View Full Version : 2k Guard list, thinking of going back to my guard list.

07-24-2011, 04:24 PM
I'm thinking of playing my guard again. I'm trying some new ideals and keeping some old ones as well. I reduced my list to 12 vehicles with 95 models on the board. I might change some options for more range. So far I think it's fine. Any suggestions would be nice.

2k Guard


155 Pt's CCS: 2x plasma, 2x melta, Chimera: heavy flamer, multi-laser

155 Pt's CCS: 2x plasma, 2x melta, Chimera: heavy flamer, multi-laser


65 Pt's Marbo
155 Pt's 9x Psyker Battle Squad, Chimera: heavy flamer, multi-laser


135 Pt's 5x PCS: 2x plasma, 2x melta, Chimera: heavy flamer, multi-laser
70 Pt's 10x guard: Lascannon
70 Pt's 10x guard: Lascannon

135 Pt's 5x PCS: 2x plasma, 2x melta, Chimera: heavy flamer, multi-laser
70 Pt's 10x guard: Lascannon
70 Pt's 10x guard: Lascannon
70 Pt's 6x SWS: Demo, 3x flamers
45 Pt's 6x SWS: 2x flamers

Fast Attack

130 Pt's Vendetta
135 Pt's Bane Wolf: smoke
150 Pt's 2 Armoured Sentinels: Plasma Cannon

Heavy Support:

75 Pt's Griffon
150 Pt's Leman Russ Battle Tank
165 Pt's Demolisher

2.5 version

2.5k Guard Ard boy version


155 Pt's CCS: 2x plasma, 2x melta, Chimera: heavy flamer, multi-laser

155 Pt's CCS: 2x plasma, 2x melta, Chimera: heavy flamer, multi-laser


105 Pt's Storm Trooper Squad: 2x melta, Air Borne Assault
65 Pt's Marbo
155 Pt's 9x Psyker Battle Squad, Chimera: heavy flamer, multi-laser


125 Pt's 5x PCS: 4x melta, Chimera: heavy flamer, multi-laser
70 Pt's 10x guard: Lascannon
70 Pt's 10x guard: Lascannon

125 Pt's 5x PCS: 4x melta, Chimera: heavy flamer, multi-laser
70 Pt's 10x guard: Lascannon
70 Pt's 10x guard: Lascannon

125 Pt's 5x PCS: 4x melta, Chimera: heavy flamer, multi-laser
70 Pt's 10x guard: Lascannon
125 Pt's 10x guard: Lascannon, Chimera: heavy flamer, multi-laser
70 Pt's 6x SWS: Demo, 3x flamers
65 Pt's 6x SWS: Demo, 2x flamers

Fast Attack

130 Pt's Vendetta
135 Pt's Bane Wolf: smoke
225 Pt's 2x Armoured Sentinels: Plasma Cannon

Heavy Support:

75 Pt's Griffon
150 Pt's Leman Russ Battle Tank
165 Pt's Demolisher

08-01-2011, 12:14 AM
Well ...

HQ : why don't you specialise one squad with meltas and one with plasma guns ? Same comment for your PCS.
Elite : ok, even if the impact of Marbo is less than in games with fewer points
Troups : I recommend using autocanon instead of lascanons (you didn't expect that hey ;) )
You can't take more than 3 SW (and not less) in SWS so your list is illegal concerning SWS
Fast : not sure about the 2 plasma sentinels, another vendetta would give a nice ride to your second SWS
Heavy : really good, griffon is by far better than people think. Well, my preference is about lascanons on Russes but that's personnal choice.

08-03-2011, 03:21 PM
Well ...

HQ : why don't you specialise one squad with meltas and one with plasma guns ? Same comment for your PCS.
Elite : ok, even if the impact of Marbo is less than in games with fewer points
Troups : I recommend using autocanon instead of lascanons (you didn't expect that hey ;) )
You can't take more than 3 SW (and not less) in SWS so your list is illegal concerning SWS
Fast : not sure about the 2 plasma sentinels, another vendetta would give a nice ride to your second SWS
Heavy : really good, griffon is by far better than people think. Well, my preference is about lascanons on Russes but that's personnal choice.

I mixed the plasma and melta up to make the units more versitile. That way they can deal with 2+ armoured save and vehicles and I don't have to worry about the whole squad killing itself.

Elite: Marbo has melta bombs and have taken out many rear armored vehicles that just sat there. Also they demo charge really help out against some units and add an extra large template to board. Other then that he is decent in combat and always earn his points back when I use him.

I'm thinking of using a 5 man squad with two melta guns to deep strike in with the ability to re roll deep striking. I figured it would be very helpful and add more melta love to the game.

Troops: I lack ranged strength 9 and they help with long ranged support. I tried the auto canons and they don't work for me. I have enough str 6 and template weapons, and plasma to make up for not having auto canons.

Fast: I can see about adding one, but 2 even 3 vendettas usally scare other players away. The two Sentinels come in really handy. The templates can kill serveral +2 armoured models and with front armour 12 can tie up models without strength 6 and up. Even with a powerfist it's not easy to kill these guys and krak grenades needing 6s to hit and glance helps as well.

Griffon have served me very well and it's cheap. I've take out a few predator tanks thanks to rolling two hit with penatrating hits on side arour of 11. 20 points more then a chimera I don't see why you shouldn't take 1. I'm debating on taking 6 really for 450pts at one point with a bunch of chimeras and melta gunners.

08-05-2011, 03:19 AM
So go for it if you think that would work.

I also had a great time using Griffon and even if I think 6 is a bit too much a one way way of thinking, it's a great artillery tank and certainly the only one that should be at the front IMO.

Anyway, your lists are still not legal concerning SWS.

Oh and will you combine your infantry squads ?

08-05-2011, 04:54 AM
So go for it if you think that would work.

I also had a great time using Griffon and even if I think 6 is a bit too much a one way way of thinking, it's a great artillery tank and certainly the only one that should be at the front IMO.

Anyway, your lists are still not legal concerning SWS.

Oh and will you combine your infantry squads ?

With the SWS it states with melta, flamer, grenade launcher, flamer, plasma that I can switch out a lasgun for up to 3 models, but the demo charge I can just add and don't have to swap out. So I can take 3 weapons and a charge.

It depends on terrain, what army I'm fighting, and mission type. I usally combine if kps are involved, or if I'm facing a mech heavy army or heavy horde.

08-05-2011, 05:19 AM
3 guardsmen must choose one of the following option :
_ replace his lasgun with a flamer, etc
_ replace his lasgun with a meltagun
_ replace his lasgun with a plasmagun
_ take a demoltion charge.

So only 3 of the guardsmen must have 1 of those options.
So a SWS with 2 flamers is illegal and the same for a SWS with 3 flamers and a demo charge because a demo charge is one of the obligatory option for one of 3 guardsmen.
Anyway, it's a common error made often because of previous editions of codex. English is not my native language but it's quite clear there.

Well ... do you have good feedbacks with combined squads without commissar ?

08-05-2011, 06:02 AM
So only 3 of the guardsmen must have 1 of those options.
So a SWS with 2 flamers is illegal and the same for a SWS with 3 flamers and a demo charge because a demo charge is one of the obligatory option for one of 3 guardsmen.
Anyway, it's a common error made often because of previous editions of codex. English is not my native language but it's quite clear there.

Well ... do you have good feedbacks with combined squads without commissar ?

I see. I'll fix that, but it could be looked at that you must replace 3 weapons and take a charge.

I put my guys in terrain and have to loose 5 guys initially for me to test. To be honest they often get ignored, because the other scoring units and vehicles are a more active threat. In a squad of 9 a commissar is not needed and in a squad of 20 is pushing it. If I went 30+ I would add a commissar. Even now I debate adding two to the list, but with 70 points I can field a plasma sentinel almost or wuld have to drop one. Also by taking a heavy weapons team I always allocate 1 wound to the heavy gunner so I would take less losses, yet not on a str 6 shot though. Typically if I'm lossing these guys than I'm pretty much losing. I try heavy weapons teams, but they get targeted like it's the thing to do and my 18 man squad with two lascannons cost almost as much as 3 lascannons .

08-05-2011, 07:40 AM
I see. I'll fix that, but it could be looked at that you must replace 3 weapons and take a charge.

A lot of confusion in the writing, right, but it only means that the guy with the demo charge has still his lasgun when he doesn't use the demo charge.