View Full Version : Saim-Hann 2000pts

Bard of Twilight
07-26-2011, 06:39 AM
Since I love the concept of a swift moving army, I decided to give the following list a try. Please share with me some pearls of wisdom and advice, for I am used in playing Marines, not Eldar.
HQ:Farseer Taelthis (Eldar Jetbike, Spirit Stones, Runes of Warding and Witnessing, Fortune, Guide)

Troops:2x Guardian Jetbikes(6) (2xShuriken Cannons)with Warlock on Eldar Jetbike and Conceal and Singing Spear
Wasp assault Walkers(2) with spirit stones and 4 Shuriken Cannons

Rangers(5) (pathfinders)

Elites:2xFire Dragons(6) (Exarch, Tank Hunters, Crack Shot,Dragon's Breath Flamer) riding a Wave Serpent with Spirit Stones and T-L Missile Launcher

Fast Attack:2xShining Spears(4) (Exarch, Star Lance)

Heavy Support:2xFire Prisms with Spirit Stones

Thanks in advance!

07-28-2011, 09:51 PM
The Pathfinders kinda stick out to me, and don't have a real purpose in the army except holding a backfield objective (which isnt worth it IMO).

I would drop this unit along with both units of Shining Spears, replacing them with a Jetbike-mounted Seer Council. You will undoubtedly find this unit much more survivable, and only slightly less hard-hitting. With the points saved from the Pathfinders you could add a Jetbike-mounted Autarch with a Laser Lance, adding some much-needed Power Weapon attacks to the Seer Council, as well as some awesome reserves bonuses, which I would definitely make use of if going second.

I would take Embolden or Destructor on the Jetbike Warlocks as opposed to Conceal, as cover is found easily enough with your 6" Assault Phase movement.

I would also try to find points for Holo-Fields on the Fire Prisms, but that is just personal taste. I would also choose a third Fire Prism instead of the Walkers (do people in your area actually use FW stuff?), but again its just preference.

Bard of Twilight
07-29-2011, 03:40 AM
I actually have given Holo fields to the fire Prisms; I just forgot to mention it. As far as the Pathfinders are concerned, I also think they kind don't fit in this fast moving army, but i kept them for the objectives. Well perhaps it's time to drop them , gaining 120pts. As far as the Shining Spears are concerned, you suggest to replace them with a Seer Council and an Autarch. Should I gine them Singing spears? Those that won't take the Embolden and Enhance, should I give them Destructor or nothing? Finally, a friend adviced me to swap the Conceal for Destructor in the Guardian Jetbikes; shold I follow his advice?
I don't really believe a third fire prism could be included, since I don;t want to spare any more points in this rather fragile option. By the way, does anyone know how i'll be able to create Warlocks on Jetbikes?
Last but not least, thanks for your valuable advice.:)

07-29-2011, 08:14 AM
I may be wrong, but I thought that all warlocks have to take a power.

07-29-2011, 09:02 AM
with the seer council the majority should have blades. one or two spears help to bring down fast vehicles that you need 6's to hit but the majority should have blades as the low number of attacks is the down side of this unit.
Again destructor is a good pick as low attacks make it hard for them to deal with hords.
a lot of your shooting is twin linked or high bs you may be better dropping guide for doom.


Bard of Twilight
07-30-2011, 02:26 AM
Well reconsidering my list I made the following one:

HQ: Farseer(Spirit Stones,Runes of Witn and Ward,Fortune, Guide,jetbike)
and 4 Warlocks on Jetbikes with Embolden, enhance and 2 destructors

Autarch( Jetbike, Laser Lance, Mandiblasters)

Troops: 2x Guardian Jetbikes(6) (2x Shuriken Cannons) and Warlock on Bike with Destructor

Wasp assault Squadron(2) (4xShuriken Cannons, Spirit Stones)

Elites: 2x Fire Dragons(6) (Exarch, Dragon's Breath, Tank Hunters,Crack Shot) ridding a Wave serpent with Spirit Stones and Missiles

Heavy Support: 2x Fire prisms( Holofields,spirit stones)

I keep an open slot in the Heavy Support section ,in case someone doesn't permit me to field the Wasp Squadron,in which case, I'll turn it into War Walkers Squadron.

Should I remove a Crack Shot from a unit with dragons and give the Farseer Doom, instead of Guide?

Finally, could anyone give me ideas of how I'm supposed to create 4 Warlock jetbikers?