate like this is because if you opponent doesn't want to deal with the razorwing, it only takes one round of shooting to take it down and your down all those points whereas if you have three ravagers its much harder to take away that firepower. Also, probably taking off the aethersails for flickerfields on the raiders is best, but thats just my personal opinion if you really need that extra movement take it but remember its also a random range.

07-29-2011, 01:13 PM
If the raiders only job is to blast the wyches in full pelt, keep the sails. If you want them to hang back and shoot get flickers. I assume the hemonculus go with the wyches straight off the bat. Try giving them a venom blade, so they can handle any enemy unit.

I agree as well...until 6th ed hits and fliers get special rules, the fighters are very expensive for what they are.