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09-04-2009, 04:21 PM
I've started another new army....


This is the color I decided on for my base for the entire army.... here is my problem... I dont know what the complimentary color should be. I've been thinking about regal blue or Dark angles green for the accent colors on the weapons and stuff. I was also thinking to just go with an opposite scheme of the Ulthwe with the bone as the predominant color and the black as the undertone... I've been trying to decide on the engine intake grates and exhaust as that will be the same color as the weapons. I may go with the black... Any suggestions? from anyone?

Spectral Dragon
09-04-2009, 04:34 PM
I've started another new army.... ]

This is the color I decided on for my base for the entire army.... here is my problem... I dont know what the complimentary color should be. I've been thinking about regal blue or Dark angles green for the accent colors on the weapons and stuff. I was also thinking to just go with an opposite scheme of the Ulthwe with the bone as the predominant color and the black as the undertone... I've been trying to decide on the engine intake grates and exhaust as that will be the same color as the weapons. I may go with the black... Any suggestions? from anyone?

I would actually go with 2 other colors, either black+Green or Black+Blue. The exhast can be black I think with green or blue being the second color.

09-04-2009, 07:45 PM
As Spectral Dragon said, look into two colors that go well with each other. The bone color is a "neutral" so nearly everything would "go" with it. Pick either any two colors opposite on the color wheel or find a color you really like and google search for analogue colors on the wheel. Much too complicated for a quick reply and color theory but it would look much more "put together".

Here's a quick link to some basics...

09-04-2009, 09:48 PM
My First thoughts are a deep dark red, almost a Burgundy, would look awesome with this, like a reverse Sam Hain.

Black would of course provide the starkest contrast, but nothing about black and white, or even offwhite is very eye catchy.

What you could also do is use red as a contrast, and then on one side of the red use a black to creat e the imgae or impression of shadow.

I dunno, I just think a darker red would look really good.

09-04-2009, 10:13 PM
[The bone color is a "neutral" so nearly everything would "go" with it. Pick either any two colors opposite on the color wheel or find a color you really like

Got to agree wtih Sukigod, look at a color wheel, find the color you want as your primary, then look at its opposite on the wheel as your contrast color. If it were my Wave Serpent and based on your colors stated, I would use dark blue for primary with the same bone color used on the underside for a contrast on small detail items. Think about it this way, if the underside of the carraige is bone and wraps up onto the edge of the top pannels on the wave serpent, then paint the top pannels a dark blue with lighter blue edging highlights and use the bone color on small items such as spirit stone casings, nodes, etc. The Spirit Stones I'd do in and orange, yellow or light/pale green with a clear gloss coat overtop. The effect will draw your eye to the small details of the model which is why they are there to begin with. The intake I'd do in a black undercoat with a gun metal. Eldar use metal too. Just my opinion, take it for what it's worth.

09-04-2009, 10:33 PM
A few hours ago I saw a tau army at my local store that had a similar primary color....it was accented in a dark purple (sparingly accented) and I was extremely impressed.

09-05-2009, 12:06 AM
Ive got a really nice book on medieval heraldry, I brought it for occasions such as these. Its a great way to see which colours go together.

09-05-2009, 08:26 PM
A few hours ago I saw a tau army at my local store that had a similar primary color....it was accented in a dark purple (sparingly accented) and I was extremely impressed.

My wife will be happy to hear this. The dire avengers she has painted are purple.